Here is a thread from indie Dev via twitter that makes a lot of sense. We really don't know what these devs are going through or how hard it is to be in this business.
Aaron San Filippo-
Something I wished more gamers and indie game fans realized right now: A lot of the people who made your favorite games are honestly struggling to survive and keep making games in 2019.
We've gone from a situation where 3-5 years ago, there were about half as many games on the market. When we launched Race The Sun in 2013, we were on the Steam front page for over a week, and that was a lifeline for us. These days you're super lucky if you hit front page at all.
In 2015 a front-page mobile store feature might get you enough revenue to survive a year, if you could get it. The same feature today... Well it won't. There are just _so many_ great games in the market now.
3-5 years ago, we would send hundreds of emails to press and youtubers, and few of them would reply. These days we often get radio silence, or we get asked what our budget is for promotion. Media folks have to pay the bills too!
All this is to say: Please have a little bit of understanding when you see things like a developer arguing for a slightly higher revshare, or deciding to take a platform-exclusivity deal, etc. They are not being greedy, they are doing what they need to survive.
If they are struggling and they want to sell this game then they should put it on every platform and store that they can. Instead they have chosen to take a few hundred thousand dollars (obviously I don't know exactly how much the deal is worth but it certainly won't be worth much more than 100,000 copies) and lock it to a single store.
They'll lose sales from it only being available on the worst store/launcher available on PC and they'll lose a lot more copies, than they would have normally, to piracy. I've seen so many people who would have bought the game literally anywhere else considering pirating it, including me and I haven't been near a piracy site for many, many years.
EA must be laughing their tits off at this.
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