[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] explain to me how a ps2 or wii couldn't run RE5's title screen?
this is a stupid comment. yes, if you don't let there be a resolution for 480p technically the wii and ps2 couldn't display the 600 extra pixels, but instead in 480i
and just like most ps3 and 360 games RE5 will include 480p as an option, so this is technically false
there isn't anything crazy going on in a TITLE SCREEN
seriously, the animations are pratically the same from 4, gameplay is more shooting focused, AI still looks like its happy just to be able to stand up a ladder (AI must be so amazing when 30 people and 2 chainsaw guys run at you and then stop 15 yards away to slowly walk to headshots) this is looking like a good shooter, but not a different game from 4
some say whats broke don't need fixing, and to some degree thats ok. i probably won't mind
but the producer of RE5 doesn't need to be saying dumb stuff like this about the sequel to a great game, which by the way has sold the most units and is praised for the best controls of all versions on a console the sequel isn't currently coming out on
either way you look at it for capcom not to make a 480p less good graphics but still co-op RE5 port to wii (seriously its easier to port it down than up) is a dumb business move
wii resident evil 4 sells the best of all versions. check
wii resident evil 4 praised for best and most precise controls by most media outlets. check
wii owners buy umbrella chronicles in droves. check
wii owners buy other horror games (fatal frame selling 100k in japan in 3 months that 100k is more than the last fatal frame sold on the ps2 in the entire world!)
so why, tell me why does it make any sense for capcom not to pay X amount of money to hire 30 people to port it down to the wii, if only to sell 1 million more copies from a business perspective?
seriously, this isn't a question of whether you'd like a wii version whether you think it will happen or whether you think the wii is good
it is an undeniably open oppurtunity for easy money and capcom is too stuck in there support for this HD generation that the mainstream gaming audience isn't even fully embracing. (i'm talking about the 100 million casual PS2 owners, they want wii's or they don't want to spend money on any new gaming systems)
To be simple about it... the WII has about 88mb of ram. That factor ALONE limits texture resolution, and the amount of textures to be used at once on screen.
The processor is too far behind. It's better than the GC CPU/GPU but in terms of todays standards its like running a geforce4 card on your pentium 4 1ghz (non dualcore) computer. This slowness limits processing power for special effects, limits polygon count, reduces draw distance, limits amount of enemies on the screen without making them cubes, and can't handle a proper physics engine, especially when pimping out the graphics to its max capabilities. Not to mention AI processing, which would be hindered byt he lack of power.
Hard drive... well, there is practically NONE. There is ram storage, and SD card storage, but neither of those would allow for downloadable content, texture storage, or any other content the developers may decide to install.
These factors alone make it nearly impossible for games like RE5 to run on the wii, take alone in teh dark, they ahd to limit the open areas so the wii could handle the load of the game, but by doing so, it actually makes the game different. Imagine a game that has small 'open areas', bad AI, bad physics, low polygon count, low textures resolution and quantity of textures, no 5.1 surround sound (without cutting back to dolby prologic II), and then compare it to the same game on the PS3 or 360... you will find, its just not the same game.
Granted the Wii has a unique control system, which when it works, its very fun, but lets face it, the wii remotes are not sensitive enough, and having to buy an extra addon to increase sensitivity is not ideal for most consumers out there who bught a wii. The wii 'CAN' be fun, but it just can't handle the games comign to the real nextgen consoles.
Also, yes, I own a wii, and i'm hugely disappointed that i did, if my fiance hadn't gotten into using it, i'd have sold it by now. Shes a casual gamer, and that is truly what the wii was made for. RE5 is not a casual gamers game.
I forgot to mention that making a super cut down version of the game would be very costly as many things would need to be written specifically for the Wii, and it would drop game quality, and the sales would then suffer because of that.
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