Does this mean that hardcores have to suffer a drought for the rest of the year?
Read it and weep.
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Does this mean that hardcores have to suffer a drought for the rest of the year?
Read it and weep.
"Not this year," affirmed Fils-Aime. "We never said we were bringing anything [core-related] out this year, other than I said core gamers would be happy with (an E3 surprise), and they got Animal Crossing."
I just noticed this quote. I remember when Reggie said "We will be maximizing our key franchises"...
Nintendo not announcing any more games for the rest of the year and Nintendo not bringing any other games this year can be interpreted as two very different things.Technoweirdo
That's true, but I really don't see the point of N telling us this unless it's to stop us from getting our hopes up.
I'd like to hear abour this good third party lineup, because I saw nothing intresting for Nintendo at this years E3.We still have a good Third party lineup, plus Animal Crossing for the rest of the year.
Heres the thing, Nintendo finally realized that while their games are top-notch, it's so high up on the pedistal that there's no chance that any 3rd Party developer can top it. Nintendo is being smart, and by letting the 3rd party games shine, it might benefit the Wii in the long run. Of course, it's a dicey move, and it can backfire on Ninty. But it's a move that's worth the risk.hiphops_savior
That was sort of my assessment. While it sucks for gamers that come to places like GS, I felt like it was a move to get better sales on 3rd party games. Third parties just haven't seem to take to the Wii despite high sales of the console, so by giving up one holiday season, 3rd party sales should increase a lot which will increase future support.
Could backfire, though.
I'm... just extremely disappointed. Maybe I was expecting too much which led me to this state, but... I don't want to wait until 2009...
2008 has potentional to be one of the best years in gaming, and the only noteable titles Nintendo will have in 2008 are Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and Animal Crossing: City Folk.
No Zelda, Kid Icarus, or Pikmin? Total bummer.
What's the news on Disaster: Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame IV?
I really don't see the point of N telling us this unless it's to stop us from getting our hopes up.Tsug_Ze_Wind
They're telling Third Parties. Who want minimal competition. Obviously.
This is why you should buy the ps3.
Your gaming desires are satisfied.
Your online gaming desires are satisfied.
Everyone is happy.
And you support sony in the ps3 war.
Buy a ps3.
Playstation 3 is a hatched egg.
This thread reminds me of:
If you are going to quote please remove the picture out of the quote.
Wow, that makes me feel awful :(
On topic, Animal Crossing is casual TRASH. Who on earth needs only AC as a hardcore gaming fix? What a disappointing comment from a company I've stood by for 20 years.
That said, the last 12 months have held an incredible 1st party lineup....did anyone seriously NOT see this coming?
[QUOTE="Tsug_Ze_Wind"]I really don't see the point of N telling us this unless it's to stop us from getting our hopes up.Tony-Harrison
They're telling Third Parties. Who want minimal competition. Obviously.
I guess, but that doesn't mean we'd have to know.
If you are going to quote please remove the picture out of the quote.
Ironically, it's the opposite situation.
nintendo should be ashamed of them selves. giving us more casual games just to make sure sales are sufficent? the reason i bought the wii was for games like Zelda and Samsh bros. i wouldnt have bought it if i had known they would have stopped makin good games. from japan to us to everyone else thats not us. thats nintendo for the next year.
you all keep mentioning nintendo leaving room for third parties. but i have a question. dont third party games sell well on the 360 and ps3, and well as first party titles? why exactly does it seem impossible for first and third parties to have game out in the same general time frame and have the third party games not sell well?redmetal86
Because Nintendo is one of the best developers there is, arguably the best. Add that to the sheer amount of games they develop, and yes, third parties will have some serious competition.
This is why you should buy the ps3.
Your gaming desires are satisfied.
Your online gaming desires are satisfied.
Everyone is happy.
And you support sony in the ps3 war.
Buy a ps3.
It has 1 game, MGS4...and thats practically an interactive movie :|
PcWii is the only logical choice, unless you don't like Nintendo first party games.
THink its because they are putting more effort into acessories, and finding more ways to use the motion sensing, instead of making good quality games. Prepare to see lots of crap coming out in the next year bahahaMemoryitis
Yeah, maximizing the main attribute of the console is definetely a poor choice:roll:
[QUOTE="Krigon"]This thread reminds me of:
If you are going to quote please remove the picture out of the quote.
Wow, that makes me feel awful :(
On topic, Animal Crossing is casual TRASH. Who on earth needs only AC as a hardcore gaming fix? What a disappointing comment from a company I've stood by for 20 years.
That said, the last 12 months have held an incredible 1st party lineup....did anyone seriously NOT see this coming?
AC is actually quite "hardcore", but very niche.
Have fun playing animal crossing, while we play Gears of War 2 :D.SilentNight_
Welp, you keep telling what the magic tv box tells you to play. GeoW is about as shallow as gaming gets, yet you praise it. Seems to me that you are the casual :\
I'm... just extremely disappointed. Maybe I was expecting too much which led me to this state, but... I don't want to wait until 2009...
2008 has potentional to be one of the best years in gaming, and the only noteable titles Nintendo will have in 2008 are Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and Animal Crossing: City Folk.
No Zelda, Kid Icarus, or Pikmin? Total bummer.
What's the news on Disaster: Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame IV?
You realise they can still announce loads of new stuff about these games, don't forget they already confirmed a new Pikmin and Fatal Frame and Disaster are already announced. Just means they won't announce a new Zelda or Mario, was anyone really expecting that though (even though they already said the Mario and Zelda teams are at work)
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