[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="bobbetybob"][QUOTE="AC-360"][QUOTE="bobbetybob"] BALANCE BOARD! I admit WiiFit is a gimmick to get people to buy it as they want to get fit, but it's a fun gimmick. You could argue a lot of games are gimmicks, just the same as other games in the genre only with certain things changed. But the main cool thing of Wii Fit is the balance board and how that can be incorporated into games. And some of your points are stupid, the controls aren't broken, the Wii remote essentially becomes a pedometer when you use it for running. Ever use one of those? They suck, you can do that, just sit there waggling it and the steps go up, if you tap your foot whilst you are sitting still sometimes they go up. Bad menus? Oh no the game is ruined...
According to gamespot they aren't amazing. So, you spent $90 on a game that could be fun for say a week or so just so you can wait a couple months for other implementations. Damn, the milkage... I really respect Nintendo's gangsta.The fact is that anyone who buys the game knows what they are getting, the casuals who buy it are expecting something they can play for 20 or 30 minutes a day and have some fun, which is what the get, the "hardcore" that bought it know what they are getting, a balance board and a game like Wii Sports and Wii Play, "games" that are merely there to showcase what the equipment can do. And we aren't really waiting for implementations, already 2 games are announced that will make use of the balance board, what about things like Guitar Hero, Rockband, Singstar, Buzz. They are more milkage you are essentially paying for a pheriphal you can only use in one situation, at least the Balance Board can be manipulated and used in whatever game it suits, skating, skiing, driving, whatever.
Guitar Hero, Rockband, Singstar, and Buzz are not milkage. That word doesn't even apply to peripherals.
Milkage is something completley different.
Oh and a guitar peripheral > exercise mat. First off its usable for every sequel to the game. They don't FORCE you to rebuy the guitar and second I'd rather pretend to be a rock star than do Yoga.
Way to read what I said. I never said an exercise board was better, I love Guitar Hero, I don't really think it's milkage but neither is the Balance Board, technically milkage is overpricing periphals that are important to the console, that's what I see it as anyway. Like the xbox wireless adaptor, Wii remote prices, PS3 having DS's released after people have already bought 5 6-axis's. That kind of thing. And again you didn't read what I said with my last thing, I know you can use GH controller for sequel, but can you use it for anything except Guitar rhythm games? No. The balance board can be manipulated to be used in different styles of games, and in loads of different ways, from full control of the game, to just an additional option.
How many skiing games and hoola hoop games until the Wii board proves useless? Look at the wiimote. Hasn't been proven to really work the way Nintendo promised. I don't see the wii board doing any better in that department.
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