If you want anyone to take you seriously I suggest you cut out with the petty insults and have a proper discussion about something.
Portal 2 had big levels. In fact, they were huge at times. Not open world, but they weren't cramped or closed.
OB-47 has a point there were making puzzles. You can make huge @55 puzzles but it would just be on a larger scale with more running around, it wouldn't neccessarily make the puzzles in portal better. From what I've seen of this arguement you are just putting down vavle because they didn't happen to make Portal feel more open? They didn't have to make a series of games just the way you wanted it so they suck? I might have the wrong idea here but you are coming off as really self absorbed and self centered. YOu might not like all of their games but pretty much everyone else does. So your opnion alone is real reason they houldn't be considered one of the greatest game devlopers in a very long time, maybe ever?First off only Hermits hold valve to such high status, not your average casual gamer crowd.
Secondly if you've read any of my posts in which you haven't you would know why myself and many others think Valve are highly overrated. The main reason is (again if you read my posts) is all they make are first person shooters/first person action games. Also people just find them overrated just cause they don't like any of their games (though I do love L4D1 and HLF 2 ep2).
Since 1998 they've made 22 FPS (including expansions), 1 action game, 1 over top shooter, 2 FPAA games. You want to talk about a over abundance of FPS flooding the market and people QQ that CoD is the only thing that's flooding the market, look at Valve that's all they make basically, it makes people look like Hypocrites. I guarantee you if Valve started to make console games Hermits would just throw them away like yesterdays trash like they've done with every other company that started as PC only then went to consoles.
Does valve make great games? yes, not all of their games are as awesome as people make them out to be, which is the case for pretty much every game out there. Even companies that I hold in high regard has made bad games, I will not hide that and it further proves there is no such thing as a perfect game or company, only fanboys see perfect games or companies.
As for Portal it was linear cause you're stuck going through a narrow path from point A to point B, heres a puzzle room, you clear it rinse and repeat for a few hours. That's the definition of repetitive.
People like to complain about QTE in games, that's fine. I like to complain about games having narrow corridors that have point A to point B with little room to make it feel like I'm not in a cage.
I agree with everything but what is highlighted.1 People complain about generic FPS games. while FPS you could hardly call Half Life or Portal generic. Portal is a on eof a kind game and halflife while closer to your average run of the mill shooter is CONSTATNLY mixing things up. Its not like Cod, killzone, Halo, etc where you kill everything, rinse and repeat, yoou have to think and not just shoot blindly.
2 I thnk you might just not like portal at all, and are trying to convince yourself otherwise because everyone else likes it. If they had large open spaces everywhere it whould be a completely different game. The puzzle rooms are broken up by humor and the bt of story they provide. At its heart portal is still a true blue puzzle game, which like I said it sounds ike you jjust don't like. Which is completely OK, but it doesn't make valve any worse a company. Vavle just does a very good job of giving a reasonalbe premise fr why you are doing all of these uzzles which may make you expect more from the game but in the end, its just a puzzle game.
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