DJ-Lafluer, HTML is screwing up so I put all my replies in red and yours in italics.
"I don't know if I can handle all this hyperbole. I just love how you assume you know the intentions behind Nintendo's actions."
Assumptions based on evidence. So me playing SS and being talked down to like I'm a 5th grader time and time again does not show their intention and attitude? Then what does?
"The whole "M-rated games" can't be viewed past 11 a.m thing only affected Europe, and was a decision made solely by NoE from what I recall, not Nintendo as a whole due to some issues with germany's views on violent media."
Alright. So did MS and Sony follow suite in Germany as well? That's not a rhetorical question, I'm genuinely curious as I haven't heard the same about what they've done and would think it would've been news.
"Those "I am not a gamer" ads weren't meant to antagonize gamers, it was just a message saying that the WiiU could be enjoyed by anyone, no matter their gaming background."
They were 3DS ads. And no, it wasn't meant to antagonize gamers. It was meant to divert people from believing that if they played games that they weren't to be labeled as gamers. No, they were "coin collecting (something or other)....". Obviously ads made with the intention of trying to distance their product from a term that has always defined it, as if somehow it's something to be ashamed of. I don't think this is a big deal as many make it out to be, the reason I brought it up was to reinforce my point as to how Nintendo views its base.
"SMG 1 2 DID credit you if you 100% completed it, main and side stuff. They sent you some message on the wii message board congratulating you."
You're preaching to the choir, as I said no different. I explicitly stated that the SMG games gave credit to the player. Anyway, did you read my link about NSMB? Hey man, it claps at you! Don't you feel an extra sense of accomplishment?
"Fi from Skyward sword could just simply be flawed game design you know. I agree that Fi was bad, but acting like Fi was put in SS to insult everyone's intelligence and that Nintendo thinks the only people that play their games are babies is just absurd. That would be like saying every company that adds obnoxious tutorials in their games think their audience is stupid. Perhaps it is just lazy design on their parts?"
Where did I say it was put in there with the intent to insult everyone's intelligence? No, it is an insult to everyone's intelligence. You're under the impression that I believe Nintendo is going out of its way to do this. I don't think that they are, and that makes it all the worse. If they did at least then they could be forgiven for their stupidity. And how exactly is it lazy design? It has nothing to do with flawed or lazy design, it's the philosophy behind it that's the problem. If Nintendo didn't think its audience was so dumb as to warrant tutorials that took up a large part of the early game explaining the most moronic, obvious things over and over again, they would not be there.
SS is not the only Zelda that has this hand-holding you know. TP also did. I've had it trying to even get interested anymore as the first few hours are always a complete bore. Herd those sheep! Catch that fish! Rescue that cat! Run those errands! Good job kiddo, here you go, a wooden sword, now attack that strawman!! I honestly don't understand how people can get past the obligatory "idoit proofing" stages of Zelda. Do you really think the next one is going to be any different? I'll tell you why all Zeldas start this way: it's to introduce us, yes, like babies, to the game mechanics at the speed of a slug.
It's their belief about gamers' aptitude, or lack thereof, which is directly detrimentally affecting their games as evidenced by SS and TP. Zelda, the best franchise they've got. And here you seem to be an apologist defending them. Why? Nintendo doesn't put all this unnecessary garbage in there with the intent to insult. It's there because they genuinely believe that people are so stupid and incapable that they can't figure something out that's so basic. I have NEVER seen tutorials and hand-holding as bad as SS had, in any game, ever. It was ridiculous to the point that I had no desire to play anymore hours before the first dungeon.
"That plus you even admit that not all Nintendo games follow the same trend. If Nintendo really did believe that their consumer base was filled with nothing but "little kiddies afraid of the big bad world", then why wouldn't every game have something as bad as Fi in it? Why would they have any challenging games at all?"
Give Nintendo time. They've made huge strides since the Wii launch. You think Zelda SS is going to be the only game that suffers from this hand-holding? Just you watch.
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