Here is a nifty little fact. Obsidian is better then all Sony game studios. You're asking yourself how can this be? Well here is why. Obsidian is arguably one of the best developers on the planet with far fewer notoriety then bigger studios. IT's TRUE!!!!!!
Games like FNV are all time classics and they did this game in 18 months with a little budget. Then we have their latest masterpiece The Outer Worlds. Again a small budget but is still an incredible game.
Now lets take a future look at Obsidian. MS now owns Obsidian. All future Obsidian games will be exclusive to MS. Sorry Ponies no more Obsidian greatness for you unless you get a MS platform.
Lets dig deeper into the future. Can you say Obsidian AAAA. Yes lets say it again AAAA. That's right with MS funding Obsidian, Obsidian is now a full blown big budget AAAA game studio. So lets put all the great Obsidian juice in a blender with piles of MS cash and what do you get???
The Best Dam Blender Drink you have ever had. Call it Make It Rain $$$$ AAAA
MS now has one of the best developers on the planet in their stable and now pumping $$$$ into Obsidian for instant AAAA games coming down the pipeline.
If you're an only Sony gamer you'd be lying if you honestly claim you're not pissed that Obsidian is in MS's wheel house now.
The Outer Worlds 2 with MS funding on a new top shelf graphics engine next gen is going to likely be ridiculous good.
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