Move **** but it still DESTROYS Kinect. Kinect is so bad, it broke Gamespot.

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#101 The_Game21x
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[QUOTE="captainqwark20"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]Move didn't fail moron, it's just not the centre piece of Sony's gaming division, it is what it should be, a peripheral that has gotten tons of support and is still getting support. Check the games in the OP. Stop being a moron. Move is what Kinect should have been for M$, the fact that Kinect became such a central part of M$'s strategy has been a tremendous negative to lemmings. Eddie-Vedder

Move LOST SONY MONEY. MOVE has PROVEN BAD SOFTWARE SALES. Move Failed which is why they are putting in WONDERBOOK. Support does not mean=money look at the Vita.Shut up, you failed.

:lol: Lems are hilarious. You're tears are delish :cool:

Typical Sony fanboy retort.

Uh...s**t, no facts to support my argument...uh...YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!!! That'll show em.

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#102 Tessellation
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[QUOTE="captainqwark20"] Move LOST SONY MONEY. MOVE has PROVEN BAD SOFTWARE SALES. Move Failed which is why they are putting in WONDERBOOK. Support does not mean=money look at the Vita.Shut up, you failed.The_Game21x

:lol: Lems are hilarious. You're tears are delish :cool:

Typical Sony fanboy retort.

Uh...s**t, no facts to support my argument...uh...YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!!! That'll show em.

watch him call you a noob or the tears excuse :lol: i think the only one crying here is just him since he expends most of the time making 360 threads :lol:

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#103 Frostbite24
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LMAO, can't believe cows are actually hyping Move. :lo:

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#104 sonic1564
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Arguing with a brick wall makes more sense than arguing with Eddie-Vedder.

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#105 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

Arguing with a brick wall makes more sense than arguing with Eddie-Vedder.

Theres nothing to argue, everyone agrees, both suck but but Kinect is a total joke. Everyone here would rather be forced to play Killzone, Heavy Rain, Dust, MAG LBP, Bioshock Infinite using the Move over crap like Dance central and gun stringer.
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#106 AM-Gamer
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[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] :lol: Lems are hilarious. You're tears are delish :cool:


Typical Sony fanboy retort.

Uh...s**t, no facts to support my argument...uh...YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!!! That'll show em.

watch him call you a noob or the tears excuse :lol: i think the only one crying here is just him since he expends most of the time making 360 threads :lol:

This is coming from the kid who spams " zomg you are so butthurt" lol like lems are any better at providing points?

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#107 AM-Gamer
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[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] What's Charlie Sheens suppose to mean anyway? :?WilliamRLBaker

Charlie sheen recently went on a drug, party and insanity binge he was fired from his show generally laughed at by alot of people in the entertainment industry, At every side he would say I'm not losing I'm Winning, I'm winnar, I'm winning..etc it became its own meme at one time where people would take pictures of people doing stupid things, and or failing, and it would say I'm winning. Cows are much the same...Move failed miserably yet it is winning. Ps3 is in last place but its winning, Ps3 has less games, less high scoring games as a whole, less variety of games, less software sales...etc yet its still winning. When some game comes out for the ps3, Cows have to make up ever more imaginative ways for why that game is great. If it gets a bad score they have to make up rules as to why the reviewer is wrong and or biased, when a 360 game comes out and scores well they have to make up rules as to why its not to be included on the metagame. Charlie sheens are the single source of strife in the metagame rules they have been adamant about every single rule and how it should be changed yet one simply has to look at the rules they want changed to see its the only way the ps3 could come out on top.

The PS3 has outsold the 360 worldwide almsot every year since 2008 with the exception of 2011. The soul purprose to MS sales have been Kinect which if you honestly want to say has bettered your consoel then so be it , MS will be perfect for you next gen as motion controls seems to be there new line of focus. Now were talking about games? The PS3 has had more AA and AAA retail exclusives and it came out a year later. If high quality $10 dollar games are your thing on Xbox live well so be it hell maybe try an I pad since casual games seem to be your thing.

The fact of hte matter is the 360 picked up on sales due to its appeal to the casual market which has no appeal to me. Its the reason why I barely ever play my 360 and for the most part it collects dust. Once and awhile I may get a gem like the Wticher 2 but then its back to the ps3 .

[/QUOTE lol The 360 has more world wide sales total then the ps3. The 360 has more world wide software sales then the ps3, as well as more year on year and usually month on month software sales. The 360 has more games then the ps3. The 360 has more high scoring games then the ps3. I could continue but I'm bored...Simply put the ps3 has one thing where its more thann the 360 and that's high scoring exclusives *the 360 still has more exclusives total* and even then it took them 4 years to surpass the 360 in high scoring exclusives by I believe 9-15 titles now... Not a very big accomplishment. Talk all you want but the ps3 lost this generation.

The 360 had a year head start and most of its sales and games advantage came form that year head start. You can talk all you want but the PS3 has been a superior console since about 2009. Lets also not forget the fact that a large portion of 360 sales were rebuys( such as myself) it had the highest failure rate of any console in history and it ended up costing MS an extra 2 billion.

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#108 AM-Gamer
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[QUOTE="captainqwark20"] No. Kinect MOVE> Variety A+ games. Kinect> VIta Variety A+ games.captainqwark20

Theres only one problem with your stat.

1. Im sure kinect does have more A+ titles then move im also sure it has more titles rated below 5.0 then move as well. You know why? Because MS has put lots of focus on kinect in the mean time PS3 ahs released more AA and AAA retail titles every year since 2009 and they do it by not focusing on move. Im happy with that because I dont care about motion controls.

