Gears of War 1.5 my ass :D
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[QUOTE="thepwninator"][QUOTE="yellowandmushy"]Honestly, the only thing I was dissapointed about was no confirmation of Baird. :(dabear
Agreed. Baird was my favorite character by far...
"We are going to get dysentary from this sh*t" - BairdHa ha that was one of my faovirte lines in the game. I really hope that Epic can make the story better this time around because the characters are great and it has a lot of potential storywise.
GOTY confirmed. I hope Baird is in multi-player. He's my favourite character.Aljosa23
Many ppl here seem to like Baird, I always disliked him and I don't know anyone who does either
-Bullet shields. big metal shield that stops you from getting hit. can be planted into the ground to make a new cover. enemies can kick it down though if they get close enough.
Moveable cover. Another layer of strategy, confirmed. Now for those destructible environments...
There are destructible environments. Cliff said so in an interview. :)
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]-Bullet shields. big metal shield that stops you from getting hit. can be planted into the ground to make a new cover. enemies can kick it down though if they get close enough.
Moveable cover. Another layer of strategy, confirmed. Now for those destructible environments...
There are destructible environments. Cliff said so in an interview. :)
"Let's just say that when a torquebow shot hits right next to you and misses, and the wall busts into chunks, you'll be glad your foe had poor aim."
What I want to know is for the modes where you only got 1 life per round does the enviroment repair or does it stay the same.
Grenades as proximity mines?!
Epic Win
Yeah that really got me excited cause a lot of times it can end up being 4v1 since your other team mates died fast and I always tried different strategies to still win. So with grenades like that its going to increase the different strategies I can try.
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]GOTY confirmed. I hope Baird is in multi-player. He's my favourite character.the1stfandb
Many ppl here seem to like Baird, I always disliked him and I don't know anyone who does either
well baird was an a-hole in the gears 1 and a-holes are cool :D
[QUOTE="the1stfandb"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]GOTY confirmed. I hope Baird is in multi-player. He's my favourite character.mingo123
Many ppl here seem to like Baird, I always disliked him and I don't know anyone who does either
well baird was an a-hole in the gears 1 and a-holes are cool :D
The reason I liked him is because its the first time a game character has shared the same last name with me.
This is why review scores are stupid. Gears 1 got a 9.5, but part 2 looks to fix a lot of the issues and add more yet it will probably score a 9-9.5...Kahuna_1
Reviews go by the standards for that year. So even if Gears gets the same score that means its still getting a better score since people have higher standards.
[QUOTE="Kahuna_1"]This is why review scores are stupid. Gears 1 got a 9.5, but part 2 looks to fix a lot of the issues and add more yet it will probably score a 9-9.5...justforlotr2004
Reviews go by the standards for that year. So even if Gears gets the same score that means its still getting a better score since people have higher standards.
I wonder if theyll put in something where you can shoot limbs off and there still alive. black_awpN1
Nah I dont think so, but I think cliff did say that if you're hurt you will bleed on the wall and stuff when leaning against it so you will show signs of being hurt.
I wonder if theyll put in something where you can shoot limbs off and there still alive. black_awpN1That would be awesome. Imagine getting your arm chainsawed off and then lumbering towards an enemy (all the while you are bleeding to death through that gaping arm wound) and with with your last breath you down him with a pistol (that's pretty much all you can carry) and curb stomp him. Preceding this display of final desperation, you collapse to the ground right next to his corpse, dead.
This is beyond orgasmic
This is the first time ive ever made a fanboy comment like this but
AAAA Confirmed =]
Long Summer can't be bad right?Great! Now my summer will take longer thanks to GeOW2! I can't wait for this game!
Long Summer can't be bad right?Great! Now my summer will take longer thanks to GeOW2! I can't wait for this game!
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]GOTY confirmed. I hope Baird is in multi-player. He's my favourite character.the1stfandb
Many ppl here seem to like Baird, I always disliked him and I don't know anyone who does either
He was the doucebag of the group, and let's face it, every group has a doucebag. The redneck seems like a nice addition but it isn't the same without a doucebag.
Lol where are the cows? Dammit I wanna hear them say one bad thing about this news so I can tear them to shreads and watch em squeel!KrunkMastaX
There is 10 pages of non fanboy fighting so it must mean these tid bits of info must be really hard to pick aparty to make seem bad.
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