Who the hell is MRXMEDIA and why is he a credible source?
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Any person that believes him is either mentally Ill or so pathetic and desperate.
buh buh teh "Guest" gpu will deliver the powah.....
I wish I had some of the drugs this guy has when he dreams all this shit up.
@killatwill15: this article is from Nov. 2013...and its in reference to Neogaf -_-
besides, from this very article:
"RARE worked on a lot of projects and part of them were cancelled"
yeah and all those were the ones that were cancelled,
the only other stuff rare is involved in is Kinect games,
it cant be perfect dark because they cancelled it,
it cant be kameo because they cancelled it,
it cant be another banjo game because it sold poorly,
it cant be another conker game because chris seavor left,
and killer instinct was outsourced to double helix.
just let it go, rare is dead,
and no amount of science fiction (mrxmedia) is going to change that.
okie dokie, well, E3 should be interesting then.
One thing that most folks seem to forget is that MS spent a $3 billion on the development of the APU (the cpu/gpu chip):
Now if MS spent all that money and this was the best they could come up with, it's pretty sad. AMD just bought a stock APU and speedy graphics RAM and put it in the PS4. I certainly hope that this kind of money bought MS something more special, heh.
Another point that was made by "insider" on Mister's site is that MS did not have the final hardware ready until just before launch. MS was going to wait until June, 2014 to launch but SONY's much earlier launch date was going to eat MS's lunch. MS decided to bump up the launch date and was woefully unprepared during the launch. This explains the botched E3 reveal as management was just winging it as far as policies and stuff that the box would be able to do. The drivers for the hardware were not ready, the developer's were not really ready, and the tools were not ready. It was a mess. It also explains the late launch around the rest of the world as tMS is still playing catch up. It won't be until June that most of the stuff will be straightened out was the word that insider gave.
Now I have looked everywhere for some sort of verification of things said on the site. Mister definitely blew up some things that were trivial (like a "bigger" power supply and the "extra traces" seen in the chipworks photo). Others is just a lot of half-assed verbiage about textures and pipes. But SOME of the stuff is checking out. How much can be squeezed into a chip footprint without heat issues is a big concern of mine.
Now I could care less about XBox One games as I use my PC for games, the console for Netflix and TV, and my sons only sometimes use the the console(s) for games (mostly for HALO duals). I have zero skin in this game. But it is EXCITING to think that there might, just might, be something more than MS is showing at this time. If so, and if it has only been leaked this little, it will be a major coup in the world of consoles. 3 BILLION dollars can get you that kind of reveal.
Enjoy Titanfall in 720peasant mode.. Oh wait, just hit the Secret Sauce button on your XBone.
Blast processing Turbo Mode initiate brah.
In all likely hood it will be 900p
and what resolution will you be playing on PS4??
A $150 card without any power source but a PCIEx16 slot can max out Titanfall @ 1080p. Remember this when you are sitting there waiting for the game to install on your $500 console.
So somebody with a PC that can be upgraded (majority of PC owners will not know how to do this, bought it from a store and would void warranty or own a laptop). Can buy a $150 card and the game for $50 and play the game or somebody with and Xbox One can spend $60 and play the game. That's good to know.
While I'm waiting for it to install I'll be playing games like Ryse, Dead Rising, Zoo Tycoon or better still I'll be out at work or with family and it be installing while I'm not even there.
You make out like everyone with a PC can simply upgrade to play the game when in fact the majority can not.
One thing that most folks seem to forget is that MS spent a $3 billion on the development of the APU (the cpu/gpu chip):
In the same way they spent $100 million on the new controller and it's mostly exactly the same?
In the same way they have $1 billion to spend on videogames which has resulted in the cancellation of Black Tusk's new IP and an inability to secure total exclusivity of Titanshit on Xbone?
People overrate MS' pockets. They aren't that deep.
One thing that most folks seem to forget is that MS spent a $3 billion on the development of the APU (the cpu/gpu chip):
In the same way they spent $100 million on the new controller and it's mostly exactly the same?
In the same way they have $1 billion to spend on videogames which has resulted in the cancellation of Black Tusk's new IP and an inability to secure total exclusivity of Titanshit on Xbone?
People overrate MS' pockets. They aren't that deep.
actually Microsoft has terrible foresight,
oh It was just like yesterday they disregarded the iphone.
good that they had the industry knowledge to call it correctly right lems>?
CBOAT has been getting lots of things wrong recently related to the xbox one especially with the xbox one version of titanfall. Multiple people at respawn even called him out for his posts.Some people don't trust him as much anymore including the mods on GAF and I don't think anyone should trust him that much either.
And have you wonder why.? Why all of a sudden he miss so much.?
Most of this info is not set in stone,MS is basically improvising in every single corner,so it may not be out of the question that they are even shifting things in order to get CBOAT ban,in fact Look at Titanfall which CBAT still holds is 720p,the game is running at 792,which isn't that far from 720p,but is not locked 60 FPS in any way,in fact it has drops into the 35 fps when you get into titans,FPS is king that is what Respawn said already,now how do you speed the game to 60FPS lock from 35.
You either lower quality of effects,lower quality in other assets of drops resolution there is not way around this,Cboat is been target by MS and he has been leaking stuff since 2004,so yeah MS may be moving the goal post for him so that he can get ban,remember in neogaf no matter who you are if you fail you fail period.
But comparing him with misterXmedia is a desperation move by lemmings,MisterXmedia is a supper troll and lemming are so invested in the xbox one having something to beat the PS4 that they will believe any sh** is trow to them.