2. It has more A+ titles then Vita? Well god i would hope so the vita has been out for all of about 4 months.

MS has barely focused on Kinect this year at all, in fact, Kinect support this year is sad. In 2010 it was introduced with like very few games, the Vita library crushes the Kinect Library in number BTW, also 2011 was the only year Kinect was pushed. Heck 2011 is the only time you could say Kinect had GAMES. Because it damn well DID. So no, your first point is invalid. Also tons of move games, they focused on move a lot it just failed, which may be why you ignored Wonderbook since they clearly are trying stop pretending. Also lol, Vita crushes Kinect in size of library, I would hope the Vita with ports of greatly controlled PS3 games and some original ones would do better than Kinect.

Saying PS3 focuses more on Move is an absolute lie. Have you took a look at either console sitting on a store shelf? Try to find one Xbox that isnt bundled without kinect at the same time the PS3 may have half of them bundled with Move. And the Movie is a faliure? Um it may have not sold as well as Kinect but it sold at least 12 million units now and each controller is sold at a profit. From a finanical standpoint its hardly a failure but the fact of the matter is Sony doesnt force it down your throat while MS does even sacraficing once great games in order to make you use it (steal Batallion for an example Ms should never be forgiven.)

As far as Vita vs Kinect I dont know the numbers but id take the Vita any day its actually a great devcie while Kinect is just casual poorly implemented garbage.

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#109 AM-Gamer
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[QUOTE="Tessellation"] lol right another butthurt paragraph :lol:,i already own the last place console you call superior :lol:captainqwark20

Then whats your gamertag? And what has made the xbox so superior

1. paying a monthly fee for a service that offers no value

2. having the most unreliable hardware in the industry

3. shoving motion controls down your throat and slapping the core gamer in the face.

4. Taking once talented studios such as Rare and Silicon Knights and making them worthless?

But hey at least there making good money off titles like Kinectamals and taking classic franchises like Steel Batalion and ruining them with Kinect. I mean who cares as long as they keep on selling well right? I mean Justin Bieber and Call of Duty are classic cases of if it sells well it must be the best .

1.Compared to paying for BC on PS3's and Paying For temp discounts which is pretty much paying for Coupons? 2.Lol, TIme Machine much? No reports on Slims, and compared to Getting information hacked charging for BC by removing it and making you repay for PS2 games you already have? Paying for Coupons? 3.For the year 2011 only. Also don;t act like Sony is not trying. Wonderbook. 4.Silicon Knights was already garbage, and MS did nothing to them, MS had nothing to do with Too Humans massive fake Hype Silicon put on and they failed. Rare was already crude before hand, Starfox Adventures anyone? Poor GBA Banjo game anyone? ViVa pinata was the best selling andprofitable Rare game, and Rare spend most of the advertisning budget on crap, so who's fault is it? They already lost a lot of people BEFORE EVEN THAT, so they barely are as big of a studio, so if Kinect has made them as much money as they had, the one group of people they pretty much have will be continuing to work on Kinect games since that's all that made them Money.

1. MS doesnt even have Bc anymore try poping in one of your old Xbox games in your slim and tell me how it works

2. PS+ Smokes XBox live. You pay for stuff that PSN offers for free yet on PS+ ive downloaded over $100 worth of games with a one month membership.

3. Sony being hacked? and you want to talk about time machine? Yet we forget that MS has been hacked to and although they didnt shutdown the servers they did steal credit card information the diffrence was when they hacked it from Xbox some of those people actually got charged on there cards unlike the PSN hack and unlike Sony MS barely acknowledged that it even happened.

4. SK was garbage? Have you ever played Eternal Darkness or MGS twin snakes? Do you ever hear of Sonys first party studios sewing a major partner because they cant get a engine to work? No didnt think so and if you liked action adventure games what the hell was wrong with Starfox Adventure? I thought it was a good game and it was generally accepted as an AA title. What has MS done with Rare ? Limited them to more crappy casual kinect titles wich you somehow say MS no longer supports( LMAO) . How about anohter Killer Instinct for fuk sakes ive only been waiting for about 15 years.

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#110 AM-Gamer
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[QUOTE="Tessellation"] lol right another butthurt paragraph :lol:,i already own the last place console you call superior :lol:Tessellation

Then whats your gamertag? And what has made the xbox so superior

1. paying a monthly fee for a service that offers no value

2. having the most unreliable hardware in the industry

3. shoving motion controls down your throat and slapping the core gamer in the face.

4. Taking once talented studios such as Rare and Silicon Knights and making them worthless?

But hey at least there making good money off titles like Kinectamals and taking classic franchises like Steel Batalion and ruining them with Kinect. I mean who cares as long as they keep on selling well right? I mean Justin Bieber and Call of Duty are classic cases of if it sells well it must be the best .

damn the butthurt and excuses paragraphs don't stop coming from you :lol:,you moron i don't own a 360 i use my friend 360 and what makes it superior is the fact that i have more fun with it than i ever did with my last place console that is collecting dust inside my moving boxes :lol:

Yet I still cant get your gamertag because you dont own one . Get a job and if you are going to try to stay on SW at least argue valid points instead of typing the same thing over again.

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#111 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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And the Wii trumps both. Which is just sad, since the Wii sucks.
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#112 Duckyindiana
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Kinect is the biggest failure in gaming.Eddie-Vedder
LOL i knew you where a fanboy but god you are an even bigger one than i thought!

