lol what frame rate is (Xbox one's only AAAE) Forza Horizon 3?
:'( and I thought xbox had at least one good game. Guess that seals it, Xbox has NO games.
If it's not good it doesn't count.
Forza 7 exists.
So does GTSport!
Point? Neither of those games are AAA!
Therefore neither of those games are good enough by default to be used as an example here. See how that works?
I only used Forza Horizon 3 because it's a universally accepted AAA game by critics and gamers and I myself have praised it as the best xbox game this gen, but phbz boy says 30 FPS is no here we are!
You should address phbz initial point and not me if you have an issue with the argument but you're probably not willing to stomp on the feet on an argument made by a fellow fanboy.
@quadknight: I’m not seeing a GoW hype thread yet. How are we supposed to know if it’s ok to like it if there is no hype thread to know if it flopped or not.
@tgob89: it only helps Sony, so not sure why you dont want them to expand. Nintendo is in its own world so you can leave them out.
Sony has already done this with Street Fighter being a ps4/pc game, had that game just released on Ps4 that would have been doom. Sony has PSnow which is available outside of Playstation eco system. This isnt new to Sony. Also a play anywhere iniative gives them time between console cycles, as it gives players the ability to game on PCs if they want to max the game out, and make better releases for any mid gen upgrades(ps4pro jumped the gate a bit and missed some tech that would help bridge the gap until Ps5)
Sony likes creating Singleplayer games, its a huge risk, why not make it more profitable with a play anywhere iniative? Just helps them out and in return fund even more games. Heck imagine if that money could be used for free dlc content.
You cant honestly tell me that Spiderman ps4/pc release would be a bad thing and not bring in buckets of money?
@quadknight: I’m not seeing a GoW hype thread yet. How are we supposed to know if it’s ok to like it if there is no hype thread to know if it flopped or not.
Don't worry boycie, hype thread or not GOW is AAA hype no one will deny that.
If it falls to AA or lower feel free to call it a flop.
A hype thread will only probably serve as trolling material for bitter xbox fans to try to over-hype it to AAAA status so in the event the game hits AAA they can still call it a flop as of consolation prize.
No realtime day/night cycle is disappointing. Eh, the game looks great though. I do wish the glass on buildings used screen space reflections instead of generic reflections but that's just the graphics-whore in me speaking, lol. I wish Sunset Overdrive could get a remaster on PS4..
OP, that video was literally just the same footage on repeat for the entire clip. Also, why is a thread about Spider-man on PS4 sporting anything Xbox related except for childish bragging purposes?
Game sounds like it will be good, let's hope that they don't do the typical Sony downgrade between the alpha footage and release of the game. Sunset Overdrive was a whole lot of fun, so I'm happy that Insomniac is putting in the effort for this game.
"Bu..but it's just quick time events and no gameplay??" -Said by no one ever for this game.
@tgob89: it only helps Sony, so not sure why you dont want them to expand. Nintendo is in its own world so you can leave them out.
Sony has already done this with Street Fighter being a ps4/pc game, had that game just released on Ps4 that would have been doom. Sony has PSnow which is available outside of Playstation eco system. This isnt new to Sony. Also a play anywhere iniative gives them time between console cycles, as it gives players the ability to game on PCs if they want to max the game out, and make better releases for any mid gen upgrades(ps4pro jumped the gate a bit and missed some tech that would help bridge the gap until Ps5)
Sony likes creating Singleplayer games, its a huge risk, why not make it more profitable with a play anywhere iniative? Just helps them out and in return fund even more games. Heck imagine if that money could be used for free dlc content.
You cant honestly tell me that Spiderman ps4/pc release would be a bad thing and not bring in buckets of money?
1. SFV sold like shit, didn't help that it was PC/PS4 at all.
2. PS NOW is for OLD games, mostly PS3 hardly any relevant or new games will see the light of day for NOW.
3. ok...buddy, let me propose a simple way to settle this argument.
Let's make a BET which game sales more since you believe in MS's play anywhere nonsense so much?
So which will sell more...
Spiderman Exclusive to PS4?
Crackdown 3 on Xbox one and play anywhere with PC?
RESULTS of the BET are as follows:
If you win: and if Crackdown 3 sales more units with PC and Xbox play anywhere I will buy the $500 deadbone one X and post a pic here on SW for everyone to see.
If I win: and PS4 exclusive Spiderman sells more than combined Xbox/PC play anywhere whole sale initiative YOU must buy a PS4 Pro and post a pic for everyone to see.
We will post our NEW purchase following NPD results of the first full month of each games release. We will only go by 1st months NDP results to decide since a game being out longer than the other will skew results.