@super600: Obviously you are an exCboat disciple and are hurt that he has been found out to be a fraud which I have said from the beginning. All of these guys are total fakes and you all will need counseling when it is all said and done.
How he is a fraud still most of his stuff has been spot on you in denial lemming,and misterXmedia is a troll that know how dumb and desperate you people are for secret sauce sh** so he play you like fools...
So MS hid a more powerful GPU under the regular GPU and even hid extra esram. I wonder why they would build such a complicated and no doubt expensive design? Do you guys also think they hid extra CPU cores? This is so exciting! When are they going to make public all this hidden power?
In 2024 when the super mega ultra NDA that stop MS and all people involve on the super mega ultra advantage APU from even admitting that exist runs out.. You will see you will see..
Dude insider has been on point a couple of times no matter if its just him talking to himself or what. You all listened to cboat but misterx insider has been more accurate than cboat has NO I don't believe everything dude says but his blog do more digging and more research than I have seen on any of these sites or forums its after he stops spewing his info the comments are great for xbox gamers everything is positive if you are a xbox gamer its a great place to go.
Oh brother long live MIsterXmedia...
I think vince on his twitter account said that the titanfall beta is not representative of the final game so most or all the framerate issues in the game should be fixed by the time the game launches.
Here's the link to that twitter post.
And misterxmedia is a joke.I don't know why people bother looking at that blog of his. He makes xbox supporters look bad.
@super600: Obviously you are an exCboat disciple and are hurt that he has been found out to be a fraud which I have said from the beginning. All of these guys are total fakes and you all will need counseling when it is all said and done.
I don't care about CBOAT and I don't like him to much. That user is going to be eventually banned from gaf anyway which is good.
One thing that most folks seem to forget is that MS spent a $3 billion on the development of the APU (the cpu/gpu chip):
In the same way they spent $100 million on the new controller and it's mostly exactly the same?
In the same way they have $1 billion to spend on videogames which has resulted in the cancellation of Black Tusk's new IP and an inability to secure total exclusivity of Titanshit on Xbone?
People overrate MS' pockets. They aren't that deep.
MS has lots of things planned for E3 including things that have not been leaked yet.Phil talked about MS's e3 plan a couple of days ago. He did not reveal anything substantiall,but their will be surprises at MS's E3 conferences and lots of games shown.
Who the hell is MRXMEDIA and why is he a credible source?
He isn't lol. He hasn't been for the entirety of his blog's existence.
When this guy is proven right someday the crow that will be eaten by Cows will be legendary :)
Saving this. Will be great ammo later.
Only if MisterX's name was Thruway, CBoat, or FamousMort, or any other Twitter douche then Sony Fan would be all over this rumor talking about how true it was.
Hes been wrong how many times? Keeps pushing back the sdk date and all that other rubbish. Dont forget the cloud will save THE ONE. But keep lapping it up if you want. Almost as bad as the "cell" last gen. What a joke.
X1 uses a cellphone cpu with a gpu from 09... time to move on already, it had trouble running the ugliest title of 2014 in 792p.
Are Lemmings ACTUALLY anticipating and believing this? I must call in to question the mental state of lemmings lately..
Are they actually comparing MisterXMedia with CBOAT? The massive difference is CBOAT had actual leaks and MisterXMedia is a troll..
X1 uses a cellphone cpu with a gpu from 09... time to move on already, it had trouble running the ugliest title of 2014 in 792p.
@highking_kallor: Who the Frick cares about what MisterX says, I am simply stating that the other douches are no different than he is yet Sony Fan puts faith in them. They are the same people.
I am pretty sure that CBOAT had some things right...
@highking_kallor: Who the Frick cares about what MisterX says, I am simply stating that the other douches are no different than he is yet Sony Fan puts faith in them. They are the same people.
Funny. I seem to remember when you guys were swearing up and down that the next XBox wouldn't be a glorified cable box with a 1.2TFlop GPU.. Also, when the rumor mill was swirling around (well before Adam Orth's fiasco) that the next XBox was going to be always online, again, it was you XBox fanboys who stuck your heads in the sand while humming for the world to see.
But lo and behold, you found ONE GUY having a conversation with himself like a ventriloquist with a dirty sock and all of a sudden... It's all the same?
GET REAL DUDE.. Just.. #Getoverit. The track record speaks for itself no matter how much you want to sweep it under the rug. You're not going to use this lunatic as a way of turning the rumor mill of 2013 into some distant fantasy, either.
Didn't Great Phil Spencer deny that another Sakaguchi RPG was being made and they hadn't talked in ages?
God, what a fucking cretin.
They've talked to Sakaguchi. He is working on another project. Lost Odyssey sequel is just a rumor. One of Sakaguchi associates said they weren't working on it currently on Twitter.
Why are cows so scared of this guy? You would think everyone would just ignore him.
Cows believe Cboat, Famousmortimor and Thuway. They are always wrong but cows still worship them like gods. Misterxmedia is the Xbox version so he automatically must be dismissed as a laughable lunatic.
I always found it funny that Cows seem to believe everything these sonyGaf dwellers say even though they are just as bad as Misterxmedia. lol!! Thurway has got it wrong so many times, that he's now trying to backpedal and become Albert's friend. lol!! CBOAT got booted off the site after they found out multiple moderators were using the CBOAT Id to make their claims. lol!! Yes anything these guys say pertaining to the XB1 is a fact to cows. It's always bad news of course.
I am very much looking forward to Sunset Overdrive. Insomniac is a lovely developer.
You are lovely.
Quit Flirting with my man! :x
Him and I go way back and I don't need you to check him out!
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