Don't get ahead of yourself. New tech always needs time to work itself into things. The Cell is still currently the best CPU on the market.
Theres not a personal computer on the planet that can touch Cell in any area. Be it memory management, parallel computing, downright speed, whatever. Even the new, highly generic and underwhelming multi-core Intel and AMD processors pale in comparison to Cells capabilities.
Now that the final devkits are out and Cell / RSX are working through the incredibly fast and efficient FlexIO from Rambus those PC's they are using, no matter what they are, aren't going to be able to duplicate what a PS3 will be capable of.
This is why I've been saying for awhile that the PS3 will be able to keep pace with the PC's for years to come without problem. Its just superior in speed, precision, cycle losses being minimized, mathematic processing, physics, geometry, shaders, whatever. Maybe in 4 or 5 years a PC will exist that will make the PS3 port have to be downgraded in a way, but until then its highly doubtful.
When you add the system bandwidth, memory bandwidth, SPE local storage cycles being so incredibly low per miss, the highly parallized structure of Cell itself, the RSX's shader capabilities, Cells shader capabilities and rendering capabilities, Blu-Ray and the standard HDD .... well .... lemme just put it this way. The games showcased for the PS3 right now probably aren't even really using 5% of the systems resources or potential.
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