DS AAA list ( Now look at comparison videos of the games on this list to Ipod Touch AAA list and tell me DS has higher standards)
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - Better version for Ipod Touch/Iphone
It has better graphics extra content and the touch controls
Extra Content......
Mario Kart DS- better versions on console
Even so there are way way better racers on Ipod Touch
Really? Crash Team Racing? I know what you're going to say, Need for Speed.
Yes NFS and Asphalt GT and GT Academy( which is free) and more
Advance Wars: Dual Strike - sequel to GBA game that looks similar
Comand and Conquer is on Ipod Touch
Yoshi's Island DS - SNES similar
Still very same and the GBA one so its a rehash
and yet you had the audacity to say about Command and Conquer on the iPod.
I was merely stating that the Ipod Touch gets better more advanced ports... Advanced Wars is nowhere near C&C or SC
Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends - Pet game
Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends- ^same game
Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends^same game
What can I say Nintendo loves getting their fans to buy the same game (Pokemon)
Yeah but Pokemon is a ligitamate RPG, Nintendogs is a Sim.
Pokemon is the same game each year like Dynasty Warriors but with added monsters and removed regions
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story One good DS game but sequel to gba
Nothing but the 1st one on GBA is considered the best
No, The 1st one on the SNES is considered the Best. Mario & Luigi is Super Mario RPG.
Whatever still why play DS ones then
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor One good DS game( to fans I didnt care for)
I dont care for the Shin Megami stuff and alot of RPG fans dont
I don't know I saw a lot of positive reactments here.
Big Bang Mini- Puzzle game much better stuff on Ipod Touch
Wow there are much much better puzzle games on the Ipod Touch I could list them if you want
I can list the DSs puzzle games too.
But Ipod Touch ones are considered better
Final Fantasy IV - FF1 and 2 on IpodTouch
4 is on the GBA and not in n64ish 3d
and what's wrong with updating the graphics a little?
Nothing but you dont need a DS to play FF4 on the go
The World Ends With You (again a good DS game)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village good ds game
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass- regarded as one of worst in series
New Super Mario Bros. - Same game but you can turn big...
Its the same game SNES NES GB GBC GBA
and I qoute..."and that's wrong how?", look Gameplay maybe the same but the levels are completely different. It's like Megaman, Gameplay maybe the same but the levels are not the same.
Yes except it gets old and it doesnt even offer variety and many new changes like Galaxy or Sunshine
and don't use the dark blue font. it's hard to read.
There I lightened the blue just for you but I still think this is pointless as I have reviews and stats on my side
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