Under Rated
Call of Juarez (Western Themed FPS)(Mediocre reviews - Has some boring and tedious sections, but not that bad, it never gets old shooting dudes in the face whilst reading the bible to them) ( also on the PC in Direct X 10 this is one of the best looking games out, and isnt that far behind crysis visually in my opinion)
Resistance (Should have scored AAA here, especially since PDZ did, 40 Player Online.)
Rachet and Clank (Gamespots review ???)
Uncharted (Another overly Cynical and Critical Review, deserved at least another 0.5 on the score
Call of Duty 4 (Well ballanced online, but let down by short single player, not perfect, but an amazing game.)
Halo 3 (Same as COD4 in that it has great Online, and disapointing single player)
Gears of War (One of this gens most iconic and cinematic games, not perfect, and again it has short single player, for a game with such small levels its nothing short of downright epic at times, no pun intended)
Mass Effect (Absolute masterpeice let down by frustrating bugs and framerate issues, deserving of the praise it gets in the forums)
Im not going to go there, ill upset too may sheep.
Assassins Creed (9? I think Gamespot got the Uncharted Review mixed up with this one, nice game, rather repetitive, but this isnt a 9 though especially when Uncharted , R & C and Resistance didnt score as high as this)
Portal (Not bad by any means, its awesome, but so overated though its crazy, you'd think valve gave everybody who goes on about this game half a millions dollars they are so rabid, half life 2 was a much better experience)
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