@kingtito: Xbox didn't win dec. Not even close really.
Laughing at you lemmings pity victories =/= crying. Again come back when the X1 wins something meaningful this gen but no one is getting butthurt over you guys celebrating mediocrity lol.
Well winning the Dec NPD which just happens to be the biggest month of the year is something if the rumored numbers are true. So you in the thread does == crying. Your butthurt is obvious and no amount of deflection is going to change that.
Sure lemming, you can have your small victory, you know what they say "Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself" so be thankful and happy for it :)
Well it would be pretty pathetic if it couldn't with Smash.
So you predicted that Switch would sell more than PS4 and Xbox One combined in December, that PS4 would come in last in December, and that Switch would beat PS4 by so much in the December NPD that it would end up as the top selling console of 2018? (And yes, if the estimates are correct that will happen, and it's on track to possibly sell more in a year than PS4 ever did, at least as far as the US goes if December is over 2.2 million.)
BTW, neither XB1 nor PS4 has ever sold over 2 million in December in the US.
(Just throwing in some info to counteract your downplaying. Good luck with that 45 million lifetime prediction for Switch btw.)
No, but I wasn't surprised that Smash would be a huge seller, its freaking Smash. I've said many times that you would see boost in Switch sales when big games like Smash released but it would just be temporary boosts.
The rest is Lems pretending they like sales again
Statements like this is what I can't figure out. It's a non-argument. PS4 lost in December so the line from Sony's fan club is "well it looks like _____ cares about sales again."
When your side wins it wins, and when it loses it loses, but why do people have to keep throwing that line at the other side. It's a never ending pointless discussion of "you can't play sales" and "you never cared about sales before". Shouldn't System Wars have evolved beyond this by now?
Not an argument, but an observation. Lems in here aren't trying to have a discussion. They're just trolling Cows because they were in second place instead of last like usual. But sure focus on my post.
Very fair. I just skipped to the last page and read a few posts, didn't want to go through all 6 pages.
I'm sorry, but when dealing with facts, there's very little room for "pretty much". If it can't be proven, then it isn't a fact yet, just like it's not a fact that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Okay... In that case it's not a fact that PS4 is still ahead of Switch worldwide LTD because we don't have updated numbers. What if Switch sold 80 million units in December?
I'm sorry, but when dealing with facts, there's very little room for "pretty much". If it can't be proven, then it isn't a fact yet, just like it's not a fact that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Okay... In that case it's not a fact that PS4 is still ahead of Switch worldwide LTD because we don't have updated numbers. What if Switch sold 80 million units in December?
If we don't have December number yet,then the fact is that PS4 is ahead of the switch world wide. Nothing changes until we get official numbers. A what if, doesn't change facts.
If cows are hurt by losing December, then how much pain were lems in the rest of the year? Or are they numb to it now.
Or maybe most lems don't care about sales (just a thought) and as all of SW knows cows hate losing ANYTHING, first it was power, and now its lost 1 month (allegedly) and cows are losing their shit again, but hey you're not a cow right, right lol.
Tell us how your fellow herd members like zappy & Benji aren't losing their shit lol.
They don't care because they're used to losing. Last gen they were all about NPD. Heck even at the beginning of this gen they were still holding out. Remember TigerSuperMan and Amazon best sellers list? NyaDc and his "Halo will put Xbox back on top by year's end" nonsense? They seemed to care a lot back then.
Oh wow you found 2 lems congrats, now how many of you cows bang on about sales and lose their shit over the loss of anything like I said. The saddest part about this thread are the cows losing it over 1 month that has yet to be confirmed lol.
You cows are the saddest gaming community ever, and like the SDF you are, you cows try to change the narrative and throw shade at lems, well this thread proves your fanbase is the worst lol.
You got it arse backwards, its the cows are the ones who are insecure losing their shit over 1 unconfirmed month, are you a cow or one of those cow sympathisers???
I fail to see how lems are the insecure ones. Lems didn't create this thread. The topic wasn't about X1 beating the PS4 but more about the Switches impressive numbers while giving numbers for all consoles, unconfirmed obviously. Cows came in with immediate damage control, Q Benji with his "X1 had $100 price cut blah blah blah". Looks to me cows are the insecure ones since they started DCing right away. Everyone else, not a cow, have been laughing at them ever since.
I definitely wouldn't say lems are the ones being insecure and neither would any rational human being.
@Zero_epyon: Stay out of this. Also that's not how facts work.
Then move it to a PM. Also yeah that's how they work. Fact. There's no life on Mars. Speculating that there could be life does not change that fact. When life is proven to exist on Mars, then the new fact is that life exists on Mars.
@Zero_epyon: Stay out of this. Also that's not how facts work.
Then move it to a PM. Also yeah that's how they work. Fact. There's no life on Mars. Speculating that there could be life does not change that fact. When life is proven to exist on Mars, then the new fact is that life exists on Mars.
Well, one could argue you have no proof there is no life on mars. It hasn't been proven one way or another. Bad example
Guaranteed PS4 outsold Xbox in Europe UK especially. I don't think I see anyone actually buy a Xbox in a retail store all over the Christmas period.
@kingtito: that would be a bad argument. You’re asking someone to prove that something doesn’t exist. Fact is, there’s no life on Mars, because there’s no evidence of life on Mars and there’s no environment that can sustain life on mars. These are facts. There’s really no way around it without demonstrating a real life Martian life form.
Sounds great! All Consoles are doing good and I remember some dude here said with me said by the end of 2018 Console will begin dying out lol
@Zero_epyon: Stay out of this. Also that's not how facts work.
