Xbox and Windows are not in direct competititon with each other!!!!!!!!!
Microsoft reaps massive benefits from this as it is console exclusive plus on an environment they command- Windows.
Project Natal is going to be huge in scope. Microsoft are shifting SKUs because of it, and will market it like no one's business.
Natals functions can have many applications.
For presentations, movies, simple user interface and commands when away from the keyboard.
I use the internet over a projector and wacthing movies via Media center extender this would be incredible when watching movies, when I'm away others can control the movie.
Those of us who have big screens can really benefit from this.
Those people who say "flailing arms around" don't understand that it just takes small movements to be effective if they paid attention to the burnout steerng demonstrations.
I suspect some Hermits will be torn by this.
Some fanboys will simply hate it because its Microsoft, but at the same time laud it as another reason PC's are really adantageous over the Xbox360.
a device like this with motion technology, voice recognition is here to stay. Fanboys can nitpick all they want, but this is progressive and does not mean it will replace keyboards but simply is an another extension to interactivity. Naysayers may not see the benefits but those of us who can and the pc users who are not fanboys will see it.
Microsoft will improve on it, make sure it work very well and will push it, and support it with the proper software on PCs and games on the Xbox360.
I'm hedging my bets this will be successful.
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