[QUOTE="Caseytappy"][QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"] Microsoft made a wise decision launching first and avoiding the failure of going up against Sony & Nintendo. 360's early lead allowed the developers to get to grips with 360 architecture before the competition arrived thus making 360 games slighty supperior because PS3 and Wii were relatively new. Well actually developers didn't have trouble with the Wii because its essentially Gamcube achitecture with innovative controls. Sony creates awesome consoles for the long-term but they don't show their potential untill atleast a year after launch, I mean sure the games look great but throughout lifespan the games keep looking better & better, PS3 will be no exception.
It took 360 a year to churn out something like GeOW and still to this day, 7 months after release, no game has yet delivered something of GeOW level on the 360. This fall is when PS3 starts to gain control and show the world whats it made of. I never judge a console untill a year after it has released, I did this for the 360 (I was disappointed) and now I'm doing it for PS3.
I believe next year you will trully see a difference between PS3 and 360 games, maybe only slightly in graphics but definitely on physics, particle effects and lighting. Next year you will see the PS3 difference. oh wait I just read your mind, let me guess "just wait". You guys make it sound like Sony has never delivered when it comes to games, I guess turning 360 has made you blind against other consoles.
For now the difference between PS3 & 360 is minimal and the 360 had a year head start, from this fall onwards PS3 will look superior.
Mmmm , lets put that to the test , shall we ?
Intellivision kicked the Atari 2600 on day one with every game .
Sega genesis arrived and later topped on any game by SMW on the Snes on day one !
Playstation arrived and wiped away with graphics by SM64 on the N64 on day one !
PS2 was out and Gamecube raped everything on it it with Rogue squadron on day one !
Xbox topped it to no end with Halo on ........ day one !
Multiplats always looked better on the stronger hardware .
Now that the PS3 arrived all this has to be thrown away just because you have grown some horns , oh please !
cows wont reply to that because you have just owned every single one of them. if the PS3 was as powerful as sony said then it would be kicking the 360s ass from day 1. Face it cows Sony lied to you now here's a tissue to go and wipe up the tears.
:lol: you guys, you guys with your cows this and cows that. seriously :| your argument doesn't become any stronger if you call someone a cow.
The Playstations have always perfomed well in the long term, PS1 was hard at first but developers got used it, PS2 was at at first and developers got used to it. The same will happen and is happing with PS3. Compare 360's first year of games with PS3's first year, this fall PS3 will have awesome exclusives like Ratchet & Clank future, Heavenly sword, MGS4, Sigma, Lair, Uncharted, Warhawk etc etc. 360 has been out for over a year and yet mostly all of PS3's games are graphically compareable to 360's, I see the head start only helped in sales. 360 is already dead in Japan and dieing in Europe. PS3 will out perform 360 in the long term starting from this fall.
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