If you decide not to buy the promised console if you lose, you must leave system wars forever!
*Don't care if you have a standard PS4 you must buy a Pro and I the X*
So, what do you say, want to put your money where your mouth is cause you think play anywhere is soooo great?
I stopped looking into it years ago though so I dont know if that trend has ever changed
but this is not base on the movies.. Spiderman is a comic character.. They said that almost every time when they show the game that it has nothing to do with the movies.. So batman Arkham series are bad?? That is base on comic as well and not the movies Batman!
That guy claiming that investing in single player games is a risky move knows nothing.
It is just risky if you're not a well established company. Nintendo and Sony are doing this since forever and they only saw profit. That's the main reason ps3 succeeded and the reason Xbox is seen with disdain.
I stopped looking into it years ago though so I dont know if that trend has ever changed
but this is not base on the movies.. Spiderman is a comic character.. They said that almost every time when they show the game that it has nothing to do with the movies.. So batman Arkham series are bad?? That is base on comic as well and not the movies Batman!
@tryit: hahahaha you're so full of yourself and believing you're relevant to someone or to something makes all of it hilarious. Sorry to bring this to you but you're nobody, just a random and whiny hater on SW.
yes it does actually but dont get lost in the details just move on.
No I dont like the batman series, from what I have seen they look absoutly horrid autoplay games.
and that is why I say 'games based on movies (or movie characters or comic book heros which later go to a movie screen) are typically awful games.
now move on
So from "what you have seen".. Ok so you never play them?? Ok.. I got nothing more to say than lol!!
console players are like from a completely different reality from PC gamers.
what we see you guys play (and yes...despite what you might think, watching a video of game play in a game that nearly plays itself and only requires you to hit one button every few mins is more than enough to get an understanding of the game) is light years different (in a bad way) from what us PC gamers are experiencing. its stunning. want to have an argument about how watching youtube videos of Batman games isnt telling you the whole story because of how much interaction is involved with the contoller?
you sure you want to go down that path today? step back and think
@tryit: hahahaha you're so full of yourself and believing you're relevant to someone or to something makes all of it hilarious. Sorry to bring this to you but you're nobody, just a random and whiny hater on SW.
He never actually play those games.. is from "what he has seen" I guess he just saw some youtube video and claim those games were bad lol.. you are right.. should have just ignore him!
@boycie: Lord of the rings says hi. So does star wars and Harry Potter games. Lego Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean and The Avengers games are waving too.
@tryit: hahahaha you're so full of yourself and believing you're relevant to someone or to something makes all of it hilarious. Sorry to bring this to you but you're nobody, just a random and whiny hater on SW.
I have never in my life ever said I was relevant about anything, let alone this conversation
@tryit: hahahaha you're so full of yourself and believing you're relevant to someone or to something makes all of it hilarious. Sorry to bring this to you but you're nobody, just a random and whiny hater on SW.
He never actually play those games.. is from "what he has seen" I guess he just saw some youtube video and claim those games were bad lol.. you are right.. should have just ignore him!
yes ladies and gentlemen, a game in which nearly autoplays itself requires not a person to watch the entire autoplay happen to understand it but rather to hold the controller in your hand and hit the button every few seconds to get a full understanding of the game play.
@tryit: you know, I always believed that PC master race were dumb and pathetic because of the whole "muh ultra settings 60fps $1000 rig" but you're an entirely new level of stupidity.
@tgob89: Doesn’t no hype thread suggest a lack of confidence?
No, it shows sony fans have all but dismissed you xbox fanboys as worthy adversaries.
It's not like Sony fans getting ANOTHER AAA on top of all the other's we've received this gen...along with multiple game of the year winners, top 5 GOTY nominations EVERY YEAR and 10/10 games will give PS4 fans some sort of special gratification over you MS fans when we know you guys have NONE!
Don't try to think about it too hard, but here is a hard truth for you to swallow, Sony fans have seen you xbox guys bash our critically acclaimed and universally accepted AAA games all generation long only to watch you guys praise the crappiest, early access, buggy infested, beta test for cash flop because it's a MS game.
We SEE you guys have PROVEN you have 0 standards for your games!
So what purpose is there now for Sony fans to make hype threads for you xbox fanboys to come in pretending like you actually have standards on games when we know you don't and will submit to the LEAST common denominator on any xbox title?
I've already told you it's AAA hype, but I guess you lems need something to hate on since there's noting left to hype on xbox.
@tryit: I give up, still, be happy to play your superior 7000 steam games, it's the only thing you have in life anyway. And I'm blocking you by the way.
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