MS Attempting to Explain Why Live MP Fee is Necessary, But Not So On PC

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#101 darklight4
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Kinda forced themselves into a corner even with an explanation people will feel screwed.

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#102  Edited By casharmy
Member since 2011 • 9388 Posts

@lostrib said:
@NathanDrakeSwag said:
@lostrib said:

@NathanDrakeSwag: but that is Sony's decision to get away with more, not because of MS

If M$ created a viable product Sony wouldn't have felt like they could get away with it.

MS didn't make them do that. Sony is responsible for their decisions not MS

I actually agree with both of you here.

Both of you are right on the argument points you bring up.

Without MS's influence of charging for online (they did it with live since day 1) Sony would never have charged for the service


Sony didn't charge for online with PS3 and it was a choice to require a charge with PS+ and online for this gen whether they felt they needed the extra funds or not, it was a choice that Sony could make and they went with MS's force option.

More on Lostribs side: There was nothing wrong with Sony having PS+ as a sub service for game deals and keeping online for games free just like with PS3. Forcing the online portion under the PS+ sub was totally at Sony's discretion and they are the ones who signed off on it. :(

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#103  Edited By ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts

@flyincloud1116 said:

Microsoft has been making some drastic changes in their gaming initiatives in the the few weeks. It all started when they announced Quantum Break, once a Xbox One exclusive, will also be coming to Windows 10 PC. Then earlier this week, the company announced that Forza will also be coming to Windows 10. In short, Microsoft views Xbox One and Windows 10 as a singular platform and it won’t be a big surprise if Gears of War 4 also launches on both platforms.

This has apparently made some Xbox One fans unhappy. The PC platform offers free multiplayer gaming compared to the paid model on Xbox Live. Although this debate can be subjective and it depends on what kind of features appeal to you, some fans have began started to question the purpose behind Xbox Live when according to them they can engage in multiplayer matches for free on Windows 10. This has also led Xbox fans to draw comparisons between the console and Windows 10.

Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg recently took to Twitter to defend against such claims. When asked why one should pay for Xbox Live when one can essentially play MP matches for free on Windows 10, Greenberg explained that it’s the case of different business model, cost of ownership and essentially two different markets in PC and Xbox, while emphasizing that Xbox Live Gold memberhsip “offers an incredible value on the console” and “it’s a matter of choice.” Aaron then explained that buying a PC as powerful as the Xbox One will require three times the Xbox One’s cost but did specify that cost models of hardware vary quite differently. To sum it up it does not make any sense to compare Xbox One and Windows 10 in terms of online functionality and hardware capability. One is a static platform (for now) and other can be updated as per the user’s budget.

The perpetual spin cycle at MS is working overtime.

Build a Windows 10 PC with Radeon HD 7790/R7-260/R7-360 for $349 USD (Walmart) that matches XBO and second hand parts not allowed.

PCPartPicker part list:

Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($89.99 @ Amazon)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($41.98 @ Newegg)

Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($32.99 @ Newegg)

Storage: Western Digital Blue 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($41.00 @ Amazon)

Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R7 360 2GB NITRO Video Card ($88.98 @ Newegg)

Case: Raidmax ATX-402WB ATX Mid Tower Case ($19.99 @ Newegg)

Power Supply: Raidmax Cobra 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($29.99 @ Newegg)

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM (64-bit) ($87.95 @ OutletPC)

Total: $432.87

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-03 21:32 EST-0500

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#104 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@lostrib: You cant be serious if it wasnt for MS we would still be playing online free what MS did was create an opening for other companies to do the same sh** just like most games on pc,use to have free mods and stuff and now even the pc market is riddent by microtransactions.

MS charged people for 2 generations sony saw all that free cash coming in an join the party charging for online play is a rip off and always will be.

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#105 tormentos
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Yeah because pc players have nevwr being milk with an online fee right? You know is not like many mmorpg on pc have a monthly fee of 10 or more monthly right?

So how much is world or warcraft this days? 12 15 a MONTH whats that more than 100 per year.?

Ypu have being and most of you pc gamers are even more dumb paying 15 monthly for a game.