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#113 Naylord
Member since 2006 • 1233 Posts

I agree with the TC. Move is okay in some of the core games that have optional support for it while kinect is pretty lame. (exept dance central is sooooo fun)

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#114 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]Kinect is the biggest failure in gaming.Duckyindiana

LOL i knew you where a fanboy but god you are an even bigger one than i thought!

Oh noes guise, calling kinect the failure that everyone knows it is shows you're fanboyism guise.
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#115 nervmeister
Member since 2005 • 15377 Posts

Nobody cares that Justin Beaver sold 1 billion records, noone cares if noob lems are getting tricked into buying kinect.

There are CONSTANT kinect threads, every day, hype hype hype, and every, single, game, sucks.

Kinect is the biggest failure in gaming.

While Move is sucky, it's practical gaming applications are WAY better. There are TONS of awesome core games you can play with Move, games like Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, even Sports Champions was even pretty fun, and upcomming games like Biochock Infinite and Dust.

While kinect gets???

Face the truth, both suck, but if you were forced to play a bunch of games and had to choose one everyone would pick the Move. Noone would say "bu bu dem sales!"


Plus the Move Support is HEAVILY underrated.

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Nobody cares if they aren't Move only games, Move works with core games. M$ failed so hard making kinect into the whole controller free gaming bs.

Joke thread?
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#116 speedfog
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1. WII Remote
2. Kinect
10. Move

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#117 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

1. WII Remote
2. Kinect
10. Move


You say that to troll, but if you were forced to be stuck in a room with Kinect or Move, you'd pick Move, cause theres nothing to play with Kinect and with Move you could play some Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, LBP3, Some MAG, maybe a little MLB the Show or Vitua Tennis or Tiger woods, some RE5 or Sly Collection maybe even some sports champions or Socom 4.

Or you could pick kinect and play... Gun stringer :|


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#118 freedomfreak
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#119 Ninja-Hippo
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Why does anybody respond to this idiot's threads?
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#120 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts


Arguing with a brick wall makes more sense than arguing with Eddie-Vedder.


Theres nothing to argue, everyone agrees, both suck but but Kinect is a total joke. Everyone here would rather be forced to play Killzone, Heavy Rain, Dust, MAG LBP, Bioshock Infinite using the Move over crap like Dance central and gun stringer.

I agree 100%. The Kinect wishes it could work with core games, but it is such a bad controller that it isn't even an option in any game other than Kinect Only games. Lol@voice recognition in a game like Mass Effect, talk about showing exactly how effective the Kinect is as a game controller. They have to limit it to voice commands in order to get it to work properly.

Basically here's the deal. Kinect only games suck and Move only games suck as well. The problem is, Kinect only works with Kinect only games, whereas the Move works with Killzone, Heavy Rain, Dust, MAG, LittleBigPlanet, Bioshock Infinite, SOCOM, Resistance 3, and not only that, it works really well. The Kinect on the other hand is such a failure of a controller that it cannot be implemented into core games, only Kinect specific games, and the results of that are games like Steel Batallion Heavy Armor and Kinect Star Wars.

I'm basically repeating what's already been said ITT. People say that Eddie-Vedder is biased for saying this, but I'll tell you who is biased, Kinect apologists. How can you defend the Kinect? It really is the biggest piece of trash that gaming has seen, quite possibly of all time. The worst part about it is that so many people bought it, so Microsoft feels obligated to support the thing 100%. To add insult to injury, Microsoft is hell bent on proving to the world that Kinect is able to play core games. So rather than getting more solid exclusives that use the 360 controller, you're getting games like Rise of Nightmares whether you like it or not.

Thankfully, I also have all of the other systems to make up for the Xbox 360's major drop off.

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#121 Strutten
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1. WII Remote
2. Kinect
10. Move


You say that to troll, but if you were forced to be stuck in a room with Kinect or Move, you'd pick Move, cause theres nothing to play with Kinect and with Move you could play some Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, LBP3, Some MAG, maybe a little MLB the Show or Vitua Tennis or Tiger woods, some RE5 or Sly Collection maybe even some sports champions or Socom 4.

Or you could pick kinect and play... Gun stringer :|


Wow you really keep tryin to make yourself look even worse dude , since you use games "that got supported later on with move" , then kinect has Graw the new one, mass effect 3 should i keep goin' ? and gunstringer is actually pretty good game even tho its on rails.. anyway you should really consider stop posting you take this way to serious, its entertainment systems dude - you dont gain anything from sayin this. just sayin' its just that its really gettin old and tiresome its the same thing cows say over and over again .. what about go play these magical games.

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#122 arkephonic
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1. WII Remote
2. Kinect
10. Move


You say that to troll, but if you were forced to be stuck in a room with Kinect or Move, you'd pick Move, cause theres nothing to play with Kinect and with Move you could play some Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, LBP3, Some MAG, maybe a little MLB the Show or Vitua Tennis or Tiger woods, some RE5 or Sly Collection maybe even some sports champions or Socom 4.

Or you could pick kinect and play... Gun stringer :|


Wow you really keep tryin to make yourself look even worse dude , since you use games "that got supported later on with move" , then kinect has Graw the new one, mass effect 3 should i keep goin' ? and gunstringer is actually pretty good game even tho its on rails.. anyway you should really consider stop posting you take this way to serious, its entertainment systems dude - you dont gain anything from sayin this. just sayin' its just that its really gettin old and tiresome its the same thing cows say over and over again .. what about go play these magical games.

Lol, Kinect implementation in games like Mass Effect 3 is limited to voice commands. You know why? It's because it sucks as a controller. Why can't you play the game using Kinect? Because it flat out wouldn't work. Mass Effect 3 using Kinect controls would score a 3/10.

