[QUOTE="Renegade_Fury"]Only if they hate motion controls THAT badly. but SS converts those people :PGood. After beating SS, I have no idea why anyone would want to go back.
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anyone who says they need to go back to the old controls have never played skyword sword. go play 360 you don't like zelda.
So they are going to design the next zelda using the dated Wiimote instead of their new tablet controller? Um okay...the Wii U is going to be the weirdest console ever made. One foot in the past and another foot in the slightly LESS past. With zero feet in the future. Bread_or_Decide
So what's the "future" then?
On Topic: I haven't played SS yet, but I do hope they improve WiiMotion+ if they do intend to use the WiiRemote as a main control scheme for some flagship titles like this.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]So they are going to design the next zelda using the dated Wiimote instead of their new tablet controller? Um okay...the Wii U is going to be the weirdest console ever made. One foot in the past and another foot in the slightly LESS past. With zero feet in the future. Cheese-Muffins
So what's the "future" then?
On Topic: I haven't played SS yet, but I do hope they improve WiiMotion+ if they do intend to use the WiiRemote as a main control scheme for some flagship titles like this.
don't you know, the future is ONLY pushing the most polygons possible
This news is most excellent. By far the greatest improvement to the Zelda fanchise since it entered the 3rd dimension was the addition of motion controls and they worked 100% and completely flawlessly for me. Despite Skyward Sword not being the best Zelda, I recognize the motion controls as it's very strongest and most spectacular quality. If Zelda took out these controls, it would have been a deevolution. I'm glad Zelda is advancing and deepening which is more than I can say about most other games out there *cough Uncharted, Mass Effect Cough* (I had to, it's system wars)
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"] Twilight Princess. Or Ocarina 3D if you prefer?Joedgabe
Twilight Princess couldn't be more different than Ocarina. Besides the core mechanics that every Zelda game shares.
And Ocarina 3d is the *exact* same game.
This, people just want to be anal but Twilight princess is very different than Ocarina. They share the same race of people and same zelda mechanics and that's it. The combat especially in twilight princess is superb compared to the one in Ocarina... so it's an improvement. The story is very different also.
I don't like the Idea of a motion controlled zelda it's like it's going to be holding back mechanics of a zelda game that can't be properly done with motion controls. No wonder the Zelda Creator is abandoning Nintendo pfff
You probably need to watch some videos, read up, or play Skyward Sword before you make a fool of yourself. The motion controls did absolutely nothing but add more options for the player. There was no subtraction at all in any form whatsoever that can be linked to the new control scheme sorry
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"] Twilight Princess. Or Ocarina 3D if you prefer?Joedgabe
Twilight Princess couldn't be more different than Ocarina. Besides the core mechanics that every Zelda game shares.
And Ocarina 3d is the *exact* same game.
This, people just want to be anal but Twilight princess is very different than Ocarina. They share the same race of people and same zelda mechanics and that's it. The combat especially in twilight princess is superb compared to the one in Ocarina... so it's an improvement. The story is very different also.
I don't like the Idea of a motion controlled zelda it's like it's going to be holding back mechanics of a zelda game that can't be properly done with motion controls. No wonder the Zelda Creator is abandoning Nintendo pfff
Where did SS hold back any of the mechanics for a zelda game? If you can't answer this than you might as well delete your post. Also, what Zelda creater is abandoning Nintendo pffffffff
No, its an homage to that garbage known as "Majoras Embarassment" that other infamous Anouma turd that Nintendo fanboys on cowardly crawling spineless Nintendo fanboy forums everywhere pretend to love out of company solidarity. If Majora's Embarassment weren't a verified Nintendo product called "Zelda" no one would care about it. Twilight Princess is Majora's Embarassment 2.0 because it features more of that boring transformation nonsense modern art fan and hack no talent director Eiji Anouma is so fond of."lol twilight princess was clearly paying homage to OoT. it IS OoT 2.0.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"] Twilight Princess. Or Ocarina 3D if you prefer?Joedgabe
Twilight Princess couldn't be more different than Ocarina. Besides the core mechanics that every Zelda game shares.
