No thats an awful idea and I will make points as to why.
The point of the console is, you dont need to update parts, engines improve meanins devs can kick in more graphical goodness.
What point would there be too add in new graphics card or cpu. What to get maybe an extra few pixels? Or are you talking about a big upgrade? If so then why not just a new system and please dont use the whole "but pc gamers gets new cards all the time". Yes new cards come out but you dont need to buy every new one.
Mods you say? Would'nt that go against what MS does with charging crazy prices for DLC? Yeah sure they are going to let you add free stuff to your game when they could be making money instead.
Web browsing on a tv is really awful, going by what PS3 and Wii can do with theirs, no thanks.
I am confused on how you think it will help fight piracy, you say it should be as open as the pc, so surely it would get the same level of piracy the pc gets?
Point is, if the stuff you are saying a console should have are already in a pc. Why downgrade it when you can have these things already in the pc?
umm - ur missing the parts where i already mentioned - u wouldnt be installing the game - it would load like a typical console game. ANd folks have been creating Mods for quite some time with MS-Licensed gaems...So tahts not even an argument.And a few extra pixels? Can u play Crysis on a console yet? And if u ever get the chance, it'll never look as good as on PC. World in Conflict? Or even the ability to even play an RTS? Even L4D looks like Garbage compared to the PC version.
The problem you are missing is, the key difference between xbox and pc. 1 xbox is owned by Microsoft and 2 pc is owned by no one, its an open platform.
To be able to add no parts into a console would cause problems, what do you expect Nvidia, Ati, Intel, Amd, etc to make parts so microsoft can profit from them? Or do you expect microsoft to start making pc like parts for their console.
So Microsoft licensed games on pc is not the same as on console. Microsoft make no money when it comes to pc gaming, any pc game sold they get nothing unlike with a console game, which is why console games are more expensive. So with that in mind do you really think they are going to let modders in to add free stuff. Only one console game allows this, so if Microsoft really wanted this on their system, dont you think they would have done it by now.
Again im still confused on this piracy, installed or played like a console it would still be the same. Look at the Wii and 360, only system that managed to give a good fight to it was the PS3.
You dont need to add in more stuff to be able to play an RTS like PC, all consoles have USB ports, its up to the either Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony to allow them to work on their system and if the devs decide they want to use them. PS3 was able to use it for UT3.
So for Crysis on console, you want the console to be just like the pc then? Been able to upgrade the parts so it can play games like these. Why not get a PC then? The whole point of a console is that its simple to use, no upgrades needed through its lifespan, tough luck you wont get the PC experience on a console.
Really what you are wanting is an open system on a closed system.
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