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#123 arkephonic
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People hate on the iPad/Pod/Phone games because of the touch screen button interface, saying that physical buttons are superior. But you know what's even worse than touch screen buttons? No buttons at all. The Move will always be infinitely better than the Kinect because it has physical buttons and an analog stick.

I can confidently say that the Kinect is the worst video game controller of all-time.

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#124 Strutten
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[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] You say that to troll, but if you were forced to be stuck in a room with Kinect or Move, you'd pick Move, cause theres nothing to play with Kinect and with Move you could play some Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, LBP3, Some MAG, maybe a little MLB the Show or Vitua Tennis or Tiger woods, some RE5 or Sly Collection maybe even some sports champions or Socom 4.

Or you could pick kinect and play... Gun stringer :|



Wow you really keep tryin to make yourself look even worse dude , since you use games "that got supported later on with move" , then kinect has Graw the new one, mass effect 3 should i keep goin' ? and gunstringer is actually pretty good game even tho its on rails.. anyway you should really consider stop posting you take this way to serious, its entertainment systems dude - you dont gain anything from sayin this. just sayin' its just that its really gettin old and tiresome its the same thing cows say over and over again .. what about go play these magical games.

Lol, Kinect implementation in games like Mass Effect 3 is limited to voice commands. You know why? It's because it sucks as a controller. Why can't you play the game using Kinect? Because it flat out wouldn't work. Mass Effect 3 using Kinect controls would score a 3/10.

Omg, Point is kinect was aimed for casual nothing more nothing less(even tho some devs have failed pretty hard). And yes you can play games with kinect , tho controls is awkward and needs time to master. and no i dont like kinect super much(ill prefer controller/move over kinect, but its doing really good for kids/casual that just wanna have some fun- which is the point of kinect), also imo its good for their first attempt too try something new/else - from here on and out it can only gets better.. but that seems you guys are forgetting that , and only thinks that kinect is for the "hardcore".

And by that its all you cows got, Same thing different day/every thread.

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#125 FireSpirit117
Member since 2012 • 1926 Posts

"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P

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#126 205212669269561485377169522720
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At least Kinect has games that cater to the people who buy the product for casual stuff. Move on the other hand is a hands me down version that's trying to be both the Wii and Kinect but with no substance.

The Move is terrible and Sony would've been just better off never investing into it and put more effort into their Vita and PSN teams.

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#127 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P

It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.
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#128 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

At least Kinect has games that cater to the people who buy the product for casual stuff. Move on the other hand is a hands me down version that's trying to be both the Wii and Kinect but with no substance.

The Move is terrible and Sony would've been just better off never investing into it and put more effort into their Vita and PSN teams.

At least the Move has core gaming support and isn't Sony's main focus, kinect has no good games and is M$'s central strategy. M$ would have been better off never making Kinect and wasting it's time and money on actual good gaming application features or games. All comes down to perspective doesn't it?
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#129 Strutten
Member since 2008 • 1263 Posts


"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P


It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

which is does "supported" games with kinect - and kinect is still mostly aimed for kids/casuals .. so why even keep tryin.?

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#130 drinkerofjuice
Member since 2007 • 4567 Posts

"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P

It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

Funny how you're the only one who seems to care though.
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#131 205212669269561485377169522720
Member since 2005 • 14458 Posts


"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P


It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

Why the hell would you play a "core game" with the Move when you have the option of a DS3? Kinect is made for the casuals, Move doesn't even know what it wants to be and fails at both.

Want casual games? Go with Kinect, Wii or get stuff from Apps Store. Want core games? Do I even need to tell you where to look?

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#132 Strutten
Member since 2008 • 1263 Posts


At least Kinect has games that cater to the people who buy the product for casual stuff. Move on the other hand is a hands me down version that's trying to be both the Wii and Kinect but with no substance.

The Move is terrible and Sony would've been just better off never investing into it and put more effort into their Vita and PSN teams.


At least the Move has core gaming support and isn't Sony's main focus, kinect has no good games and is M$'s central strategy. M$ would have been better off never making Kinect and wasting it's time and money on actual good gaming application features or games. All comes down to perspective doesn't it?

But it does have good games dude, tho its mostly for kids and the casual crowd, not all is aimed for the "hardcore", dunno what you are tryin to accomplish.

its AIMED for CASUALS. :|

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#133 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts



Wow you really keep tryin to make yourself look even worse dude , since you use games "that got supported later on with move" , then kinect has Graw the new one, mass effect 3 should i keep goin' ? and gunstringer is actually pretty good game even tho its on rails.. anyway you should really consider stop posting you take this way to serious, its entertainment systems dude - you dont gain anything from sayin this. just sayin' its just that its really gettin old and tiresome its the same thing cows say over and over again .. what about go play these magical games.


Lol, Kinect implementation in games like Mass Effect 3 is limited to voice commands. You know why? It's because it sucks as a controller. Why can't you play the game using Kinect? Because it flat out wouldn't work. Mass Effect 3 using Kinect controls would score a 3/10.

Omg, Point is kinect was aimed for casual nothing more nothing less(even tho some devs have failed pretty hard). And yes you can play games with kinect , tho controls is awkward and needs time to master. and no i dont like kinect super much(ill prefer controller/move over kinect, but its doing really good for kids/casual that just wanna have some fun- which is the point of kinect), also imo its good for their first attempt too try something new/else - from here on and out it can only gets better.. but that seems you guys are forgetting that , and only thinks that kinect is for the "hardcore".

