[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="fistoflight"][QUOTE="locopatho"]So MGS, LBP, Motorstorm and Resistance... Um yay?
That's not a great year, in fact that's less good exclusives than the Wii gets....
Great exclusives the wii gets this year? Umm ssbb and waht else? Oh nothing... xbox 360 AAA exclusive this year is hwat? By far ps3 is doing better...
Smash, Mario Kart, No More Heroes, De Blob, all AA+ exclusives :)
Smash yes, no more heroes yes, deblob AA, mario kart AA...
That is four...
compared to ps3
AAAA MGS4 Motorstorm AA, resistance 2 definately will get AA not sure about AAA, valkyria chornicles potential AA naruto ninja storm potential AA, socom flop yes because you dont release an online only game with bad network problems... Motorstorm AA, I am pretty sure ps3 is winning...
Note I never said the other consoles has bad games this year I am just saying ps3 has better games than them this year...
I agree with your post, but R2 will be AAA :P :D. I'll accept my ownage if not.
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