@kuu2 said:
Only if MisterX's name was Thruway, CBoat, or FamousMort, or any other Twitter douche then Sony Fan would be all over this rumor talking about how true it was.
Oh please he is a troll and you people are sad for believing him,he was prove wrong already,oh and you just need less than an ounce of common sense to know how wrong he was.
He claimed DGPU,then claimed stacked APU when DGPU was shoot down by Panello him self.
The xbox one has a GCN GPU which is call Bonaire it has 14 CU,from which 2 are disable and it runs at 853mhz,the full Bonaire 7790 is 14 CU and 1000mhz and the OC is 1075mhz.
Both version of the GPU can't even beat the 7850 at full speed,even less at 853mhz with 2 CU less,while it is Bonaire who has a few things over Cape Verde 7770,the actual performance now is lower than the 7770,1.18 TF thanks to the 10% reservation,the 7770 is 1.28TF.
So after the 8% release it will be on par with the 7770,now the 7770 has no problem hitting 1080p in certain quality,but it will always trail a 7850 even more a GPU with 18 CU there is no way around this and you people should move on.
Do you think that if MS had extra GPU or apu in there the will be shooting down and 8% reservation and risking failure by up clocking the GPU and CPU.?
All you need is common sense like i already say.
@tdkmillsy said:
@Shewgenja said:
Enjoy Titanfall in 720peasant mode.. Oh wait, just hit the Secret Sauce button on your XBone.
Blast processing Turbo Mode initiate brah.
In all likely hood it will be 900p
and what resolution will you be playing on PS4??
The same resolution you will play Infamous in on xbox one..
The only difference is that you really NEED a PS4 for Infamous,while no one needs and xbox one for Titanfall.
@kuu2 said:
@killatwill15: A broken clock is right twice a day as well. When you throw enough shit against the wall some of it will stick. I don't care about any of these guys and what they say I just find it funny that Sony Fan is no different than anyone listening to MisterX.
MisteXmedia is a moron,CBOAT has been leaking stuff since 2004,and getting then right.
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