And by that its all you cows got, Same thing different day/every thread.

You seem to be forgetting that Microsoft is trying to prove to the world that Kinect is a hardcore controller for core games, yet they keep failing miserably with games like Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallion.

And no, Kinect isn't a good first attempt. The worst video game controller of all time can't be considered a good first attempt.

Not only does it lack physical buttons, but it can't even deliver off-rail experiences. Every game played on it is on-rails. If you take Kinect off-rails, watch the Rise of Nightmares review to see how that works out.

So not only are the controls completely broken, but the Kinect as a device suffers from latency issues. It can only track at 30 frames per second, so any fast movements will throw it off. Secondly, it views at a 640x480 resolution which is very low. Thirdly, the staging for it is quite ridiculous, any controller that requires staging is automatically lol.

Basically, Kinect takes everything the industry has learned and mastered about controllers for the last 40 years and thrown it out the window. Not only that, the ceiling for potential is extremely low. The simple fact that it doesn't use physical buttons, or even touch screen buttons, combined with the fact that there's no navigational analog stick make it so the Kinect will never amount to anything. Not Kinect 1.0, not Kinect 2.0, not Kinect 3.0 and not Kinect 4.0.

It's only a matter of time until these dumb consumers realize they bought a paper weight peripheral only capable of playing dance games. Smart consumers like me have avoided Kinect like the plague since its inception, but the average consumer isn't smart like me, they're in fact quite dumb. Let's see how many Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallions need to be released before they realize just how dumb they really are.

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#134 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P

It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

Funny how you're the only one who seems to care though.

Funny how you're the only one who cares about people caring. Though. lol.
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#135 205212669269561485377169522720
Member since 2005 • 14458 Posts


At least Kinect has games that cater to the people who buy the product for casual stuff. Move on the other hand is a hands me down version that's trying to be both the Wii and Kinect but with no substance.

The Move is terrible and Sony would've been just better off never investing into it and put more effort into their Vita and PSN teams.


At least the Move has core gaming support and isn't Sony's main focus, kinect has no good games and is M$'s central strategy. M$ would have been better off never making Kinect and wasting it's time and money on actual good gaming application features or games. All comes down to perspective doesn't it?

Microsoft doesn't need to make exclusives besides Halo, Gears and Forza because that's all they need. They have the best third party support and they brought in casuals, at least they know what they are doing unlike Sony and the sales show.

Why the hell would you look for core games on the Move when you already have an extensive library of core games on the PS3? Also Microsoft would've been better off never making Kinect? It's made them hella money. I wouldn't say the Move is useless if it at least did that, but no it doesn't have games or the huge commercial success.

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#136 FireSpirit117
Member since 2012 • 1926 Posts


"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P


It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

Don't know what alternate universe you come from, buddy, but Move and Kinect seem to be universally mocked on this board. As for Kinect, most of the blind praise that gets here comes from fanboy trolls (i.e. sort of like you). :P

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#137 drinkerofjuice
Member since 2007 • 4567 Posts
[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"][QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] It isn't fanboy logic, you hear constant kinect hype and people claim Move is a total failure while Kinect isn't. Well that's bs, they both suck, but Move actually has good core games you can play. Kinect doens't. Move > Kinect.

Funny how you're the only one who seems to care though.

Funny how you're the only one who cares about people caring. Though. lol.

...What? I couldn't care less about what you care about. In fact, I find it amusing that you wasted time making a thread about something as sad as what device sucks LESS between the two.
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#138 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts
[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"][QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"] Funny how you're the only one who seems to care though.drinkerofjuice
Funny how you're the only one who cares about people caring. Though. lol.

...What? I couldn't care less about what you care about. In fact, I find it amusing that you wasted time making a thread about something as sad as what device sucks LESS between the two.

That's just hilarious, SW users that find posting on SW pathetic yet they're posting on SW. Open you're eyes moron.
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#139 Slashless
Member since 2011 • 9534 Posts

"They both suck" and yet you say Move is underrated.

lol fanboys logic :P

Dat sig I like dat sig. :3
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#140 drinkerofjuice
Member since 2007 • 4567 Posts

[QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] Funny how you're the only one who cares about people caring. Though. lol. Eddie-Vedder
...What? I couldn't care less about what you care about. In fact, I find it amusing that you wasted time making a thread about something as sad as what device sucks LESS between the two.

That's just hilarious, SW users that find posting on SW pathetic yet they're posting on SW. Open you're eyes moron.

"Open you're eyes moron"


Surely even you can spot the irony in that, right?

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#141 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts


At least Kinect has games that cater to the people who buy the product for casual stuff. Move on the other hand is a hands me down version that's trying to be both the Wii and Kinect but with no substance.

The Move is terrible and Sony would've been just better off never investing into it and put more effort into their Vita and PSN teams.


At least the Move has core gaming support and isn't Sony's main focus, kinect has no good games and is M$'s central strategy. M$ would have been better off never making Kinect and wasting it's time and money on actual good gaming application features or games. All comes down to perspective doesn't it?

Microsoft doesn't need to make exclusives besides Halo, Gears and Forza because that's all they need. They have the best third party support and they brought in casuals, at least they know what they are doing unlike Sony and the sales show.

Why the hell would you look for core games on the Move when you already have an extensive library of core games on the PS3? Also Microsoft would've been better off never making Kinect? It's made them hella money. I wouldn't say the Move is useless if it at least did that, but no it doesn't have games or the huge commercial success.

