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That 'disappointment' gave me Goldeneye, Jet Force: Gemini, Conker, Star Fox 64, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, LoZ: OoT,etc.Verge_6
Rogue Squadron 2 was better on GC.
Shadows of the Empire?
The little blurb on GameSpot says it all, and I agree with it...bad control, bad camera angles.;title;0
The rest you mention are 1st party and RARE games. Like I said in my original post....N64 would have been terrible without the quality 1st party titles and RARE titles.
Mario Kart 64 is awesome how can you say it's the worst from the rest!Synchro456
I know Mario Kart 64 definately owns up Double Dash any day.
But you got to admit that it had a lot of great games that came out on the system.s3KtOr
N64 had great 1st party and RARE titles. N64 had a lot of problems though that I've already mentioned. If RARE had left during the N64 era, and not Gamecube, N64 would have been one of the worst systems ever for games. It would have had only SM64, Zelda, and....errrr....ummmm....Paper Mario! That is pretty much it.
[QUOTE="Synchro456"] Mario Kart 64 is awesome how can you say it's the worst from the rest!CajunShooter
I know Mario Kart 64 definately owns up Double Dash any day.
Mario Kart 64....Lowest score for any Mario Kart on Gamerankings average and GameSpot score.
[QUOTE="s3KtOr"]But you got to admit that it had a lot of great games that came out on the system.AvIdGaMeR444
N64 had great 1st party and RARE titles. N64 had a lot of problems though that I've already mentioned. If RARE had left during the N64 era, and not Gamecube, N64 would have been one of the worst systems ever for games. It would have had only SM64, Zelda, and....errrr....ummmm....Paper Mario! That is pretty much it.
wow.... and if microsoft never bought bungie and never had halo then they would have lost last gen easy. If miyamoto didn't invent mario and zelda nintendo wouldn't have outdone sega, etc. What if, what if, what if....wait a minute, people here were dissing castlevania 64? That game was totally amazing, especially on hard difficulty. The scariest, most atmospheric, most involving gaming engine until eternal darkness or those RE games last gen. I'll say EDand RE were better, but castlevania64 definitely had its strengths.
I remember this scene in a hedgemaze. You're being stalked by two hellhounds the whole time. Oh yeah, and there's a Frankenstein with a chainsaw as well. I dont remember fighting with cameras at all.
edit: all three of them are immortal as well
Gamespot agrees with me apparent, saying "Despite these minor gripes, Castlevania definitely excels" 8.2-and I guess there weren't enough puzzles for gs's taste. Who wants puzzles in every game?
The psone had FFVII, that's it. If you look at any list of top 10 games ever, the n64 is very well representedGunSmith1_basic
Thats a pretty big exaggeration on your part, seeing as even both arcade and Gamecube have more titles listed. So does the PS1 and PS2 for that matter.
BTW, PS1 has:
Resident Evil
Castlevania SoTN
Tactics Ogre
Gran Turismo
Dragon Warrior VII
Listed there.
[QUOTE="GunSmith1_basic"]The psone had FFVII, that's it. If you look at any list of top 10 games ever, the n64 is very well representedRunningflame570
Thats a pretty big exaggeration on your part, seeing as even both arcade and Gamecube have more titles listed. So does the PS1 and PS2 for that matter.
BTW, PS1 has:
Resident Evil
Castlevania SoTN
Tactics Ogre
Gran Turismo
Dragon Warrior VII
Listed there.
Try Virtual Boy..and to those who will inevitably say it was a handheld, I would love for you to try playing it like one.Runningflame570
Virtual Boy was awsome. The graphics were the best 3D effects i have ever seen.
The only gripe is that it's not portable.
[QUOTE="Runningflame570"][QUOTE="GunSmith1_basic"]The psone had FFVII, that's it. If you look at any list of top 10 games ever, the n64 is very well representedGunSmith1_basic
Thats a pretty big exaggeration on your part, seeing as even both arcade and Gamecube have more titles listed. So does the PS1 and PS2 for that matter.
BTW, PS1 has:
Resident Evil
Castlevania SoTN
Tactics Ogre
Gran Turismo
Dragon Warrior VII
Listed there.
Yeah, but only five different N64 games appeared, two of which only appeared once (and one out of those two was on a list that only had Nintendo games).
WTH? The Nintendo 64 is the greatest console ever created. And I'll tell you why:
Super Mario 64 (Considered one of the greates games of all time, and it also revolutionized Mario)
Mario Kart 64
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Considered by the majority of gamers the greatest game of all time)
Zelda: Majora's Mask (Considered, by a whole lot, even better than Ocarina of Time)
007: Goldeneye (Considered one of the greates shooters of all time)
Super Smash Brothers (Considered one of the most fun multiplayer games of all time)
Laylat Wars
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Pokémon Stadium
Please, you have no idea.
