[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][...] and critically still Galaxy is more highly praised then Halo 3/ODST were.foxhound_fox
So? Critical opinions are still opinions. Just because Mario Galaxy got the most high praise, doesn't make it the best game. That would require someone to have played every game ever made, and have an objective means of evaluating them all against one another. And that would only last until the next new game came out, and the entire system would have to be reformed.
You, and many others may think Mario Galaxy is the best game ever made, but that doesn't make it a fact. I just hope you try to make that distinction more clear... because so far, you really haven't.Well, critically it is the best game of it's genre. That's how games scores are determined. Because Mario Party will never get the critical praise of Halo because they're distinctly different games. And it would be unfair to compare a blockbuster title with a mini-game compilation.
However, notably, Mario Galaxy has been praised by the media as having a fantastic sounding soundtrack. In that sense, comparing orchestral samples with another game is fair. Let's take Halo.
Halo has an amazing score, but very few actual tunes though. Mario Galaxy 1 had many orchestrated tracks. But it's not quantity that makes a soundtrack good.
But it is almost universally held that Mario Galaxy's soundtrack is thus far been the best soundtrack. Take it or leave it. But your opinion =/= fact. Neither do reviewers, but they're the closest thing we have to "fact". And considering we are on SW, itll be considered as such.
But your opinion foxhound is yours. If you enjoyed another game's soundtrack more that's fine. But in the world of videogames Galaxy's soundtrack is held in high regard.
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