[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"] This. The problem with the 3ds is that Nintendo failed to convey to the masses that this is NOT a DS. That this is a next generation handheld. They even failed in the name. They just took the DS and put a 3 in front of it (the same mistake they are making with the Wii U). People just think its a DS revision.All of this, and you have one thing wrong... The 3DS sold 3.6 million in four days. I was mistaken. But everything else still stands. Alot of people wont know the difference between the 3DS and the regular DS, just like alot of people wont know the difference between the Wii U and the original Wii. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRrviEHeN2M&feature=player_embeddedThat, and just not agressively marketing it at all. Alot of people, including myself had no Idea the damn thing even released. I was reading these forums a few months ago and saw threads talking about "3DS having poor sales" and I said to myself "wait a minute.....this thing is out already?!?! where was I?".
The launch of a next generation handheld came and went without leaving so much of a trace. Hell, if a person who spends hours on the internet reading gaming s*** didnt even know the damn thing was even out, imagine what the regular people on the street think. Most of them probly dont even know it exists, nor do they care. This thing made no splash whatsoever. Do you think that the launch of a next generation Sony or MS platform would just pass the masses by without anyone knowing? Hell no. Even if you didnt even play video games, you would know when the thing was coming out.
In fact, the $250 system took 13 weeks just to hit the 1 million mark. Just to put this in perspective, the PS3, a $600 console with one of the s***iest software launches in history came close to that on its FIRST TWO DAYS on the market. It sold 600k in just its first 2 days, (keep in mind it didnt even launch in europe until several months later).
I see the same thing happening with the Wii-U. The masses either wont know it exists, wont care, or wont know that it is a next gen console and not just a new iteration of the Wii.
They've fixed that.
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