NaughtyDog Reveals Uncharted 2 Graphics info/Poly Count
Just by viewing Uncharted 2: Among Thieves screens or trailers, the first thing you'll notice are the incredible graphics. Naughty Dog was able to utilize the power of the Cell processor more than ever before, which allowed them to focus the graphics chip to certain aspects of the game.In a video interview found in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Pal England, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog, talked about the graphics of Uncharted 2. The main characters typically have eighty thousand polygons in them. Even more impressive, just using the graphics card, Naughty Dog was able to pump out two million triangles in every frame.
"Our characters they typically have eighty thousand polygons in you know, one character, like the main character. In total- what we try to push through to the graphics chip at one point two million triangles that we try to draw every frame. We do a lot using the cell processor."
Naughty Dog really pushed the PS3 hard this time around and it shows. Every level in Uncharted 2 looks better than the previous. Look for a full review later this weekend.
Nathan Drake is rendered with 80k polygons, as are all of the character models. Yes, you read it right. Eighty-thousand. Eighty thousand polygons in ONE FREAKIN CHARACTER WTF?
Just for comparison, Kratos has 20k polygons in God of War 3, Snake had 15k Polygons in Metal Gear Solid 4, and I believe Marcus had 12k Polygons in Gears 2.
All I have to say to that is WOW.
EDIT: Also, just to make this thread a little more fun, here are the Crysis numbers:
Crysis Character models
As we are using attachments we have to split the triangle numbers in the separate parts:
* Heads 3k triangles
* Body 5k triangles
* Attachments 1 k triangles
EDIT#2: Oh, yea, and how could I forget.... ITS OVER 9000!!!
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