Lol, Kinect implementation in games like Mass Effect 3 is limited to voice commands. You know why? It's because it sucks as a controller. Why can't you play the game using Kinect? Because it flat out wouldn't work. Mass Effect 3 using Kinect controls would score a 3/10.
Omg, Point is kinect was aimed for casual nothing more nothing less(even tho some devs have failed pretty hard). And yes you can play games with kinect , tho controls is awkward and needs time to master. and no i dont like kinect super much(ill prefer controller/move over kinect, but its doing really good for kids/casual that just wanna have some fun- which is the point of kinect), also imo its good for their first attempt too try something new/else - from here on and out it can only gets better.. but that seems you guys are forgetting that , and only thinks that kinect is for the "hardcore".
And by that its all you cows got, Same thing different day/every thread.
You seem to be forgetting that Microsoft is trying to prove to the world that Kinect is a hardcore controller for core games, yet they keep failing miserably with games like Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallion.
And no, Kinect isn't a good first attempt. The worst video game controller of all time can't be considered a good first attempt.
Not only does it lack physical buttons, but it can't even deliver off-rail experiences. Every game played on it is on-rails. If you take Kinect off-rails, watch the Rise of Nightmares review to see how that works out.
So not only are the controls completely broken, but the Kinect as a device suffers from latency issues. It can only track at 30 frames per second, so any fast movements will throw it off. Secondly, it views at a 640x480 resolution which is very low. Thirdly, the staging for it is quite ridiculous, any controller that requires staging is automatically lol.
Basically, Kinect takes everything the industry has learned and mastered about controllers for the last 40 years and thrown it out the window. Not only that, the ceiling for potential is extremely low. The simple fact that it doesn't use physical buttons, or even touch screen buttons, combined with the fact that there's no navigational analog stick make it so the Kinect will never amount to anything. Not Kinect 1.0, not Kinect 2.0, not Kinect 3.0 and not Kinect 4.0.
It's only a matter of time until these dumb consumers realize they bought a paper weight peripheral only capable of playing dance games. Smart consumers like me have avoided Kinect like the plague since its inception, but the average consumer isn't smart like me, they're in fact quite dumb. Let's see how many Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallions need to be released before they realize just how dumb they really are.
Reading comprehension dude ?
Worst controller okay, eyetoy and quite a few controllers before that - you started gaming this gen, sure sounds like it - anyway ive got rise of nightmares which worked out okay actually - and you are stating alot for things which none of us knows jack about - so let it just be there. you only list what 2-4 games you know of what about the rest, they actually works dude doesnt matter if "YOU" like or not its works and especially for the casual crowd, they dont think about omg 0.3 sec lag its pathetic. you really need some better arguements dude. main purpose for kinect was games for the youngsters, which works insanely good.
Well no sh*t sherlock facepalm, just because you dont like and think its "only aimed" for "the hardcore", already there your logic fails .. its aimed for the casual crowd and kids mostly - thothere have been attempts for it, i would actually say thats its only one "core" title whichs is steel batallion. (which purely comes down too the person , cant really use hard"core" term on games.)
You are an adult or i assumes (even tho it doesnt sounds like it) anyway.. smart you say like i said before kids doesnt care or think about input lag and what not. but only just to have fun only, which is the point of gaming. and by that logic games need to be what fps, tps or what to be core ? you cant use that term on games . it comes down the individual if that person is casual gamer or core.
also ms is making cash on , why stop when kids loves too game that way ?
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