And Ocarina 3d is the *exact* same game.
This, people just want to be anal but Twilight princess is very different than Ocarina. They share the same race of people and same zelda mechanics and that's it. The combat especially in twilight princess is superb compared to the one in Ocarina... so it's an improvement. The story is very different also.
I don't like the Idea of a motion controlled zelda it's like it's going to be holding back mechanics of a zelda game that can't be properly done with motion controls. No wonder the Zelda Creator is abandoning Nintendo pfff
You probably need to watch some videos, read up, or play Skyward Sword before you make a fool of yourself. The motion controls did absolutely nothing but add more options for the player. There was no subtraction at all in any form whatsoever that can be linked to the new control scheme sorry
Cool, hopefully the Wiimotes motion detection can be refined somewhat to be more consistent with the Wii-U (so we don't have to buy yet again more controllers for a new system). And I wonder, will Nintendo allow for an optional control scheme with its tablet controller?
Twilight Princess couldn't be more different than Ocarina. Besides the core mechanics that every Zelda game shares.
And Ocarina 3d is the *exact* same game.
This, people just want to be anal but Twilight princess is very different than Ocarina. They share the same race of people and same zelda mechanics and that's it. The combat especially in twilight princess is superb compared to the one in Ocarina... so it's an improvement. The story is very different also.
I don't like the Idea of a motion controlled zelda it's like it's going to be holding back mechanics of a zelda game that can't be properly done with motion controls. No wonder the Zelda Creator is abandoning Nintendo pfff
Where did SS hold back any of the mechanics for a zelda game? If you can't answer this than you might as well delete your post. Also, what Zelda creater is abandoning Nintendo pffffffff
It's pretty obvious to say motion controls only complicate gameplay, stop being a motion control fan and be honest ( too much to ask fanboys ) the possibilities of regular controls go as far as being able to me a DBZ fast paced game or even a Devil May Cry with tons of action where they can just chage things with pressing a button. Now see... if you're only using Motion controls there's a lot of things that can't be done that way because you'll have to angle the controls a certain way for those things to work and people won't be swinging their hands that fast because 1. The sensor can't keep up
2. you'll get tired
The best thing to do is to have a balance between motion controls and using regular controls but not convert the whole thing into motion controls. You all want to pretend you're playing an evolutionary game that's so astonishing. When I played Twilight Princes I noticed the Developers from Zelda were trying to make the combat mechanic evolve into something better hell... I bet if they could they would make a rated T or M Zelda that would blow peoples mind away but are held back by nintendo's sh!t forcing people to pick up after their crap. My best example I can throw out is that I've played games on the Ps3 with regular controls then tried them with the move and it wasn't such an enjoyable experience ( My move is more accurate than the Wii controls by a long shot too )
I think as long as they work on perfecting the motion controls, they're definitely a great thing for the Zelda series. I really like SS's controls, and I do feel like I can't really go back to the old ones.
Because that would hold back the quality and depth that focusing on just Motion Controls would giveWhy not add an option that allows you to play with or without motion controls? Then everyone would be happy.
Stubborn aren't they? Bread_or_Decide
[QUOTE="TrapJak"]Because that would hold back the quality and depth that focusing on just Motion Controls would givePossibly, but there's gonna be a loss in fanbase if options aren't available in terms of motion control.Why not add an option that allows you to play with or without motion controls? Then everyone would be happy.
Why not add an option that allows you to play with or without motion controls? Then everyone would be happy.
Because that would hold back the quality and depth that focusing on just Motion Controls would givePossibly, but there's gonna be a loss in fanbase if options aren't available in terms of motion control. Maybe so, but continuing to do the same thing over and over sure won't make new fans eitherMaybe so, but continuing to do the same thing over and over sure won't make new fans eitherdarkspineslayer
Was that logic? Now, where's that report button? You, sir, will be punished for making too much sense; I'll seek to it!
