@jumpaction said:
@AzatiS: Well let me try address some points here and see if I can shed light on Champ and I's perspective.
1) AI was designed like this in purpose for X reason so we let it go - The AI needs to be simplistic due to the limited resources and movement of the player. The example you show of the player exploiting the simplicity of the AI using the level design kind of makes sense in this context. The problem is the video is showing a fully stocked and powerful Leon but imagine this same scenario with a less prepared player, you could just consider it the player playing the game well.
2) Story was never a strong point in the series before so it doesnt matter - I think Champ's point here is that he couldn't care less about the story. For a game to be a masterpiece in his eyes, I don't think story holds much weight.
3) Voice acting was terrible like older RE games so doesnt count - See the point above.
4) Back and Forth in same places over and over was a case in older RE games so its part of series design so it doesn't matter - There's nothing wrong with back-tracking. Exploring a level, particularly in RE games to hunt out materials, stretch out simplistic puzzles or treat the environment like a puzzle itself isn't a bad thing. I don't understand your point here. Is back tracking bad in all games? Exceptional games like Super Metroid, Metroid Prime and Deus Ex all use backtracking to great effect. Would you consider them marred because of it too?
5) Not be able to move ( the JOKE of any TPS i ever played ) while aiming was in purpose to make you feel more uneasy so we dont take it as a flaw - Again, this is because you're viewing RE as a straight action game, not a survival horror action game. This video is primarily on Dead Space but the opening draws parallels to RE4 which might help you understand some of its design decisions Video Here
6) Having enemies dropping ammo/items ala arcade style was great that was adding to horror ... NOT - This was done simply because there are more enemies in RE4 than past RE games. It's a balancing thing. The game does many things to dynamically alter the difficulty depending on the player's skill level.
7) Having a merchant spawn randomly selling weapons ... epic design if you ask me ( the most disruptive , anticlimatic shit in any RE game) - Other than it being contextually jarring, how is this a bad design decision?
8) QTEs all over ( personally i like em but since QTEs are bad for some people when it comes to UC , ill add them here as well) - QTEs do suck but by nature they are like split second moments. Easy to look past when the rest of the game is excellent. See Bayonetta.
9) Numerous glitches , yes there were plenty ! Not that were major and had huge impact in game but ... - Not major or impacting in the game so, yeah probably doesn't matter. :P
10) Puzzles doesnt matter if they were weak , were designed to be like that. - Didn't Champ mention there were only 3? It's a simple difference in kind to break up the pacing. If it took up the bulk of the play-time
Epic defend here but it wont work. Dont know if hes your friend or youre fan of RE4 or whatever . but lets see.
1) Yeah lol , nice excuse. Hahaha , wtf you talking about ! We talking about glitches here. Seriously now , we gonna jump every BS we see in the name of ... design or something ?
2) I dont give a big F if he doesnt care about story . The fact is , STORY was damn epicly tragic , cheesy , predictable. Masterpiece ? A masterpiece does everything right , not exceling in a single area or two then everything else is a BS. RE games had a background behind them , a story to tell since very first game.
3) See the point above too. This is not if you doesnt care about it , this is what game was offering at the time.
4) Of course there is a problem with back and forth. Are you crazy now bro or you didnt gaming back then ? Was one of REs weakest points since original game that people were negative about , RE4 wasnt any better on that front . This is not about taste or if you care.
5) Omfg ! You really trying to excuse one of the biggest , moronic , gameplay FLAWS ever existed in any action shooter that was number 1 talk among RE fans and not only .for ages. Nuff said , theres no excuse here. Period. Dont link to me videos from other games , Dead Space was one of my best games last generation when RE4 was one of my biggest upsets ever.
What is the logic to link me a video for Dead space to defend RE4s biggest gameplay flaw that even Capcom admitted wasnt right and changed it afterwards ? What the hell ... Also you trying to excuse the number 1 complain from fans themselfs thru the years again and again in the name of great design ?! Instead of linking me videos from other games , try to google about what im talking instead and voila.
Now , enemies speed , stupidness etc build up in a way to make sense with LEONs controls. No strafe , no movement while shooting. Great design ? Great indeed like Guru of design theory said. Theres no denial here about that BUT heres the problem
Why the big F to have no strafe and not be able to move while shooting as your core gameplay mechanics in the first place and build everything around that epic , ridiculous gameplay flaw ? Now do you get what im talking about instead or not ?
6) Oh , simply that ? Masterpiece design right ? What kind of excuse is this now ? Cant you find ammo in boxes in bigger amounts instead ? Why not be able to craft ammo ? Cant you just having more treasure boxes or wood barrels along the way ? You couldnt even be able to buy ammunition from merchant ffs ! Great design , yeah. Epic. Lets have zombies drop money and ammo arcade style ! Horror design at its finnest
7) How is it a bad design decision ? HAHAHAHAHA ! Sorry but i laughed in real life . You tell me how this guy makes sense instead if you can. You cant do that .. lol !! Thats why you never saw something like that ever again . A merchant in a horror game spawning out of nowhere offering weapons. He doesnt fit anywhere story wise also , doesnt make sense how he is surviving in that village , doesnt make sense as of why to sell you weapons etc !
Yeah , a masterpiece !!!
8) QTEs are good or bad. Theres nothing in between. You cant talk craps about UC4s QTEs all day long of being gameplay disruptive when RE4 introduced them big time . You just cant , thats hypocrisy. And no , i dont want to see Bayonetta , this is RE4 vs UC4 in short. RE4 a masterpiece with its QTEs , UC4 a big joke with its QTEs. Go figure. And the excuse of , but but RE4 had different QTEs is silly as hell ...
9) But there are many of them left and right. A masterpiece game with glitches left and right ? Numerous videos on youtube go check. How is it a masterpiece then if its not 99% polished ? Did you even watch the videos i uploaded ? Yeah , they are minor ( or not ) but if you add that to everything else i mentioned then how is this a masterpiece and UC4 is a crap ? Isnt polishing CHAMPs number 1 reason he is praising games over and over for ? Now , it doesnt matter right ? Double standards im talking in effect that is.
Glitch free or do a google search yourself about games glitches and have fun with your findings... Youll find some major glitches also i didnt know myself lol.
10) I dont care if they are 3 or 1003 ... WEAK ! Design wise or whatever wise. Weak is weak.
So to end this , we agree to disagree i guess. Defend the guy , i didnt expect from you to defend me but you trying hard to bypass RE4s mistakes and flaws too, its like im talking to Champ himself here. So i dont think this leads anywhere really.
Also i dont understand why we should agree with Champs opinions when he has something bad to say about games some people think are great and when someone else does exactly the same thing to his opinion , theres a big fuss about it. That Ego of " whatever i say is right " or even worse " you talk forum bs , im talking game theory etc " is QQ !! Whatever , this leads nowhere but it is what it is.
So keep your opinion that RE4 is a flawless design masterpiece all i care but whenever this guy calling out others for liking games like UC4 or other similar high acclaimed games , ill keep remind him about his opinion about RE4 and his double standards because like UC4 . it is far from a flawless masterpiece either and i think i proved it big time. If you dont want to admit those flaws , its up to you like its up to UC4 fans to accept the flaws he sees. Being a fanboy of something is a funny thing , isnt ?
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