@Legend002 said:
@commander said:
That doesn't matter, people knew what they bought with the xbox original and people knew what they bought with the wii u. The wii u may have been a failure for nintendo but as a consumer , knowing the amount of games the wii received , then you knew what you were getting into.
And your argument that gaming wasn't considered mass media back then is ridiculous what planet are you from?
Gaming is popular since the eighties and in the time the xboxone released there were a lot more games releasing than today.
Gaming was always massive but during the 6th generation it wasn't even comparable to movies and music. Wii was able to capitalize on a unexpected market and the popularity of video streaming and online gaming brought in people that normally wouldn't game at all. The Wii U is failure on both end. Some of the games are really good it is very far in between compared to any of the previous generation. Where's Metroid, Fire Emblem, Pokémon or even a Wii U original Zelda?
It's not because a lot of people bought more consoles instead of pc's that sudddenly non gamers started gaming. The consoles just replaced the pc for a lot of games. The fact that video streaming was possible on these systems doesn't make a non gamer a gamer.
People that don't like to game won't start gaming on the xbox because they use it for netflix. I will never use my computer for making music because i don't like it.
What happened in the 6th generation is that microsoft and sony sold us consoles with top end hardware for a bargain. A lot of pc gamers that needed to upgrade simply switched to a console for financial reasons. The wii was something different , because it had motion controls, that defenitely was a new market because that didn't exist yet, but that market was a lot smaller than you think.
People just bought a wii for the kids and it was nice to see that motion control at the same time. IF there wasn't a wii, they would have bought an xbox or used an older system. The whole 'casual gaming market' was a market that already existed on the pc and cellphones as well. So the wi was a perfect family system. The man could see the motion controls and do some light gaming, the wife could play her casual games or do fitness games and the kids were happy too.
The matter of the fact is , any serous gamer would not buy a wii or it was because your a ninty fan and.or you wanted those motion controls.
It's the same with the wii u. It's the successor of the wii, it has wii in it's name. This time the gimmick wasn't the motion controls but the tablet and that tablet is very usefull . You can let the kids play on while you're watching tv everybody happy. IF you were a nitnty fan , you got the ninty exclusives again (a zelda and metroid is in the making btw).
The wii could have had more games, a lot more games with motion controls. Like i always missed sword fighting games and boxing games but the matter of the fact is, it's very difficult to translate 3d movement onto a 2d screen, those motion controls will become a lot more interesting with VR.
I would have never bought the wii u , because that tablet was useless to me and i knew wii's don't get that many games and are mostly a family system. I'm not really a nitny fan either but I do like some of their games. if that console beats the ps4, i'm buying it.
So imo , if you bought a wii u and you're not happy, then that's your fault not nintendo's.
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