Hello, my beautiful SW harem sluts. I'm here, freedomfreak. 50% freedom. 50% freak, and I'm here to talk about rewarding games this year.
No, I'm not talking about bwuh bwuh slo-mo breach door military shooter stuff. Games that are legitimately rewarding. Yes. Stuff like... I don't know.. People always bring up the Souls games. We had one this year... WHY IS THERE NO LINE HERE I FEEL LIKE THE LETTERS I'M TYPING ARE GONNA DROP.
What are yours?
I might as well share mine, since you're so keen on knowing:
Bayonetta 2: Pure Platinum. "So naughty". My my
Shovel Knight: The bosses are challenging and a lot of fun. It feels great defeating them. They require a lot of platforming precision, and ... GO BUY SHOVEL KNIGHT BEFORE I LOSE MY SHIT. The game is cool.
Besides that, I don't know. Haven't given it a thought. I'll leave it to you. You. You beautiful man/woman/tran.
Now you know how Retro Russians party.
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