The difference is that Sony is treating their motion controls exactly how they should be treated. Secondary to everything else. Sony makes a core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Sony goes and makes another core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Move is there as an OPTION for people who like motion controls. They aren't wasting their time creating a bunch of Move only games, Move isn't holding them back at all. They're doing what they're doing and throwing Move implementation into games that they see fit. It's exactly the amount of attention motion controls deserve, they deserve to be treated as secondary and the option is there for the people who want them.

Kinect on the other hand is Microsoft's main focus now. They're taking in-house 1st party studios and putting them exclusively on Kinect development, making Kinect-only games. No option for a 360 controller here, it's all Kinect, all day every day. People say Microsoft has gone 100% casual, and they're right. While Sony is treating motion controls as a secondary option with no focus on it whatsoever, they are Microsoft's entire focus. Sony doesn't even skip a beat because of motion controls/Move, they just tack it on to what was already a game being released with DualShock 3 controls.

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#142 Strutten
Member since 2008 • 1263 Posts



Lol, Kinect implementation in games like Mass Effect 3 is limited to voice commands. You know why? It's because it sucks as a controller. Why can't you play the game using Kinect? Because it flat out wouldn't work. Mass Effect 3 using Kinect controls would score a 3/10.


Omg, Point is kinect was aimed for casual nothing more nothing less(even tho some devs have failed pretty hard). And yes you can play games with kinect , tho controls is awkward and needs time to master. and no i dont like kinect super much(ill prefer controller/move over kinect, but its doing really good for kids/casual that just wanna have some fun- which is the point of kinect), also imo its good for their first attempt too try something new/else - from here on and out it can only gets better.. but that seems you guys are forgetting that , and only thinks that kinect is for the "hardcore".

And by that its all you cows got, Same thing different day/every thread.

You seem to be forgetting that Microsoft is trying to prove to the world that Kinect is a hardcore controller for core games, yet they keep failing miserably with games like Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallion.

And no, Kinect isn't a good first attempt. The worst video game controller of all time can't be considered a good first attempt.

Not only does it lack physical buttons, but it can't even deliver off-rail experiences. Every game played on it is on-rails. If you take Kinect off-rails, watch the Rise of Nightmares review to see how that works out.

So not only are the controls completely broken, but the Kinect as a device suffers from latency issues. It can only track at 30 frames per second, so any fast movements will throw it off. Secondly, it views at a 640x480 resolution which is very low. Thirdly, the staging for it is quite ridiculous, any controller that requires staging is automatically lol.

Basically, Kinect takes everything the industry has learned and mastered about controllers for the last 40 years and thrown it out the window. Not only that, the ceiling for potential is extremely low. The simple fact that it doesn't use physical buttons, or even touch screen buttons, combined with the fact that there's no navigational analog stick make it so the Kinect will never amount to anything. Not Kinect 1.0, not Kinect 2.0, not Kinect 3.0 and not Kinect 4.0.

It's only a matter of time until these dumb consumers realize they bought a paper weight peripheral only capable of playing dance games. Smart consumers like me have avoided Kinect like the plague since its inception, but the average consumer isn't smart like me, they're in fact quite dumb. Let's see how many Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallions need to be released before they realize just how dumb they really are.

Reading comprehension dude ?

Worst controller okay, eyetoy and quite a few controllers before that - you started gaming this gen, sure sounds like it - anyway ive got rise of nightmares which worked out okay actually - and you are stating alot for things which none of us knows jack about - so let it just be there. you only list what 2-4 games you know of what about the rest, they actually works dude doesnt matter if "YOU" like or not its works and especially for the casual crowd, they dont think about omg 0.3 sec lag its pathetic. you really need some better arguements dude. main purpose for kinect was games for the youngsters, which works insanely good.

Well no sh*t sherlock facepalm, just because you dont like and think its "only aimed" for "the hardcore", already there your logic fails .. its aimed for the casual crowd and kids mostly - thothere have been attempts for it, i would actually say thats its only one "core" title whichs is steel batallion. (which purely comes down too the person , cant really use hard"core" term on games.)

You are an adult or i assumes (even tho it doesnt sounds like it) anyway.. smart you say like i said before kids doesnt care or think about input lag and what not. but only just to have fun only, which is the point of gaming. and by that logic games need to be what fps, tps or what to be core ? you cant use that term on games . it comes down the individual if that person is casual gamer or core.

also ms is making cash on , why stop when kids loves too game that way ?

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#143 Strutten
Member since 2008 • 1263 Posts


[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] At least the Move has core gaming support and isn't Sony's main focus, kinect has no good games and is M$'s central strategy. M$ would have been better off never making Kinect and wasting it's time and money on actual good gaming application features or games. All comes down to perspective doesn't it?arkephonic

Microsoft doesn't need to make exclusives besides Halo, Gears and Forza because that's all they need. They have the best third party support and they brought in casuals, at least they know what they are doing unlike Sony and the sales show.

Why the hell would you look for core games on the Move when you already have an extensive library of core games on the PS3? Also Microsoft would've been better off never making Kinect? It's made them hella money. I wouldn't say the Move is useless if it at least did that, but no it doesn't have games or the huge commercial success.

The difference is that Sony is treating their motion controls exactly how they should be treated. Secondary to everything else. Sony makes a core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Sony goes and makes another core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Move is there as an OPTION for people who like motion controls. They aren't wasting their time creating a bunch of Move only games, Move isn't holding them back at all. They're doing what they're doing and throwing Move implementation into games that they see fit. It's exactly the amount of attention motion controls deserve, they deserve to be treated as secondary and the option is there for the people who want them.