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#106 superbuuman
Member since 2010 • 6400 Posts

Xbox owners made it so by accepting to pay ..simple as that...if *all* XB1 owners cancel/stop paying & just say no & don't buy into BS paying line bla bla can be sure MS will stop. :P

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#107 misterpmedia
Member since 2013 • 6209 Posts

So you can play better running versions of Xbone first(and third) party games on better hardware also without the Xbone live fee.


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#108  Edited By KungfuKitten
Member since 2006 • 27389 Posts

It's the hardware + the huge overhead for a company like MS to make it that explains the fee. And you don't have that on PC because you didn't have teams of designers and marketing teams deciding upon your final PC configuration and modifications on top of all the components.

I think you're partly still paying off the console, that that was the idea. And that works because review sites all market the XB1 as costing a certain price and that is incorrect unless you are part of the 5% or so who do not use the internet. I'm convinced that XBox Live itself would still be profitable on consoles without a fee.

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#109 l34052
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@lawlessx: they do though, nobody is making them pay, I dont

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#110  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

LMAO @ the fanboys in here now blaming MS for Sony charging for online gaming LOL. Really people, if MS is so bad then why is Sony even following what they do then? If Sony is for the gamers and M$ is about the money since I always see people refer MS as M$, what do you call what Sony is doing? Do we now refer Sony as $ony or Paystation or Play$tation?

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#111 FinalFighters
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@NFJSupreme said:

The answer is simple. PC gamers won't allow that shit and wield more power than console gamers. It's easier to nickel and dime someone when they rely on you for the hardware and network infrastructure.


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#112 inggrish
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"a PC as powerful as the Xbox One will require three times the Xbox One’s cost"

Possibly the funniest thing he's ever said.

On topic though they are different markets, and Microsoft just would not be able to compete with steam if they charged for online on pc

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#113 lostrib
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@tormentos: why is MS responsible for the decisions Sony makes?

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#116  Edited By Ten_Pints
Member since 2014 • 4072 Posts

"a PC as powerful as the Xbox One will require three times the Xbox One’s cost"... I'm pretty sure I can build a PC that is more powerful and cheaper than the Xbone, and even then what does that have to do with network costs?

Everything that guy comes out with is total BS, does he think anyone takes him seriously at this point?

As for Sony, they figure Microsoft used the subscription service not only as a point of revenue but also to lock people to one platform. Sony had no choice when they announced it, I'm guessing if the market share was different then they might have made different decisions.

I still wont ever pay for online so anything they do to try to push will lose a sale for me.

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#117 SecretPolice
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LMAO, too good :D

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#119  Edited By tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@lostrib said:

@tormentos: why is MS responsible for the decisions Sony makes?

If you really want to play dumb ok fact is if MS would have not charge for xbox live we would be playing now free,just like if they would have not filled the market with microtransactions games this days would probably be getting free stuff as well.

Bad things are learn fast specially when it leave more profits even PC is a testament of that which is now full of microtransasctions on its games when in the old days most of that crap would have being free.

@sts106mat said:

hahahahahhhahahha dude no

you closet lem M$ has teh AA batteries tech since 2005 when 360 launch into market with an xbox live ripoff

crap wi-fi adpater and broadbind charges of $40 for online play where ever one is else is free. sony not charge becus they are the greatest.

ps3 is a super computer and launch in US $599 dollar is lot of moeny but toastly fare price as people can play exlcusives not XBL arcade crap no amount of forza,gears halo can change the fact that bluray is necessary for some games and hd-dvd is a total fail just like ms online policy and RROD fiasco

online play is a ripoff and sony would not have charge for onlie pley they would eat their own hands rather than charge some fans hard earned money when is no live 2003.

teh ps store was not hack..M$ hack several hundred time s even own major nelson was hack so try agian closet lost-lem-rib.

But but but Live fee go towards making the service better.

But but but Live has Party chat that alone justify those $60 for me.

But but but I don't care about paying $60 is not that much.

But but but you pay for electricity so is ok to pay for online play.

But but but i play Halo and that is reason enough to pay...

Should i note the one comparing live with cable as well.?

Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it is because of lemmings like you that we pay for online play today on consoles,if you would have complain or form a riot like many did with the whole 24 hour check ups DRM no used games and all that crap,now we would be playing free.

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#120 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

"a PC as powerful as the Xbox One will require three times the Xbox One’s cost"...

