[QUOTE="Nisim19"][QUOTE="leadernator"][QUOTE="Nisim19"][QUOTE="leadernator"] [QUOTE="C-Lee"]2 games living up to hype = system of the year?leadernator
That would actually be 3 so far, one exceeding hype (MGS4 = 10).
Even if it were only 2, it's still better then 0. What 360 game met expectations this year?
so low expectation game that get 8 is better then high expectation game that get 8.5?
lol cows logic
Wow man. Don't go with the assumptions.
MStorm PR isn't only a AAE, it's also the best offroad racer out there. You think PURE is better? Fine, it's on PS3 as well :|
And no, an 8 is not better than an 8.5.
A 9.0 is though, which is what LittlebigPlanet got. Want to put Gamerankings in the mix? Well it's at a 95%.
What's better than a AAA game? How about a AAAAE game? Which is MGS4. PS3 wins this year without a doubt.
gears 1 > mgs4 in GK
so gears 2 most likely > mgs4 in GK
5 AAE games > LBP
L4D > all PS3 aa games this year
hell even VP2 > all PS3 games this year exept LBP and MGS4
and more DLC for AAAA game (GTA IV)
and Portal Still Alive anther AAA game
and BRID > LBP by scores
and if you look overall the X360 have better linup in this gen
Braid is $15 dollar game, and not held to the same standards as games like gears, LBP, or MGS4. Seriously, put braid on disc format, sell it for $60 and you won't see those scores.
You want to hide around gamerankings, well LBP is pretty much higher than all of those games you listed. Here at Gamespot, you don't really have anything do you. Fact is, you go to Gamerankings, it's LBP. You go to GS, it's MGS4. You lose either way.
Your posts screams 'grasping for straws' like no other. You think 360 had a better year, fine. Enjoy your games. It's simply not the case.
i go to GK
LBP in not better then 5 AAE games combine
gears 2 > MGS4
BRID > all PSN games
MULTIPLAT + pc and 360X only games > PS3 multiplat games
so yes the X360 is the winer
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