Kinect on the other hand is Microsoft's main focus now. They're taking in-house 1st party studios and putting them exclusively on Kinect development, making Kinect-only games. No option for a 360 controller here, it's all Kinect, all day every day. People say Microsoft has gone 100% casual, and they're right. While Sony is treating motion controls as a secondary option with no focus on it whatsoever, they are Microsoft's entire focus. Sony doesn't even skip a beat because of motion controls/Move, they just tack it on to what was already a game being released with DualShock 3 controls.

Massive facepalm, nothing more nothing less.

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#144 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts



Omg, Point is kinect was aimed for casual nothing more nothing less(even tho some devs have failed pretty hard). And yes you can play games with kinect , tho controls is awkward and needs time to master. and no i dont like kinect super much(ill prefer controller/move over kinect, but its doing really good for kids/casual that just wanna have some fun- which is the point of kinect), also imo its good for their first attempt too try something new/else - from here on and out it can only gets better.. but that seems you guys are forgetting that , and only thinks that kinect is for the "hardcore".

And by that its all you cows got, Same thing different day/every thread.


You seem to be forgetting that Microsoft is trying to prove to the world that Kinect is a hardcore controller for core games, yet they keep failing miserably with games like Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallion.

And no, Kinect isn't a good first attempt. The worst video game controller of all time can't be considered a good first attempt.

Not only does it lack physical buttons, but it can't even deliver off-rail experiences. Every game played on it is on-rails. If you take Kinect off-rails, watch the Rise of Nightmares review to see how that works out.

So not only are the controls completely broken, but the Kinect as a device suffers from latency issues. It can only track at 30 frames per second, so any fast movements will throw it off. Secondly, it views at a 640x480 resolution which is very low. Thirdly, the staging for it is quite ridiculous, any controller that requires staging is automatically lol.

Basically, Kinect takes everything the industry has learned and mastered about controllers for the last 40 years and thrown it out the window. Not only that, the ceiling for potential is extremely low. The simple fact that it doesn't use physical buttons, or even touch screen buttons, combined with the fact that there's no navigational analog stick make it so the Kinect will never amount to anything. Not Kinect 1.0, not Kinect 2.0, not Kinect 3.0 and not Kinect 4.0.

It's only a matter of time until these dumb consumers realize they bought a paper weight peripheral only capable of playing dance games. Smart consumers like me have avoided Kinect like the plague since its inception, but the average consumer isn't smart like me, they're in fact quite dumb. Let's see how many Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallions need to be released before they realize just how dumb they really are.

Reading comprehension dude ?

Worst controller okay, eyetoy and quite a few controllers before that - you started gaming this gen, sure sounds like it - anyway ive got rise of nightmares which worked out okay actually - and you are stating alot for things which none of us knows jack about - so let it just be there. you only list what 2-4 games you know of what about the rest, they actually works dude doesnt matter if "YOU" like or not its works and especially for the casual crowd, they dont think about omg 0.3 sec lag its pathetic. you really need some better arguements dude. main purpose for kinect was games for the youngsters, which works insanely good.

Well no sh*t sherlock facepalm, just because you dont like and think its "only aimed" for "the hardcore", already there your logic fails .. its aimed for the casual crowd and kids mostly - thothere have been attempts for i would actually only say on core title whichs is steel batallion

You are an adult or i assumes (even tho it doesnt sounds like it) anyway.. smart you say like i said before kids doesnt care or think about input lag and what not. but only just to have fun only, which is the point of gaming. and by that logic games need to be what fps, tps or what to be core ? you cant use that term on games . it comes down the individual if that person is casual gamer or core.

Lol, admittedly I haven't seen many Kinect apologists on here, you're probably the 4th or 5th, but I gotta say, your arguments for it are the worst. Your constant scapegoat cop-out is that it's for children and casuals. What a horrible excuse. Why should children or casuals be succumbed to the worst controller in video game history? They should just use the Move, Wii or iOS for a much more enjoyable experience.

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#145 JC_Spot
Member since 2012 • 431 Posts



Microsoft doesn't need to make exclusives besides Halo, Gears and Forza because that's all they need. They have the best third party support and they brought in casuals, at least they know what they are doing unlike Sony and the sales show.

Why the hell would you look for core games on the Move when you already have an extensive library of core games on the PS3? Also Microsoft would've been better off never making Kinect? It's made them hella money. I wouldn't say the Move is useless if it at least did that, but no it doesn't have games or the huge commercial success.


The difference is that Sony is treating their motion controls exactly how they should be treated. Secondary to everything else. Sony makes a core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Sony goes and makes another core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Move is there as an OPTION for people who like motion controls. They aren't wasting their time creating a bunch of Move only games, Move isn't holding them back at all. They're doing what they're doing and throwing Move implementation into games that they see fit. It's exactly the amount of attention motion controls deserve, they deserve to be treated as secondary and the option is there for the people who want them.

Kinect on the other hand is Microsoft's main focus now. They're taking in-house 1st party studios and putting them exclusively on Kinect development, making Kinect-only games. No option for a 360 controller here, it's all Kinect, all day every day. People say Microsoft has gone 100% casual, and they're right. While Sony is treating motion controls as a secondary option with no focus on it whatsoever, they are Microsoft's entire focus. Sony doesn't even skip a beat because of motion controls/Move, they just tack it on to what was already a game being released with DualShock 3 controls.

Massive facepalm, nothing more nothing less.

