@MirkoS77 said:
@commander said:
@MirkoS77 said:
I'm beginning to question whether Nintendo is fully committed to quality as of late. This new Starfox is obviously made on a very low budget (looking like an up-rezzed GCN game tbh), Metroid Prime FF looks to be a bastardization of a franchise with the name slapped on at the last second for the sake of the quickest buck, Animal Crossing is gutted in exploitation of Amiibos. They are demonstrating their willingness to compromise the integrity of their products for a very short-sighted, short-term profit. Sorry, that's not quality. Nintendo does not always give the better experience. They have become very cheap. The games that Sony and MS have on their systems may have a lot of shitty practices piled on top of them, that's true, but they usually never suffer to the core from inception as we've seen how Nintendo's been treating some of their most beloved properties as of late.
If you want to talk about anti-consumerism, Nintendo certainly is not exempt. It's a narrative that no longer holds merit. Region locking, hardware tied to accounts that force people to re-buy the same game or pay a fee in transfer from system to system, DLC (not just DLC, but effectively what are otherwise $.99 micro-transactions such as simple skins) hidden behind $13 dollar toys each, now designing games that are dependent on them. No AC adapter for N3DSes, never discounting digital prices. These are pro-consumer? No, they are very anti, they are done at our expense, and I can tell you who's not doing them, at least in that manner: Sony and MS. At least Sony and MS respect us enough to say, "Hey, if you're stupid enough to embrace these things, have at it!" in their practices. Nintendo thinks we are all idiots (or "fans") that we'll actually buy their bullshit excuses they come out with time and again in the attempt to cover their anti-consumer ways.
The truly befuddling thing is, not only is Nintendo credited with not being anti-consumer, they are somehow praised as being the opposite. I have no idea how Sony and MS have been the ones that are constantly seen as anti, when for years they have benefited us with such things as modern accounts and no region locking yet they are not only not acknowledged for these things, they are the ones lambasted while Nintendo is praised, with people somehow ignoring the fact that Nintendo's not doing any of this, in addition to embracing and implementing the worst some of Sony and MS' practices have to offer (Amiibo DLC) and consistently cheapening out at the consumers' expense which is always shoveled out with more lame excuses ("everyone has AC adapters and DVD players") to cover their own asses for their own cheapskate ways.
Imo they're all just as bad but nitntendo is the underdog in this war and that's probably the reason people are less harsh on them.
They're also the only ones that can get us out of the chokehold that both sony and microsoft is holding us in.
Nintendo is the one trying to hold us in a chokehold in many respects, demanding that we abide by their vision of what the industry should want, instead of what it actually does.
I think a large part of the reason Nintendo is given such leeway is the cult of personality it has formed over the years. Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto have made a very calculated attempt to make their mugs and personas synonymous with the Nintendo name. This is done through Directs, Ask Iwatas, developer interviews, their little muppet skits, and their apologies and humble antics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people, in forums all over the net, constantly excuse Nintendo's failings on the basis of personal amicability. Iwata, as an example, has made himself so ingrained with the concept of Nintendo that any notion of his departure would spell disaster for the company as a whole in many fans' eyes.
That is rubbish, and it is dangerous......but unfortunately, it works. People are suckers for charisma. If Iwata and other executives were faceless suits, I highly doubt so many would so readily jump to their defense whenever Nintendo's performance is brought into question and we would see demand for change long ago.
I can understand that but I never felt anything for those characters and I only noticed some familiar faces with the last e3. So the amicality mechanic certainly doesn't work for me.
I'm also not really a nintendo fan but i did bought a snes back in the day and i also bought a wii. The wii is not a gaming console like snes was but I sort of knew this, the console was built around the motion controller, it was something revolutionary and the consoles main selling point
It's also the reason i didn't buy a wii u, the wii u was focussed around the tablet controller and I had no use for that, but it could certainly be useful with families that only have one tv. This was really a family system, even more than the original wii, since the tablets main functionality is being able to play while the tv is used.
That's also the reason i don't bleme nintendo for nothing. I don't see the wii U as a failure on their part, it just wasn't very successfull, simply because kids already have handhelds and the x360 and ps3 were cheaper than the wii u, with a much bigger game library. Of course for ninty fans this is still a must have, but a console can't live on fans alone.
So i don't have any beef with nintendo in any way and I certainly trust them more than sony or ms because as much of a cashgrab intendo is , nintendo is the longest player in the market, and i have childhood memories of nintendo. I associate nintendo with fun, while sony i associate with tv's and electronisc, and ms with windows. Nintendo is a toy company and in that regard, as long as they don't do any major fuckups like always online, not being able to delete my creditcard on my system, or sell a 600$ superconsole that no one knows how to develop for, then I will always like nitntendo better than sony and ms.
But I won't buy their console if it doesn't cater my needs, but I really hope that the nintendo nx does that so i can have a nintendo connected to my tv again.
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