But but but Greenberg never lie he work for MS...

$400 will yield you a PC stronger than the xbox one.

So in Greenberg words you need a a $1,050 PC to match the xbox one.?


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#121 xhawk27
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PC users are not going to get 4 games a month.

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#122 xhawk27
Member since 2010 • 12194 Posts

@tormentos said:

"a PC as powerful as the Xbox One will require three times the Xbox One’s cost"...

But but but Greenberg never lie he work for MS...

$400 will yield you a PC stronger than the xbox one.

So in Greenberg words you need a a $1,050 PC to match the xbox one.?


You Sony fanboys think you need a $2,000 PC to match the PS4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa

That 30% more powerful GPU.

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#123 GarGx1
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MS tried charging PC gamers and failed hard. In fact they failed so hard and got so embarrassed that they pretty much ditched PC gaming all together as a means of getting back at the player base who snubbed them. In the mean time they tried the same practice on the console player base and they lapped it up and even vocally defended the practice [insert choice insult]. This was so successful that Sony adopted the practice as well and now Sony fans have lapped it up and vocally defend the practice [insert choice insult].

MS have now come to realise that despite their lack of support PC gaming has gone from strength to strength, easily generating more money per year than all available consoles combined. They also know that they are better placed than most companies to attempt to exploit this massive market. They have a lot of work to do and releasing a couple of Xbox games is not enough for PC gamers who remember GFWL. Whether they get it right or not remains to be seen.

@xhawk27 said:

PC users are not going to get 4 games a month.

That's ok, most of the time the Games with Gold are shovel wear.

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#124  Edited By PAL360
Member since 2007 • 30574 Posts

Of course online play should be free, but damn guys, due to plus (same for live gold) i have like 80 games in my HDD, some of them i would probably never hear about, and many of them are really good!

For those like me who love indies, i think these are pretty good deals.

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#125  Edited By tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts

@xhawk27 said:

You Sony fanboys think you need a $2,000 PC to match the PS4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa

That 30% more powerful GPU.

Well maybe you can LINK me to were any one from sony boldly claim that you need a PC 3 times as expensive as the PS4 to match the

@xhawk27 said:

PC users are not going to get 4 games a month.

Neither did you for 2 generations when games with gold never existed,and live was just a toll fee on online gaming and i didn't saw you

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#126 jcrame10
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@flyincloud1116: "Two different business models" yet they're trying to push all the games on both PC and Xbox One and call it a "singular platform". LOL

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#127 LJS9502_basic
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Doesn't really matter to me. It's a great thing to play online but Xbox Live has always been a charged service. Even Sony has adopted this so it's not a big deal if you can afford it which if you are a gamer I don't see why you can't. You but about how many $65 dollars a year, how much skins or DLC or add-ons to games every year and you can't spend $60 a year but you'll have Netflix or Hulu lol. Most things is a charged service so don't get why anyone would be so upset at this when it's been like this for years.

It's not necessary to online gaming or PC would have it. It's an extra expense. Let the corporations take your money if you want...but don't defend these practices.

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#128 tormentos
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@jcrame10 said:

@flyincloud1116: "Two different business models" yet they're trying to push all the games on both PC and Xbox One and call it a "singular platform". LOL

Can't beat the PS4 with the xbox one.? Release your exclusives on PC claim unity and pretend those millions of windows users care 2 sh** about MS games and live on PC.

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#129 jcrame10
Member since 2014 • 6302 Posts

@tormentos said:
@jcrame10 said:

@flyincloud1116: "Two different business models" yet they're trying to push all the games on both PC and Xbox One and call it a "singular platform". LOL

Can't beat the PS4 with the xbox one.? Release your exclusives on PC claim unity and pretend those millions of windows users care 2 sh** about MS games and live on PC.

Yep, Microsoft is so shitty for not giving Xbox One its own identity.

Xbox one sales are NOT THAT BAD to where every single exclusive needs to also go to PC to help sales. I just cant believe that that would be the reasoning. I dont understand why they're doing this. When PS3 was the hate of the decade 10 years ago, Sony still chugged along and pumped out a lot of good exclusives that never went anywhere, even with poor sales of the PS3 for pretty much the first half of its life.