Did you see the MS press conferences at E3 in the last few years? Most of what he said about Kinect is 100% correct. However if Move had sold as good as Kinect Sony would be doing the same casualization crap, he is wrong is his idea that Sony is somehow more loyal to core gamers than MS.
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#146 Michael0134567
Member since 2008 • 28651 Posts

[QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] Funny how you're the only one who cares about people caring. Though. lol. Eddie-Vedder
...What? I couldn't care less about what you care about. In fact, I find it amusing that you wasted time making a thread about something as sad as what device sucks LESS between the two.

That's just hilarious, SW users that find posting on SW pathetic yet they're posting on SW. Open you're eyes moron.

Who's the "moron" now?

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#147 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts



The difference is that Sony is treating their motion controls exactly how they should be treated. Secondary to everything else. Sony makes a core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Sony goes and makes another core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Move is there as an OPTION for people who like motion controls. They aren't wasting their time creating a bunch of Move only games, Move isn't holding them back at all. They're doing what they're doing and throwing Move implementation into games that they see fit. It's exactly the amount of attention motion controls deserve, they deserve to be treated as secondary and the option is there for the people who want them.

Kinect on the other hand is Microsoft's main focus now. They're taking in-house 1st party studios and putting them exclusively on Kinect development, making Kinect-only games. No option for a 360 controller here, it's all Kinect, all day every day. People say Microsoft has gone 100% casual, and they're right. While Sony is treating motion controls as a secondary option with no focus on it whatsoever, they are Microsoft's entire focus. Sony doesn't even skip a beat because of motion controls/Move, they just tack it on to what was already a game being released with DualShock 3 controls.


Massive facepalm, nothing more nothing less.

Did you see the MS press conferences at E3 in the last few years? Most of what he said about Kinect is 100% correct. However if Move had sold as good as Kinect Sony would be doing the same casualization crap, he is wrong is his idea that Sony is somehow more loyal to core gamers than MS.

I never said anything about loyalty. All I did was state reality.

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#148 Strutten
Member since 2008 • 1263 Posts



You seem to be forgetting that Microsoft is trying to prove to the world that Kinect is a hardcore controller for core games, yet they keep failing miserably with games like Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallion.

And no, Kinect isn't a good first attempt. The worst video game controller of all time can't be considered a good first attempt.

Not only does it lack physical buttons, but it can't even deliver off-rail experiences. Every game played on it is on-rails. If you take Kinect off-rails, watch the Rise of Nightmares review to see how that works out.

So not only are the controls completely broken, but the Kinect as a device suffers from latency issues. It can only track at 30 frames per second, so any fast movements will throw it off. Secondly, it views at a 640x480 resolution which is very low. Thirdly, the staging for it is quite ridiculous, any controller that requires staging is automatically lol.

Basically, Kinect takes everything the industry has learned and mastered about controllers for the last 40 years and thrown it out the window. Not only that, the ceiling for potential is extremely low. The simple fact that it doesn't use physical buttons, or even touch screen buttons, combined with the fact that there's no navigational analog stick make it so the Kinect will never amount to anything. Not Kinect 1.0, not Kinect 2.0, not Kinect 3.0 and not Kinect 4.0.

It's only a matter of time until these dumb consumers realize they bought a paper weight peripheral only capable of playing dance games. Smart consumers like me have avoided Kinect like the plague since its inception, but the average consumer isn't smart like me, they're in fact quite dumb. Let's see how many Kinect Star Wars and Steel Batallions need to be released before they realize just how dumb they really are.


Reading comprehension dude ?

Worst controller okay, eyetoy and quite a few controllers before that - you started gaming this gen, sure sounds like it - anyway ive got rise of nightmares which worked out okay actually - and you are stating alot for things which none of us knows jack about - so let it just be there. you only list what 2-4 games you know of what about the rest, they actually works dude doesnt matter if "YOU" like or not its works and especially for the casual crowd, they dont think about omg 0.3 sec lag its pathetic. you really need some better arguements dude. main purpose for kinect was games for the youngsters, which works insanely good.

Well no sh*t sherlock facepalm, just because you dont like and think its "only aimed" for "the hardcore", already there your logic fails .. its aimed for the casual crowd and kids mostly - thothere have been attempts for i would actually only say on core title whichs is steel batallion

You are an adult or i assumes (even tho it doesnt sounds like it) anyway.. smart you say like i said before kids doesnt care or think about input lag and what not. but only just to have fun only, which is the point of gaming. and by that logic games need to be what fps, tps or what to be core ? you cant use that term on games . it comes down the individual if that person is casual gamer or core.

Lol, admittedly I haven't seen many Kinect apologists on here, you're probably the 4th or 5th, but I gotta say, your arguments for it are the worst. Your constant scapegoat cop-out is that it's for children and casuals. What a horrible excuse. Why should children or casuals be succumbed to the worst controller in video game history? They should just use the Move, Wii or iOS for a much more enjoyable experience.

Omg seriously, dodging as you please like always i see .. Do you think "Core" gamers got it to the sells where its now dude " ITS FOR KIDS MOSTLY! what is it thats so hard to understand, please use the upper levels. And all i see is your that "baaaawwa i dont like it" which now its comes down to youre own fanboyish opinion yet again like always, i get it you dont like, but you really dont gain anything for constantly bashing for not liking a product.. the games and kinect for casuals works good and supported games also - which is their selling point for kinect mostly. really dont see where you goin' with these. typical fanboy dodging nothing new i guess.

You keep sayin worst controller in history keep telling yourself that dude .

anyway im done arguing with you, zero hold in youre comments and rather pointless.

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#150 AtariKidX
Member since 2010 • 7166 Posts
I agree.....the PS Move it is a lot...lot better.