Great. I would much rather that Nintendo sticks with the exact same quality of motion control from Skyward Sword than go back to the traditional buttons (though in a perfect world we would see some subtle improvements). Even if that means we get another 7.5 on our hands.
This, people just want to be anal but Twilight princess is very different than Ocarina. They share the same race of people and same zelda mechanics and that's it. The combat especially in twilight princess is superb compared to the one in Ocarina... so it's an improvement. The story is very different also.
I don't like the Idea of a motion controlled zelda it's like it's going to be holding back mechanics of a zelda game that can't be properly done with motion controls. No wonder the Zelda Creator is abandoning Nintendo pfff
Where did SS hold back any of the mechanics for a zelda game? If you can't answer this than you might as well delete your post. Also, what Zelda creater is abandoning Nintendo pffffffff
It's pretty obvious to say motion controls only complicate gameplay, stop being a motion control fan and be honest ( too much to ask fanboys ) the possibilities of regular controls go as far as being able to me a DBZ fast paced game or even a Devil May Cry with tons of action where they can just chage things with pressing a button. Now see... if you're only using Motion controls there's a lot of things that can't be done that way because you'll have to angle the controls a certain way for those things to work and people won't be swinging their hands that fast because 1. The sensor can't keep up
2. you'll get tired
The best thing to do is to have a balance between motion controls and using regular controls but not convert the whole thing into motion controls. You all want to pretend you're playing an evolutionary game that's so astonishing. When I played Twilight Princes I noticed the Developers from Zelda were trying to make the combat mechanic evolve into something better hell... I bet if they could they would make a rated T or M Zelda that would blow peoples mind away but are held back by nintendo's sh!t forcing people to pick up after their crap. My best example I can throw out is that I've played games on the Ps3 with regular controls then tried them with the move and it wasn't such an enjoyable experience ( My move is more accurate than the Wii controls by a long shot too )
Really? How would making the game rated T or M change the gameplay in any way? Also, Twilight Princess was by far the easiest 3D Zelda game. The combat in Skyward Sword is the most challenging system in a Zelda game yet, so I'm not sure what you're going on about.[QUOTE="Joedgabe"][QUOTE="vtbob88"]
Where did SS hold back any of the mechanics for a zelda game? If you can't answer this than you might as well delete your post. Also, what Zelda creater is abandoning Nintendo pffffffff
It's pretty obvious to say motion controls only complicate gameplay, stop being a motion control fan and be honest ( too much to ask fanboys ) the possibilities of regular controls go as far as being able to me a DBZ fast paced game or even a Devil May Cry with tons of action where they can just chage things with pressing a button. Now see... if you're only using Motion controls there's a lot of things that can't be done that way because you'll have to angle the controls a certain way for those things to work and people won't be swinging their hands that fast because 1. The sensor can't keep up
2. you'll get tired
The best thing to do is to have a balance between motion controls and using regular controls but not convert the whole thing into motion controls. You all want to pretend you're playing an evolutionary game that's so astonishing. When I played Twilight Princes I noticed the Developers from Zelda were trying to make the combat mechanic evolve into something better hell... I bet if they could they would make a rated T or M Zelda that would blow peoples mind away but are held back by nintendo's sh!t forcing people to pick up after their crap. My best example I can throw out is that I've played games on the Ps3 with regular controls then tried them with the move and it wasn't such an enjoyable experience ( My move is more accurate than the Wii controls by a long shot too )
Really? How would making the game rated T or M change the gameplay in any way? Also, Twilight Princess was by far the easiest 3D Zelda game. The combat in Skyward Sword is the most challenging system in a Zelda game yet, so I'm not sure what you're going on about.Calling me a fanboy while acting like more of one yourself, aren't you. I asked the question "what mechanics were taken out of SS" and the response is "Your such a fan boy, my devil may cry is better and my move is better and bla bla bla". Sounds more like a fanboy than simply asking a question. So, try asnwering the question next time please.
