[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="LastRambo341"] LMAO, just being honest and laughing at redundant excuses that always try to bash nintendo and desperately look for their bad quality. Don't you ever get tired of always being against Nintendo no matter what?LastRambo341
Unfortunately for you nintendo has been addressing most of the things I've criticized them about regarding 3DS. pricing 2nd analog stick software I'm sure battery life and hardware build quality will be addressed once the revision comes along. Now all nintendo needs to do is invest in their online infrastructure and make a account based system. Sucks to be a fanboy and praise everything a company does. But I guess only a fanboy would call valid complaints bashing. Pricing: Bought the original price, worth it since I have 20 free games
Analogue: Seriously? A second one isn't NEEDED. A gyroscope or touch screen can EASILY replace it
Software: 3 AAA games 8 AA games 15 A games
Nothing to do with fanboyism :lol: its not even an insult. If I see a mistake, I mention it. For example, the 3DS launch line-up was lackluster with the exception of a game or two, but now its irrelevant. According to your logic, you're an attention-seeking troll. Sucks to be a troll and bash everything a company does. But I guess providing valid arguments in Nintendo's defense is "fanboyism", right? ;)
*Sigh* Most people seemed to have preferred $80 in savings(huge increase in sales) that can be used towards games they actually want. The NES games in particular was filled with garbage long past their prime. GBA games were much better.Still riding this touch screen and gyro is superior to analog sticks train, eh? Forget about the countless previews of upcoming games(mgs3 and re:revelations) that all say playing with the 2nd analog stick was a much better experience. It's funny to see sheep ridicule ios platforms for touch screen/gyro controls then claim they match or in your case exceed analog sticks in useability.
"the 3DS launch line-up was lackluster with the exception of a game or two, but now its irrelevant."
That's what i just said... Nintendo dropped the price of a underpowered system to something reasonable, fixed the gaping hole in their control set-up and saw 3 AA games release in the latter part of 2011. Attention seeking troll? I'm not the guy trying to argue gyro and touch based control can replace sticks here.;)
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