not counting nintendo... so far
i'd buy these:
RE2 remaster (if its on PC)
starlink and arwing model figure (switch)
assasins creed odyssey (in a year or rush PC)
dragon quest 11 (on switch)
Halo infinite (PC)
these look ok but meh
kingdom hearts 3 (dont got a system to play it however all the new disney characters suck. frozen is the only disney movie ive liked in the past 20 years)
anthem (looks ok. but might just be destiny 2.0 need more gameplay)
fallout 76 (ummm.. looks cool but dont have time to waste on that game. id prefer trying to get to X rank in splatoon or play smash)
shadow of the tomb raider (after beating the first and playing half of the 2nd i decided i dont like new tomb raider. you are shooting shit like 90% of the time. i prefer the isolation and puzzle solving of the old games. not to mention the music was tons more memorable before.)
forza horizon 4 (dont like racers besides mario kart)
gears 5 (online is so dependent on shotguns. i suck at 1 shot weapons. kind of killed the game for me)
the i cant believe people like this shit games:
metro exodus (shooter campaigns... what do people see in them?? boring as ****)
battlefield V (run out in th huge open map...get sniped...respawn run again...get sniped. risne and repeat. it sucks)
call of duty (last good game for me was blops 2. ever since ghosts call of duty is boring as ****)
devil may cry (the last couple ones scream trendy kiddy flashy popcorn micheal bay crap to me)
DOOM eternal ( the most generic shooter i have ever seen in my life)
Rage 2 (god just kill me)
skull and bones (not a pirate all)
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