The 1994 ones are. So many years after SNES was out on the market Sega was still spanking it on annual basi
[QUOTE="amaneuvering"]I'll go with what makes sense; that once released the SNES outsold the Genesis and eventually took over it's overall lead.
Sorry, but this makes no sense and seems like just wishful thinking Nintendo fanboy. THe data we have suggest Genesis was outselling SNES all the time when they competed agaist eachother. NPD clearly states Genesis maintaned it's lead in US. What's more...Sega didn't really have any lead over Nintendo before SNES launched. Genesis was selling like utter garbage untill Sonic launched and that was like two months before SNES was out in US.This coupled with the fact that SNES sold more eventually leads to simple conclusion that the overall sales of SNES being better than Genesis is entirelly due to the fact that it kept being sold for almost half decade after Genesis stoped being produced
Yeah, 55% one particular year really isn't spanking it.
Also, most sources put the SNES ahead in both North America and Japan with the Genesis taking the lead in Europe (or other) by the end of their lives. So in terms of sales, at best it could be argued the SNES destroyed the Genesis Japan, they were relatively even in North America (although most sources do suggest the SNES did win there by a small amount) and the Geneses won in Europe (or other)
Also you are way off in the timelines.
The Genesis had a roughly 2 year start on the SNES in all territories. The SNES was discontinued the same year as the Genesis in America based on the Wiki articles (so the Genesis still had two extra years of sales) but a lot longer in Japan (which is where it has the biggest lead by far).
Genesis dicontinued in NA 1999 (because Majesco continued selling it) and worlwide in general 1997 -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega_Genesis
Super Nintendo discontinued in NA 1999 and 2003 Japan -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System
Also, check this out:
1991 - $586
1992 - $1,151
1993 - $1,938
1994 - $1,812
1995 - $812
1996 - $294
1997 - $180
1991 - $560
1992 - $1,733 ^
1993 - $1,890
1994 - $1,471
1995 - $823 ^
1996 - $514 ^
1997 - $243 ^
SNES made more revenue for 4 out of the 7 years it was on sale directly Vs the Genesis based on those numbers. Genesis did however do better than SNES on 3 of those years so fairs fair.
Note: The America numbers in that article count Brazil as part of the Genesis total America sales even though the SNES wasn't even available in Brazil. So if you just use the North America figures then Nintendo is actually the winner there. It even counts the Nomad too, which really is not a Genesis. It's a friking handheld for God's sake.Fairs fair, right.
In reality, the SNES sold 23.35 million in North America Vs the Genesis selling 20 million. So SNES wins there as well as Japan. Fairs fair.
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