Nobody cares that Justin Beaver sold 1 billion records, noone cares if noob lems are getting tricked into buying kinect.
There are CONSTANT kinect threads, every day, hype hype hype, and every, single, game, sucks.
Kinect is the biggest failure in gaming.
While Move is sucky, it's practical gaming applications are WAY better. There are TONS of awesome core games you can play with Move, games like Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, even Sports Champions was even pretty fun, and upcomming games like Biochock Infinite and Dust.
While kinect gets???
Face the truth, both suck, but if you were forced to play a bunch of games and had to choose one everyone would pick the Move. Noone would say "bu bu dem sales!"
Plus the Move Support is HEAVILY underrated.
Out Now
- Auditorium*
- Beat Sketcher*
- Blue Toad Murder Files* (via PSN software update)
- Brunswick Pro Bowling
- Cabela?s Dangerous Hunts 2011
- Create
- Dance on Broadway
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Dead Space Extraction*
- de Blob 2
- Dungeon Hunter: Alliance*
- echochrome II*
- EyePet
- Fast Draw Showdown*
- The Fight: Lights Out
- Funky Lab Rat*
- Get Fit With Mel B
- Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part Two
- Heavy Rain (via PSN software update)
- High Velocity Bowling* (via PSN software update)
- Hustle Kings* (via PSN software update)
- John Daly?s ProStroke Golf
- Killzone 3
- Kung Fu Rider
- Little League World Series 2010
- MAG (via PSN software update)
- MLB 11: The Show
- Michael Jackson: The Experience
- Modern Combat: Domination*
- NBA 2K11
- Pain* (via PSN software update)
- Planet Minigolf* (via PSN software update)
- PlayStation Move Ape Escape*
- PlayStation Move Heroes
- Racquet Sports
- Rapala Pro Bass Fishing 2010
- Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (via PSN software update)
- R.U.S.E.
- Sackboy?s Prehistoric Moves*
- Singstar Dance
- The Sly Collection
- Sports Champions
- Start the Party
- Swords & Soldiers* (via PSN software update)
- The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn?s Quest
- The Shoot
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (via PSN software update)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12
- Time Crisis: Razing Storm
- Top Darts*
- Top Spin 4
- Toy Story 3: The Video Game (side modes via PSN software update)
- TRON: Evolution
- Tumble*
- TV Superstars
- UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System
- Under Siege*
- Virtua Tennis 4
- Yoostar 2
- Zumba Fitness
*Denotes a downloadable PSN title
Coming Next
- BioShock Infinite
- Carnival Island
- Child of Eden
- Dungeon Defenders*
- DUST 514*
- Everybody Dance
- EyePet and Friends
- GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
- The House of the Dead Overkill ? Extended Cut
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (via upcoming PlayStation Move Pack PSN software update)
- Medieval Moves: Deadmund?s Quest
- NBA 2K12
- No More Heroes: Heroes? Paradise
- Oddworld: Stranger?s Wrath*
- PixelJunk lifelike*
- Resistance 3
- Sorcery
- Star Trek
- Wanted Corp*
Nobody cares if they aren't Move only games, Move works with core games. M$ failed so hard making kinect into the whole controller free gaming bs.
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