[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Like I said. There are plenty of demos that let you do different things in multiple playthroughs making each experience different from the last. Like fighting game demos, rpg demos, sandbox demos, and some others. I think Harmoknight or Fire Emblem Awakening only gave you 10 or 15 playthroughs. Pretty stupid to me. I liked playing the Harmoknight demo multiple times trying to perfect it and beat that damn boss. Theres plenty to experiment with in the FEA demo also. Demo limits are unnecessary.Capitan_Kid
How many, is "plenty?" Simply for a reference. Fighting game demos oftem limit you to 4 or so players. I understand the variety, but would a limit on the playthroughs overly affect your experience with different characters? As an example offered by TC, it was 10 playthroughs. That means loading it, quiting, and loading again. Similar could be said for your other examples.
Demo limits are an annoyance, sure. Bitching about it 2 years later, is idiotic.
Off the top of my head, 13-2, Harmoknight,RE5, Just Cause 2, Infamous, Infamous 2, MvC2, that Hatsune Miku game, Vsnquish, Bayonetta, DmC, Ni No Kuni, DMC4, Eternal Sonata, Injustice, Lost Planet 2, Sonic Generations, Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing, Metal Gear Rising, Jojos Bizarre Adventure HD. Gotta say if Sony tried to pull this, Id be hella pissed. 20 may seem like a lot at the time but as the days go on that number dwindles. I think ive played that Sonic racing demo 40 times with my lil sis. Its true as long as you dont quit it, it wont count against you but that doesnt mean I want to play it consecutively.Not a shoddy list, at all. Like I said, they are definitely an annoyance, but there has to be a point at which the provider cuts off access. A demo is an example of play. Nothing more.
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