Never heard of the site but nobody can really be suprised by the score.
this "review" is garbage.. the reviewer makes some100% false statements(like saying that objectives arent always displayed when current objectives are indeed always displayed both in the top left corner of the screen and also the current objective is always highlighted in line-of-sight no matter where u are on the map)) and he spends 3/4 of the "review" talking about how dismissive both the game and Zipper appear to be in terms of holding the players' hands instead of talking about gameplay specifics.. apparently this guy wants all "large scale strategic battles" to be played out like tic-tac-toe.. personally, i dont see how Zipper could have made organizing and communicating a 256 player war more simple.. maybe this guy has a better idea.. if he does, he certainly doesnt illustrate how he would make improvements during his blog, er review..
basically it's plain to see that the reviewer obviously based his impressions on the unfinished beta since the actual game servers dont go live until tommorrow and Zipper has already made significant improvements to the game since the beta 5.0 which can be found here:
so can someone please tell me how this person has reviewed the "final game" based purely on the incomplete BETA?.. beyond that, how do you review a game of this scale when you obviously havent even reached the upper command levels which is evident from the fact that he makes little to no mention of MAG's chain of command structure which is one of MAG's primary innovations?.. lol, i mean he acts like he's so confused about how the game should be played when nearly any gamer whose played the up to level 6 should have a firm grasp on what's going on in MAG.. maybe he should have played the training mode first, oh wait, the training mode wasnt unlocked during the BETA but will indeed be available during the final release.. yet another thing he forgot to mention..
but ofcourse, this is the review that points to floppage right?.. even the other couple reviews (which have all been 8 out of 10 so far) lack true credibility but atleast go far more indepth that this biased blog that someone wants to pass off as a "review"..
just another day in SW..
you sir, hit the nail right on the head
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