[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]Lol we shouldn't have credit cards either by that logicAssassin_87
What do credit cards have to do with this? They serve a long-term purpose and, if used correctly, can be of financial benefit to the cardholder.
This 360 bundle is just crap. And before you jump to defend Microsoft again, I'm not just bashing it because it's coming from MS. This would be a terrible move on the part of any company. But hey, if the largely clueless masses will buy into it then good for MS.
Honestly, you can't really blame Microsoft for going through with this. Consumers are dumb, dumb as bricks. If something like this manages to take off and sell really well, it will just be a testament to how dumb society really is, and Microsoft is taking advantage of their lack of intelligence. Lots of companies all over the world could find more success if they just took advantage of the ignorance of consumers.
For example, rather than make quality products, just make a commercial that says it's good, and act like it knows it's good. Just look at musicians, some musicians are terrible, but they create a stigma surrounding them like they're amazing, and act / talk like they're amazing, and people will buy into it. Selling something at a low initial price and including something like monthly fees to make up for it is another tactic made famous by cell phone companies.
Microsoft takes full advantage of both of these tactics. They take advantage of dumb consumers by brainwashing them through marketing, saying games like Kinect Star Wars are excellent and the consumers buy into it and believe it. Then, they create cheap initial price points which are made up for by additional hidden fees or monthly fees. Consumers are ignorant and don't take hidden fees or monthly fees into account, they just see $99 dollars and buy on impulse.
People give consumers too much credit, they aren't smart at all and are very easily deceived.
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