@shadyacshuns: SMT is not a Nintendo game.
Why yes, yes it is!
That is a sad lineup. Not much coming. The only thing I’m even remotely interested in is Splatoon 3 and by the time that releases I’ll be playing Halo, Battlefield 2042, Back4Blood and God knows what else. I mean if you’re a big Nintendo fan I guess the lineup will keep you busy but you’re missing out on pretty much every multiplat.
Business wise, don’t fix what’s broken. If they’re moving systems and software, that’s all that they need to do.
@techhog89: This list isn't everything coming to Switch. Cruis'n Blast isn't on there. I might be the only one looking forward to it, but that's fine. I'm the only one that matters, to me :)
Is that getting a physical release? If not, that appears to be why.
@shadyacshuns: This is factually false.
Nope, it's factually a Nintendo game, not a first party developed Nintendo game, but a Nintendo game nonetheless, as it plays on Switch and nowhere else. It's a Switch game, and Switch is a Nintendo system. Therefor it is, in fact, a Nintendo game.
Cope bro.
@shadyacshuns: Nintendo haven't developed or paid for the game. It's a Sega/Atlus game.
By your logic, Persona 5 is a Sony game, right?
Final Fantasy VII Remake is also a Sony game.
You're full of shit.
@shadyacshuns: Nintendo didn't develop or paid for the game. It's a Sega/Atlus game.
By your logic, Persona 5 is a Sony game, right?
Final Fantasy VII Remake is also a Sony game.
Yes. That's how they're commonly referred to by normal people. I hope you don't talk all technical nerd with folks irl? That wouldn't be a good look.
@shadyacshuns: lol, not they're not. You can say they're a switch/PlayStation game, not Sony/Nintendo game since they're not made by Nintendo or Sony's studios and they don't own any of those IPs.
You're factually wrong. They're PS/SW games, but not Sony/Nintendo games.
Educate yourself.
@shadyacshuns: lol, not they're not. You can say they're a switch/PlayStation game, not Sony/Nintendo game since they're not made by Nintendo or Sony's studios and they don't own any of those IPs.
You're factually wrong. They're PS/SW games, but not Sony/Nintendo games.
Educate yourself.
No friends? Well... I feel bad for you, son. That takes real world effort, and here's a tip: the people you talk to online and in Gamestop are not really your friends. ;)
@shadyacshuns: you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. Your friends are just as uneducated as you.
@shadyacshuns: you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. Your friends are just as uneducated as you.
Imagine speaking to normal people who might mention a Halo game and say it's "a Microsoft game" and your nerd ass jumps in to wiki mode to tell them *robotic voice* "negative---Halo-is-a-343 indrusties-game". bzzzzt.
Now, go be social and stop annoying people on System Wars kid.
Lmao y’all are clowns if you think this is any solid confirmation.
They simply haven’t nailed down the release date yet so they don’t wanna include it.
Even for system wars this is incredibly low iq
@shadyacshuns: you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. Your friends are just as uneducated as you.
Imagine speaking to normal people who might mention a Halo game and say it's "a Microsoft game" and your nerd ass jumps in to wiki mode to tell them *robotic voice* "negative---Halo-is-a-343 indrusties-game". bzzzzt.
Now, go be social and stop annoying people on System Wars kid.
That is not what he is saying at all. 343 Industries is owned by Microsoft. Atlus/Sega are not owned by Nintendo, and they release games on all platforms. SMT5 is exclusive to Switch, for now, but that could change at any time if Altus/Sega make that call.
But the correct answer is, "Who gives a shit?" Now can you two please stop gumming up this already stupid thread?
This means absolutely nothing.
Unveiling the name and logo of Breath of the Wild 2 is nothing that would be shown in a stupid quickie like this.
That said. I'm expecting a March 2023 release with the Switch Pro having version having enhanced features. The worldwide shortage in semiconducters could push it out even longer.
They're not releasing a revision in 2023. It'll be a new console with a terrible name, terrible marketing, it's own separate online subscription with one N64 game a year as a selling point to justify a higher price, still weaker than base PS4, no BC, and a $400 price tag.
Yeah, they're totally going to abandon the best selling platform ever so they can release Wii U 2
It's not like they've been waiting generations to consolidate their portable and console divisions.
I bet this is the dream of everyone who has been predicting doom for Nintendo for the last 20 years
This means absolutely nothing.
Unveiling the name and logo of Breath of the Wild 2 is nothing that would be shown in a stupid quickie like this.
