Analysts expect Miitomo, developed in partnership with mobile-game platform operator DeNA Inc., to contribute little to earnings. It will be free to download and built around communications features, meaning users won’t spend a lot for add-on items in a race for high scores.
Analysts have been watching for indications of how Nintendo’s mobile game will interact with a next-generation system that Nintendo has under development, code-named NX.
Mr. Kimishima said Tuesday that the company will provide an update “not too late in the course of this year.”
Analysts expect Nintendo NX to be unveiled in spring, with a possible release in October or November.
“Nintendo’s NX and smartphone games will be a test case for the videogame industry’s trend of trying to merge smart-device games and console-based games,” said Junko Yamamura, an analyst at Nomura Securities.
So... E3?
Why the **** would you wait till E3? Nintendo, what are you doing?
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