[QUOTE="Tessellation"] wuahahaha someone felt identified too :lol:AM-Gamer
no I just can catch one when I see one and ive seen your anti sony threads and post time and time again. Here is a word of advice. Get a job, invest in a ps3. Buy a few games and it wont take long to realize its a superior console. Mot people that are butt hurt fanboys are people that cant afford more then one platform I find few people that own both and like the 360 better.
lol right another butthurt paragraph :lol:,i already own the last place console you call superior :lol:Then whats your gamertag? And what has made the xbox so superior
1. paying a monthly fee for a service that offers no value
2. having the most unreliable hardware in the industry
3. shoving motion controls down your throat and slapping the core gamer in the face.
4. Taking once talented studios such as Rare and Silicon Knights and making them worthless?
But hey at least there making good money off titles like Kinectamals and taking classic franchises like Steel Batalion and ruining them with Kinect. I mean who cares as long as they keep on selling well right? I mean Justin Bieber and Call of Duty are classic cases of if it sells well it must be the best .
1.Compared to paying for BC on PS3's and Paying For temp discounts which is pretty much paying for Coupons? 2.Lol, TIme Machine much? No reports on Slims, and compared to Getting information hacked charging for BC by removing it and making you repay for PS2 games you already have? Paying for Coupons? 3.For the year 2011 only. Also don;t act like Sony is not trying. Wonderbook. 4.Silicon Knights was already garbage, and MS did nothing to them, MS had nothing to do with Too Humans massive fake Hype Silicon put on and they failed. Rare was already crude before hand, Starfox Adventures anyone? Poor GBA Banjo game anyone? ViVa pinata was the best selling andprofitable Rare game, and Rare spend most of the advertisning budget on crap, so who's fault is it? They already lost a lot of people BEFORE EVEN THAT, so they barely are as big of a studio, so if Kinect has made them as much money as they had, the one group of people they pretty much have will be continuing to work on Kinect games since that's all that made them Money.
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