Also, Puprleman, you took the words out of my mouth. SS is has way more going for it in the combat, and TP was a good game, just way to easy for me. I don't recall dying at all in that one really.
I personally hate that you are forced to use the motion controller. And I personally think the way Link holds his sword looks really ridiculous in skyward sword.
Good news, combat was better in Skyward Sword than it's ever been. Hopefully the bring the formula back to being a little less linear in dungeon design though. Also more overworld areas.
I don't like this, nope, not one bit and think it's a mistake
They should at least make it optional to use a traditional controller :o Agree ?
Going back to gamepad controls would a huge step backwards. So the series should just turn back on the huge advances SS made in combat and control? How would that make any sense whatsoever?
I don't like this, nope, not one bit and think it's a mistake
They should at least make it optional to use a traditional controller :o Agree ?
Going back to gamepad controls would a huge step backwards. So the series should just turn back on the huge advances SS made in combat and control? How would that make any sense whatsoever?
It is because they want the games to advance by doing absolutely nothing different. It's been confusing me a lot lately, they think that the franchise is stale...and the only way to help it is by keeping it the exact same.
Or damn, mah bad, thought I logged into GS !! :o[QUOTE="ProtossX"]
dude skyward sword got 10/10 at ign
i dont think they need to change much how do u score higher than a 10?
they only given 2 10's in there history of reviews
go look reviews go look at them you utter fool
Oh wait, upon further inspection, I am on GS soooo 7.5 it is and I might add, the score closer to reality ummm, dude. :P
stop acting like you've played skyward sword. everyone who has played it agrees the motion controls are excellent.i would have lol'd if your post wasn't so poorly written.No, its an homage to that garbage known as "Majoras Embarassment" that other infamous Anouma turd that Nintendo fanboys on cowardly crawling spineless Nintendo fanboy forums everywhere pretend to love out of company solidarity. If Majora's Embarassment weren't a verified Nintendo product called "Zelda" no one would care about it. Twilight Princess is Majora's Embarassment 2.0 because it features more of that boring transformation nonsense modern art fan and hack no talent director Eiji Anouma is so fond of."lol twilight princess was clearly paying homage to OoT. it IS OoT 2.0.GarrusVakarian7
So... either they are going to have the next Zelda game on the Wii or they'll force the useage of the WiiMote for the Wii U.
There are 90M Wii's around the world, Wii U is backwards compatible with all Wii controllers. Actually, Wii U will require you to use Wiimotes if you want to play any game in MP mode.There you go.
Pretty much. With a little bit of polishing the controls will be perfect. What they should focus on is making more complex puzzles and maybe making the enemies more aggressive. I was kinda bummed out that there were no Darknuts or Iron Knuckles in SSGood news, combat was better in Skyward Sword than it's ever been. Hopefully the bring the formula back to being a little less linear in dungeon design though. Also more overworld areas.
The new controls are awesome. I wouldn't ever want them to go back to button pressing.dude skyward sword got 10/10 at ign
i dont think they need to change much how do u score higher than a 10?
they only given 2 10's in there history of reviews
go look reviews go look at them you utter fool
While I absolutely love Skyward Sword's motion controls, and want a future game to use it, I kinda wanted to see what kind of beast Nintendo would bring with Zelda on Wii U with its tablet controller.funsohng
Play the DS Zeldas then.
New features of the u-pad = DS
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Stubborn aren't they? LordQuorthon
LOLThis won't end well. This comes from someone who is loving Skyward Sword so far.charizard1605why wont this end well? I mean whats so bad about them further developing the control scheme?
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]This won't end well. This comes from someone who is loving Skyward Sword so far.Shinobishyguywhy wont this end well? I mean whats so bad about them further developing the control scheme?
I think he means for the sales.
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