3DS is failing? News to me.
Last I hear it still has sold around 3 million units within 5 months...
Doesn't matter. Some people have the mindset that Nintendo = Bad, so they waste space in this forum to harp on everything about them.
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3DS is failing? News to me.
Last I hear it still has sold around 3 million units within 5 months...
Well since everyone thinks nin is failing...I feel nin needs to come out with the NIn cell phone..loads of games from NES,SNES,N64 ect..blow everything out of the water just like they did with handhelds..then they would own the cell phone market, handheld gaming market and console market..BINGO!!!
3DS is failing? News to me.
Last I hear it still has sold around 3 million units within 5 months...
This is a really spot-on post. They have to stop trying to be imaginative, and just go back to making good games.I wish Nintendo was more creative with their software than their hardware. I miss games like Pikmin, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Adventures, The Thousand Year Door, Luigis Mansion, Wind Waker, etc. It's like I can completely predict every game they release now. I remember being upset that Wind Waker was going to be cartoony, and being utterly confused when I first played Metroid Prime and realized it was a first person shooter, I want that back.
[QUOTE="93BlackHawk93"]OH wait... Hear yourself... MK7!!! 7!!! Now tell me whats the big difference of MK6 to MK7 and we can talk about it. Thats what TC trying to say. Not that these games arent good .. These games getting old already. ( most of them at least )OoT3D and SF643D are the only remakes they've done. Did you call SM3DL and MK7 ports of old games? Shows how much you don't know what you're talking about.
From original to latest:
Mario Kart: 1992 - 2012 = 7 games in 20 years
COD:2003 - 2011 = 13 games in 12 years
People who say that Nintendo rehashes are people who were born yesterday.
bu bu bu this mario kart has gliding!!!!1
But yeah, Nintendo have been reduced to a company that puts 99% of its efforts into discovering the next big casual, gimmicky cash-grab while the other 1% regurgitates the same mario and zelda games to keep the core fans happy. Nintendo could release a **** in the shape of mario and the nintendo loyalist would defend them.
Like how Sonic = Bad.You keep making this comparison, and it's getting kind of annoying. People are sick of Sonic games because they are sick of them finding new ways to be disappointing, even when everyone's expectations are already low. It has been that way for years, and this trend started before Sega even stopped making consoles. People are getting fed up with Nintendo because they feel that Nintendo are being too cheap with everything, and they feel that Nintendo uses silly gimmicks to sell what would otherwise be considered low-end products.[QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]
Doesn't matter. Some people have the mindset that Nintendo = Bad.Timstuff
he use the comparison because no matter what nintendo does based on here its a bad thing. you wouldnt get it because your one of the main guys constantly poking at nintendo liked they are holding you for ransom or something
OoT3D and SF643D are the only remakes they've done. 93BlackHawk93
I'm curious to know what the SWs definition of a 'remake' is.
Only because there was another thread where the TC [of that thread] said the new Halo Combat Evolved was a remaster as the gameplay engine hadn't been changed.
So a port is obvious, but what is a remaster and a remake.
Nintendo said the dungeons in OoT Master quest were "remastered", I think. So if they consider a level design change a remaster, then what are we considering a remake.
On topic, I think Nintendo do their fair share for innovation. I mean how many times can you re-invent the wheel (change the way we play games), because that's really hard.
I think they may have slipped up a little by not at least using more updated multi touch screens, if this is indeed the case. I'll give them a chance with the software. But I do want to wait before buying one, both to see the software and to see how the PS Vita turns out.
All others do is milk too. And you have to remember that when a system launches, most of the software are ports. People should always give a new system a year to break in with the software.
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