Praising Castlevania64GunSmith1_basic
Uhmm....the problem is most longtime Castlevania fans hate it, myself included. Scoring it higher than Lament is a joke, as is scoring SoTN within a point of it.
All Nintendo consoles have had countless superb gaming experiences. None have been disappointing.foxhound_foxI agree.
Your league of self owning legends is a failure without Red_Cloak and gingerdivid (referring to your sig)No, this was:
[QUOTE="GunSmith1_basic"]Praising Castlevania64Runningflame570
Uhmm....the problem is most longtime Castlevania fans hate it, myself included. Scoring it higher than Lament is a joke, as is scoring SoTN within a point of it.
maybe that's it, bc i was never a big castlevania fan, and I never playd lament. I played a lot of games though, and I praise castlevania64 because its very atmospheric, has good difficulty, and I dont agree with gs's assessment that the controls and cameras are cumbersome.All Nintendo consoles have had countless superb gaming experiences. None have been disappointing.foxhound_fox
N64 was disappointing, and the only reason thw Wii wasn't dissapointing was because I expected it to be poor quality, and it is!
N64 > gamecube, I stand by that till this day.
And yes, Rare did rock the house.
I second that, its why I never got one.
Come on... the N64 was one of the best consoles ever, the leap from SNES to N64 was HUGE, never to be seen again. Most titles were real quality titles like Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Goldeneye, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Zelda Majora's Mask, Super Smash Bros, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64. etc. etc..
Maybe it didn't have the same impressive game library as the SNES had (but then Europe didn't even get all the Square(-Enix) titles back then), but the games it did have were truly different than anything seen before, that is what made the N64 gen so cool.
And I really liked the controller, just the stick could have been better.
Since this thread is still going...
I thought of a few more things I could bash N64 over...
1. Terrible Mega Man games. SNES had Mega Man X, X2, X3. NES had great Mega Man games as well. Nothing good on N64.
2. Capcom in general didn't make good N64 games. NES, SNES...Capcom had GREAT games.
3. Where the heck did Contra go? That's right...PlayStation. N64 began the trend of no Contra games on Nintendo consoles.
4. Where the heck did Gradius go? Oh, yeah...PlayStation. N64 started this trend of no Gradius games on Nintendo consoles.
In fact, N64 began the trend of 3rd parties leaving Nintendo left and right. The cartridges were ridiculously expensive, especially for the respective time period...late 1990s. Shelling out $60 and sometimes $70 in the late 90s for a videogame was expensive. People are still complaining about $60 Xbox 360 and PS3 games now. Think about that price back then.
I enjoyed Mega Man, Gradius, Contra, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, RPGs in general....N64 HAD NONE OF THIS! There was Paper Mario. It was a great game. BUT IT WAS THE ONLY GOOD RPG ON N64.
I'm not denying N64 had some great games. But they were few and far between. 1st party software...great as usual. RARE games...great during the N64 era. WTF else was there other than those? Mystical Ninja?
Since this thread is still going...
I thought of a few more things I could bash N64 over...
1. Terrible Mega Man games. SNES had Mega Man X, X2, X3. NES had great Mega Man games as well. Nothing good on N64.
2. Capcom in general didn't make good N64 games. NES, SNES...Capcom had GREAT games.
3. Where the heck did Contra go? That's right...PlayStation. N64 began the trend of no Contra games on Nintendo consoles.
4. Where the heck did Gradius go? Oh, yeah...PlayStation. N64 started this trend of no Gradius games on Nintendo consoles.
In fact, N64 began the trend of 3rd parties leaving Nintendo left and right. The cartridges were ridiculously expensive, especially for the respective time period...late 1990s. Shelling out $60 and sometimes $70 in the late 90s for a videogame was expensive. People are still complaining about $60 Xbox 360 and PS3 games now. Think about that price back then.
I enjoyed Mega Man, Gradius, Contra, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, RPGs in general....N64 HAD NONE OF THIS! There was Paper Mario. It was a great game. BUT IT WAS THE ONLY GOOD RPG ON N64.
I'm not denying N64 had some great games. But they were few and far between. 1st party software...great as usual. RARE games...great during the N64 era. WTF else was there other than those? Mystical Ninja?
Sorry, but you're mentioning Capcom? They've released great versions of RE and RE2 on the N64...
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 (sorry not the worst that'd be Double Dash), Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask (considered by many to be the BEST Zelda) , Super Smash Brothers, Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong 64 (not the best Donkey Kong but still great), Rouge Squadron, Pilotwings 64, Mario Party, some of the best old school arcade-style racing games ever, introduced analog and rumble to consoles, best graphics of its time,...
I wasn't disapointed in the least.
no.every nintendo console ive ever owned I had a great time with. n64 and GC both had a lot of great games. But they also lacked alot of games.N64 launched with only 2 games...SM64 and Pilotwings 64.
