Some of you will think , what's wrong with this guy. Lost his marbles? No such thing, when you look at nintendo's history it's only obvious what is going to happen.
It has already been 15 years ago since nintendo released a console that competed with the other systems in terms of hardware. With the coming of the x360 and ps3, nintendo knew this was a battle they couldn't win. Sony and microsoft were investing huge amounts of money, even selling their systems with a loss to bind customers to thier plafform.
Nintendo couldn't or wasn't willing to risk that and ended up doing a wii and it was a very smart business move. But why the wii u? a weaker cpu than the already dated x360. That tablet? What where they thinking?
Nintendo isn't that stupid , they did this on purpose. They only released the wii u to soften up sony and microsoft so that they would release weaker consoles. A lot of people think nintendo is not smart enough business wise to pull this off but you couldn't be more wrong.
Nintendo pretty much invented the term exlusive (for third parties) back in the eighties. They let devs sign contracts to only develop for their platform. These were very agressive contracts pretty much binding devs for years to their platform. IT is something they could pull off , because they had the most popular console with the nes and they also had the resources to fund upcoming devs.
Their agressive business strategy backlashed with sony. When nintendo was negotiating with sony for the implementation of sony's cd-rom into the n64, sony didn't agree with nintendo's terms and ended up making their own console, the playstation. The rest is history.
History that nintendo hasn't forgotten, nintendo is still a big player in the market and sony and microsoft are sitting ducks. Imagine how easy it is now to release a console for 500$ that will almost double the power of the ps4. Not only that there are no games that use this kind of power, not even on the pc.
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