Cant belive people are saying Obsidian is overrated... Probably the most underrated devs ever.
Really? You can't see why someone might find Obisidan (a developer that, as I mentioned, doesn't provide much in the way of emotional investment and whose titles can generally be described as buggy at best) overrated?
Nah I honestly cant, unless its mainly main stream gamers that only care about graphics or polish.
To me Obsidian is one of the few devs that really put there heart and soul into there games and deiver some of the best dialogue, stories, gameworlds and characters around. They dont follow trends, they just make great rpgs for old school rpg fans imo.
I enjoyed ME1/2 but to me games like Fallout New Vegas (which to me was a million times better then Fallout3, and actually feels like a fallout game) and even the underrated Alpha Protocol are just as good games, just in differnt ways. Yes they are not as polished but thats because they have more depth and take more chances instead of playing it safe.
This is just my honest opinion and I am sure most of gamepsot will disagree, but to me Obsidian is one of the few rpgs devs around that care about old school rpg fans and care more about story, gameplay and characters then they do amazing graphics or polish.
ME1/ME2 are two of my fav games this gen, but in all honesty I had just as much fun with New vegas and AP as I did ME1/2.
Obsidian cares about creating great worlds to roleplay in, along with great dialogue, characters and stories, and as an RPG fan of 20+ years, those are the things I like most in an rpg.
Obsidian is a great example of substance over flash imo. KOTOR2 was awesome, Neverwinter Nights2 was better then NWN1 and one of this gens best rpgs, the list goes on. They might not be the most polished games but they pull me into the game world and connect me to the characters/dialogue/story very well.
Maybe its just me but it seems like nearly every game from Obsidian, Bioware and the Makers of Gothic1-3/Risen I end up enjoying. I didnt expect New veags or Alpha Protocol to be good games but when i played them I was really pulled into there gameworld, characters, story, diaologue and roleplaying elements.
I guess I can see why some would not like Obsidain games: If they dont like a good story, good characters, Great lore/game worlds, some of the best dialogue writing or good roleplaying elements and only want Polish and amazing graphics in there rpgs.
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