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That's a good thing... finally developers are realising that multiplayer isn't a crutch for providing a poor singleplayer experience.foxhound_foxWhy isn't it? I'd much rather have a great multiplayer shooter than a great single player shooter. A lot of games deliver both. :shock:
Good multiplayer games are supposed to last. Catch up on Bad Company, TF2, Halo 3, Rainbow Six, and Ghost Recon. I don't need a new competitive FPS every year, I'll just go back to Halo 2 if I get bored with the new ones. :PII-FBIsniper-IIhell yeah, Halo 2. i almost wish no multiplayer shooters came out after it so that it wouldn't be dead anymore. nothing compares!
Maybe not on the PS3 but in 08 the 360 got L4D and that is one of the best online shooters in a long time. Also in 09 Halo:ODST and Halo is known for great online.rybe1025
I have L4D on the PC, it is entertaining but defintely forgettable after a while. Unless I am missing something extra special that the 360 version has over PC.
I am having a blast playing Resistance 2 right now, just waiting for KZ2 to come out. :D
To be honest there are times I still fire up Battle Field 1942, A few Desert Combat servers still exist :P.
Resistance 2 just came out this year. Killzone 2 comes out in February and looks to have great multiplayer. L4D just came out and has great multiplayer. I regularly play Battlefield Bad Company on PSN and have tons of people to play with still since release. Warhawk got 2 new updates this and i still play that online with many many other people.
Specifically 09', IDK. Killzone 2 and Halo 3 ODST are the only two that stand out to me. I'm sure more will surface though.
On any platform PC, PS3, 360, wii etc, there were no good fps games. The last real good one was COD4 way back. What happened to team based shooters like Battlefield and others. What does 2008 really have to show, COD5? Rewrapped COD4. Also I am talking MP wise so please dont bring up gears, dead space etc. 2009 looks even more doubtful, I cant think of one half decent shooter with competive MP even announced except maybe Killzone 2. What is happening to MP FPS, my PC wants action and not just RTS.KeithFernsI thought there were some rumours for Battlefield 3? If so it would be pretty good. Imagine the squad-orientated teamplay of BF2142, coupled with the modern setting of BF2 and updated graphics. :) And more players :D (Which reminds me, there is always Massive Action Game... No idea when that comes out)
Resistance 2 sucks, Is worse even than Resistance 1.loco145I liked the Co op and competitive... The campaign is sucking ass so far. It wants to be too much like COD4.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]That's a good thing... finally developers are realising that multiplayer isn't a crutch for providing a poor singleplayer experience.II-FBIsniper-IIWhy isn't it? I'd much rather have a great multiplayer shooter than a great single player shooter. A lot of games deliver both. :shock: Very few games deliver both. VERY few. CoD4's sp was a bit better than mediocre at best. R2's singleplayer is sucking (I'm still playing it). Although I've heard Gears is good in sp and mp. I haven't gotten around to trying out the mp yet.
Resistence 2 is the popular game to be traded in at GameStation where I live lol.Raiko101
I am trying to find a new copy for my brother so he can play with me (We are not a fan of used). Gamestop,Wal-Mart, and Kmart here are all sold out. Gamestop had a collectors edition in but I was not that impressed with the Resistance 2 CE to warrant spending the extra money.
Gotta make the 45 min drive to Best Buy :(
[QUOTE="Raiko101"]Resistence 2 is the popular game to be traded in at GameStation where I live lol.Lewisite
I am trying to find a new copy for my brother so he can play with me (We are not a fan of used). Gamestop,Wal-Mart, and Kmart here are all sold out. Gamestop had a collectors edition in but I was not that impressed with the Resistance 2 CE to warrant spending the extra money.
Gotta make the 45 min drive to Best Buy :(
this is why digital distribution owns, no need to go game hunting or drivingThat's a good thing... finally developers are realising that multiplayer isn't a crutch for providing a poor singleplayer experience.foxhound_foxso true no good sp or no coop = no sale
From what i played of the beta, KillZone 2 next year will be very good.
To be honest though, unless its a platform exclusive, dont expect to see too many stellar fps games around for the next couple of years. It seems to be becoming the shovelware genre of choice for the hardcore crowd, in that the majority of FPS and TPS, no matter their quality, will most likely jump straight into the top 10 on release.
Why isn't it? I'd much rather have a great multiplayer shooter than a great single player shooter. A lot of games deliver both. :shock:II-FBIsniper-II
09 is looking lyk a bad year for fps mp but i enjoy the single player rather than multiplayer. If a game has a good story it would attract me more than one with a good mp. It would make me feel like i am part of a game
Resistance 1 and 2 are both great :)
XBL: ryan041094
I've been playing Halo 3 since 2007, doubt that'll change -- a little COD4 on the side and in February I'll have some Killzone 2 OMG goodness for my brand new PS3! Wewt. I'm satisfied. I play too many Shootan games as it is.
Edit: It just hit me, they need to make another Perfect Dark game. But this time, DO IT RIGHT. PDZ had sooo much potential.
Alot of people seems to think i love COD games but that is not the case, im just listing it as a good shooter. I hate the word COD rehashes because most good FPS games came out before COD. Battlefield Bad Company had so much potential if it was on PC, but the lame amount of players in a game sucks.
Battlefield 3- It is has been said by DICE they are not working on it
Halo ODST- No information on the game, other than being a squad shooter, I really hope it delivers as Halo MP could use some teamwork
Call of Duty MW2- Not even sure it has been announced
Killzone 2- Seems promising as it has many Battlefield components, but PC would be so much better.
This year there have been a good amount of FPS I enjoyed. Resistance 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, COD 5 and L4D. I think the multiplayer from each one of them is great and I have invested a good amount of time in all of them, I have played BFBC the most, although it has been out the longest of them all, i'll most likely play the others multiplayer till around half way through 2009 before I get bored of them.
And there have been two other FPS's which I enjoyed, but didn't really enjoy the MP. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (the insane lag killed the MP for me, but co-op and completing it on the hardest difficulty were fun) and Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway (MP was just boring, but I really enjoyed the singleplayer)
Quite a good year for FPS if you ask me.
Battlefield: Bad Company > Resistance 2 = COD 5 > L4D > R6V2 > BIAHH
Alot of people seems to think i love COD games but that is not the case, im just listing it as a good shooter. I hate the word COD rehashes because most good FPS games came out before COD. Battlefield Bad Company had so much potential if it was on PC, but the lame amount of players in a game sucks.
Battlefield 3- It is has been said by DICE they are not working on it
Halo ODST- No information on the game, other than being a squad shooter, I really hope it delivers as Halo MP could use some teamwork
Call of Duty MW2- Not even sure it has been announced
Killzone 2- Seems promising as it has many Battlefield components, but PC would be so much better.
link to source?
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