That said. I'm expecting a March 2023 release with the Switch Pro having version having enhanced features. The worldwide shortage in semiconducters could push it out even longer.
They're not releasing a revision in 2023. It'll be a new console with a terrible name, terrible marketing, it's own separate online subscription with one N64 game a year as a selling point to justify a higher price, still weaker than base PS4, no BC, and a $400 price tag.
Yeah, they're totally going to abandon the best selling platform ever so they can release Wii U 2
It's not like they've been waiting generations to consolidate their portable and console divisions.
I bet this is the dream of everyone who has been predicting doom for Nintendo for the last 20 years
Nintendo isn't good at following up on success. It might also decline by 2023.
I feel so bad for techhog89. Literally all his dreams were crushed in the last few weeks. He almost left gaming to play golf instead ffs. Stressful times.ðŸ˜
This means absolutely nothing.
Unveiling the name and logo of Breath of the Wild 2 is nothing that would be shown in a stupid quickie like this.
That said. I'm expecting a March 2023 release with the Switch Pro having version having enhanced features. The worldwide shortage in semiconducters could push it out even longer.
They're not releasing a revision in 2023. It'll be a new console with a terrible name, terrible marketing, it's own separate online subscription with one N64 game a year as a selling point to justify a higher price, still weaker than base PS4, no BC, and a $400 price tag.
Yeah, they're totally going to abandon the best selling platform ever so they can release Wii U 2
It's not like they've been waiting generations to consolidate their portable and console divisions.
I bet this is the dream of everyone who has been predicting doom for Nintendo for the last 20 years
Yeah, Techhog has been losing it lately. Zelda not releasing this year and Metroid not being at E3 has done a number on them. The worst decision Nintendo ever made, was cutting the legs of the Wii and the DS. I believe the DS could've sold 165 million if they didn't replace it with the 3DS so soon. I highly doubt they'll repeat the same mistake again. Also, where tf is that $400 number coming from? Lately, Nintendo consoles have been $299.99. Why would they release a base $399.99 console?
The only issue I can see with Nintendo in the future is more game garage and 'make your own game' crap. Nintendo comes from the POV of a game developer, so making games is fun for them. However, the average person isn't really into making their own games. There's a reason why the normal Mario games outsell Mario Maker. Most people would rather just play Mario, not create it. And a lot of the games on Mario Maker are troll levels. I don't want to play through poorly designed levels.
You know you can go to the Nintendo site and immediately discover this isn't the full lineup for 2021 let alone 2022. Or you could actually read either the title of the tweet or the disclaimer note on the bottom of the poster.
Which makes the topic title and intent of the thread....irrelevant.
The genius is not strong in SWs.
This means absolutely nothing.
Unveiling the name and logo of Breath of the Wild 2 is nothing that would be shown in a stupid quickie like this.
That said. I'm expecting a March 2023 release with the Switch Pro having version having enhanced features. The worldwide shortage in semiconducters could push it out even longer.
They're not releasing a revision in 2023. It'll be a new console with a terrible name, terrible marketing, it's own separate online subscription with one N64 game a year as a selling point to justify a higher price, still weaker than base PS4, no BC, and a $400 price tag.
Yeah, they're totally going to abandon the best selling platform ever so they can release Wii U 2
It's not like they've been waiting generations to consolidate their portable and console divisions.
I bet this is the dream of everyone who has been predicting doom for Nintendo for the last 20 years
Yeah, Techhog has been losing it lately. Zelda not releasing this year and Metroid not being at E3 has done a number on them. The worst decision Nintendo ever made, was cutting the legs of the Wii and the DS. I believe the DS could've sold 165 million if they didn't replace it with the 3DS so soon. I highly doubt they'll repeat the same mistake again. Also, where tf is that $400 number coming from? Lately, Nintendo consoles have been $299.99. Why would they release a base $399.99 console?
The only issue I can see with Nintendo in the future is more game garage and 'make your own game' crap. Nintendo comes from the POV of a game developer, so making games is fun for them. However, the average person isn't really into making their own games. There's a reason why the normal Mario games outsell Mario Maker. Most people would rather just play Mario, not create it. And a lot of the games on Mario Maker are troll levels. I don't want to play through poorly designed levels.
I said multiple times that I never expected MP4 this year. Also, Nintendo consoles were $200... then $250... then $300-350... Then 300... Inflation's a thing yo
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