Sony and Microsoft have put themselves in a strategic hole by failing to court casual gamers, a top Nintendo executive, Regie Fils Aime said.
"They've gone down the path with very expensive machines where they lose money on every console sold," he said. "They have a significant strategic conundrum and one that won't be easy to resolve."
Nintendo, until recently a laggard in the console wars, has embarked on a campaign to extend the market for video games beyond the hard-core 15- to 29-year-old male demographic, Mr. Fils Aime said. The company has accomplished that by offering new DS titles beyond the shoot-'em-up genre like Brain Age 2, designed to help Baby Boomers maintain their mental acuity. New titles will help users learn French, raise their babies, and find recipes, he added.
"Others have chosen to drive immersion by incrementally increasing graphic resolution," he said. "We've focused on the tactile, how you interact with the game."
What do you guys think? Has Nintendo been the only one to make the right decision for this gen? Can Nintendo keep up its success? And will Sony/Microsoft be able to get out of this "significant strategic conundrum?
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