One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One more reason to buy a PS4 since all those exclusives will be on PS4 only ! PC for everything else, problem solved.
So 30FPS Mediocre exclusives from has been developers or devs where the talent departed years ago (Like Naughty Dud) and 720P VR?
Compelling argument there Mister Sony Marketer. Please, guide me to where I can buy this piece of expensive garbage with no games at all.
Naughty Dog released one of the highest rated games of all time just a year and 9 months ago. If the talent departed "years" ago, they obviously didn't need them.
I would say that the track record of 3 AAAs in a row would hint, at least, of the possibility the studio will release another good game. Until there's some convincing evidence to the contrary.
Average downgraded third person shooters the paid press circlejerked once the checks cleared from Sony and one game so bad the stealth mechanics didn't even work but the press gave it 10/10 because "MUH FEELS".
Hilarious. Top grade shilling. Neil Druckman is a hack in the wrong industry by the way so you can take your movie games and put them on Blu-Ray where they belong and stop infecting the gaming industry with your downgraded, press X to win trash, Cows.

What kind of Troll are you? Why would you buy an XBone when you will have all of it's games on the PC? Sony may have started this Gen. slow but looking at Sony's past track record they start every system slow. Then they come out with some of the best games this Industry has seen. If you don't like good games that sounds like a personal problem, but don't try to make it look like Xbone losing it's exclusives is a good thing.
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