N64 launched with only 2 games...SM64 and Pilotwings 64.
3rd parties abandoned N64 left and right.
Super Mario Kart 64 is the worst of the Mario Karts.
F-Zero X was not nearly as good as F-Zero GX for Gamecube.
Castlevania games were terrible on N64.
No Metroid on N64.
Donkey Kong 64 considered by many to be far worse than DKC on SNES.
Long droughts between games.
Square abandoned N64 because of the cartridge format. Therefore, no Final Fantasy games on N64.
N64 games cost more than PlayStation games.
The N64 controller was weird looking, like a deformed claw. It wasn't the most comfortable controller. Certain games required the Expansion Pak, which you had to pay extra for. Majora's Mask is considered one of the most disappointing Zeldas ever by many gamers. Doom 64 is the worst Doom version ever seen period.
Audio on N64 sucked because of the limited storage for the cartridge format. Limited FMV was used as well (could be considered good or bad depending on your viewpoint)
N64 began the trend of only have ONE Mario platformer per console.
N64 RPGs very scarce.
Without 1st party and RARE, N64 would have been a complete disaster.
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