Dreamcast had online play. 3DO had internal memory (technically battery backed RAM, but the concept was similar).
Motion sensing, analogue Sticks, and Touch screen were there way before Nintendo even bothered to utilize the technology. It's not about who invented what. It's about who takes the hardware and present it in a very unique and influential fashion. I don't know about the internal memory but I can tell you right now Dreamcast's online is nothing compared to MS.I know. I made a similar point in an earlier post.
Technically all last generation consoles had some level of online functionality. Even the GameCube (though I only recall one game on the platform that ever took advantage of it). I suppose Microsoft did influence the Sony to giving the PS3 a more centralized service. Though so far Microsoft's strategy of making consumers pay just to play online hasn't caught on with other manufacturers, and frankly I'm grateful for that.
oh yeah. I've also noted that MS made the least influence across all 1st party developers. But I don't think it's correct to say that the industry would be exactly the same without them. That was my point. And paying for online is beginning to trend. Nintendo's pay to play service as we all PSN+ are derivative facts to support it. But yeah I think we're on the same page so no point in arguing anymore :P
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