3rd parties abandoned N64 left and right.
Super Mario Kart 64 is the worst of the Mario Karts.
F-Zero X was not nearly as good as F-Zero GX for Gamecube.
Castlevania games were terrible on N64.
No Metroid on N64.
Donkey Kong 64 considered by many to be far worse than DKC on SNES.
Long droughts between games.
Square abandoned N64 because of the cartridge format. Therefore, no Final Fantasy games on N64.
N64 games cost more than PlayStation games.
The N64 controller was weird looking, like a deformed claw. It wasn't the most comfortable controller. Certain games required the Expansion Pak, which you had to pay extra for. Majora's Mask is considered one of the most disappointing Zeldas ever by many gamers. Doom 64 is the worst Doom version ever seen period.
Audio on N64 sucked because of the limited storage for the cartridge format. Limited FMV was used as well (could be considered good or bad depending on your viewpoint)
N64 began the trend of only have ONE Mario platformer per console.
N64 RPGs very scarce.
Without 1st party and RARE, N64 would have been a complete disaster.
You speak about these things as if they are facts, they are only your opinion. And since when is Majora's Mask considered to be the worst Zelda? What? Becuase it got an 8 point something on Gamespot? GS doesn't get the honor of saying whether a game is good or not, they only have the right to say what they think about it. TP is actually considered by me the worst 3D Zelda, and the worst Zelda period is probably Zelda 2.
Also, let me clarify that some of the greatest games of all time were on the N64... more memorable ones than on the PS that's for sure. Games like Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are genre defining games, and Goldeneye 007 arguably set the standard for FPS games on consoles. What I find funny about your comment on the controller also, is that even though you claim it sucks Sony ended up copying half of the things about the controller anyway (analog, rumble). So I guess the dualshock sucks too then huh?
You speak about these things as if they are facts, they are only your opinion. And since when is Majora's Mask considered to be the worst Zelda? What? Becuase it got an 8 point something on Gamespot? GS doesn't get the honor of saying whether a game is good or not, they only have the right to say what they think about it. TP is actually considered by me the worst 3D Zelda, and the worst Zelda period is probably Zelda 2.
Also, let me clarify that some of the greatest games of all time were on the N64... more memorable ones than on the PS that's for sure. Games like Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are genre defining games, and Goldeneye 007 arguably set the standard for FPS games on consoles. What I find funny about your comment on the controller also, is that even though you claim it sucks Sony ended up copying half of the things about the controller anyway (analog, rumble). So I guess the dualshock sucks too then huh?
I think everyone knows it is just my opinion. Thanks for stating the obvious. :roll:
In system wars, people judge a game's quality all the time based on GameSpot review score. If someone hypes a game AAA and it turns out AA, that someone is owned. Just the way it is in system wars. You can agree or disagree with the review score. You can agree or disagree that Majora's Mask is the worst Nintendo-made Zelda. I happen to think it is the worst one. I've stated why in this thread (Time clock for 3D adventure game? WTF!, 4 dungeons...very few, etc). Once again, it goes back to your "obvious" is just my opinion.
Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games of all time. Other great games were on N64. Read my original post. I said 1st party and RARE software basically saved the system. It was my way of saying those games were great.
Read the full thread...somewhere in here, I admitted Rumble was a great peripheral. Sony copied the analog format N64 used. Still doesn't change my opinion on the N64 controller is IMO the most uncomfortable Nintendo-console controller. Dualshock is more comfortable IMO. Sony might have copied Nintendo, but they made a better controller IMO (I keep having to say IMO because apparently you get the idea that I believe what I'm saying is fact :lol: )
BTW, your entire rebuttal statment against me IS YOUR OPINION! OMG! :shock:
Seriously, the TC is joking right? This pretty much sums it up.You speak about these things as if they are facts, they are only your opinion. And since when is Majora's Mask considered to be the worst Zelda? What? Becuase it got an 8 point something on Gamespot? GS doesn't get the honor of saying whether a game is good or not, they only have the right to say what they think about it. TP is actually considered by me the worst 3D Zelda, and the worst Zelda period is probably Zelda 2.
Also, let me clarify that some of the greatest games of all time were on the N64... more memorable ones than on the PS that's for sure. Games like Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are genre defining games, and Goldeneye 007 arguably set the standard for FPS games on consoles. What I find funny about your comment on the controller also, is that even though you claim it sucks Sony ended up copying half of the things about the controller anyway (analog, rumble). So I guess the dualshock sucks too then huh?
I never actually owned an N64, but I played with my cousin's almost all the time goin back a few years ago, and it was an amazing experience. Our main game was Goldeneye 64. Just thinkin about it makes me wanna go out and buy a used 64 and Goldeneye, and play it again. Or if I were to ever get a Wii, and it came on the VC, I'd buy it in a split second.
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