Then move it to a PM. Also yeah that's how they work. Fact. There's no life on Mars. Speculating that there could be life does not change that fact. When life is proven to exist on Mars, then the new fact is that life exists on Mars.
That's still not how facts work... The fact in this case would be that "there's currently no evidence of life on Mars," just like the fact "PS4 is ahead of Switch in the US in 2018 up through November." My issue with you two is that you're acting like all speculation is worthless, even when it's based in fact, just because you don't want to deal with the fact that your precious plastic box isn't as dominant as it once was.
@kingtito: here’s another example. The earth is round. Fact. But some speculate that the earth is flat. Is the earth being round all of a sudden not a fact because flat earthers think it’s flat?
@kingtito: that would be a bad argument. You’re asking someone to prove that something doesn’t exist. Fact is, there’s no life on Mars, because there’s no evidence of life on Mars and there’s no environment that can sustain life on mars. These are facts. There’s really no way around it without demonstrating a real life Martian life form.
No evidence =/= fact. It just means it hasn't been proven but it hasn't been disproved either. Your original example was bad so just admit it and move on.
That you know of. How much of mars have we explored? Almost none. Again it's a bad example since you can neither prove nor disprove either way.
Life doesn't have to == Martian life form. Like I said, it was a bad example.
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
@techhog89: never said all speculation is worthless. Just that speculation doesn’t make facts invalid.
@kingtito: “A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. For example, "this sentence contains words" is a linguistic fact, and "the sun is a star" is a cosmological fact.“
If cows are hurt by losing December, then how much pain were lems in the rest of the year? Or are they numb to it now.
Or maybe most lems don't care about sales (just a thought) and as all of SW knows cows hate losing ANYTHING, first it was power, and now its lost 1 month (allegedly) and cows are losing their shit again, but hey you're not a cow right, right lol.
Tell us how your fellow herd members like zappy & Benji aren't losing their shit lol.
They don't care because they're used to losing. Last gen they were all about NPD. Heck even at the beginning of this gen they were still holding out. Remember TigerSuperMan and Amazon best sellers list? NyaDc and his "Halo will put Xbox back on top by year's end" nonsense? They seemed to care a lot back then.
Oh wow you found 2 lems congrats, now how many of you cows bang on about sales and lose their shit over the loss of anything like I said. The saddest part about this thread are the cows losing it over 1 month that has yet to be confirmed lol.
You cows are the saddest gaming community ever, and like the SDF you are, you cows try to change the narrative and throw shade at lems, well this thread proves your fanbase is the worst lol.
Congrats you found one cow. Whoopty doooo.
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You might want to read this article NVM from nasa.gov
@kingtito: that would be a bad argument. You’re asking someone to prove that something doesn’t exist. Fact is, there’s no life on Mars, because there’s no evidence of life on Mars and there’s no environment that can sustain life on mars. These are facts. There’s really no way around it without demonstrating a real life Martian life form.
No evidence =/= fact. It just means it hasn't been proven but it hasn't been disproved either. Your original example was bad so just admit it and move on.
That you know of. How much of mars have we explored? Almost none. Again it's a bad example since you can neither prove nor disprove either way.
Life doesn't have to == Martian life form. Like I said, it was a bad example.
Proof lies with the claimant. So if there is any advocacy for life on Mars, then evidence needs to be presented, until then, based on the limited information we know - There is no DISCOVERED life on Mars.
I don't have a big horse in this race, but I HATE it when Religious people say "You have no proof that god DOES NOT exist" .. yea that's not how this works... people claimed a God, they have to prove the God, if they can't, then it's made up until empirical evidence is available.
Otherwise, anyone can make up anything and hold onto those "fake facts" forever... e.g religion.
@kingtito: “A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. For example, "this sentence contains words" is a linguistic fact, and "the sun is a star" is a cosmological fact.“
Bravo!!!!!! /golf clap
So then you'll understand your statement isn't a fact no matter how logical it might be.
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You can't make a positive claim without proof.
But ignoring that, going by your logic, I can claim there's life in on the surface of the sun. And that can also be a fact somehow. Or better, make the fact that there's no life on the surface of the sun not a fact anymore.
@kingtito: that would be a bad argument. You’re asking someone to prove that something doesn’t exist. Fact is, there’s no life on Mars, because there’s no evidence of life on Mars and there’s no environment that can sustain life on mars. These are facts. There’s really no way around it without demonstrating a real life Martian life form.
No evidence =/= fact. It just means it hasn't been proven but it hasn't been disproved either. Your original example was bad so just admit it and move on.
That you know of. How much of mars have we explored? Almost none. Again it's a bad example since you can neither prove nor disprove either way.
Life doesn't have to == Martian life form. Like I said, it was a bad example.
Proof lies with the claimant. So if there is any advocacy for life on Mars, then evidence needs to be presented, until then, based on the limited information we know - There is no DISCOVERED life on Mars.
I don't have a big horse in this race, but I HATE it when Religious people say "You have no proof that god DOES NOT exist" .. yea that's not how this works... people claimed a God, they have to prove the God, if they can't, then it's made up until empirical evidence is available.
Otherwise, anyone can make up anything and hold onto those "fake facts" forever... e.g religion.
Well people said there wasn't water on mars either yetNVM
Still it's not a fact one way or another. Educated guess =/= fact and he didn't say "there is no discovered life" he said there is no life. Big difference there buddy
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You can't make a positive claim without proof.
But ignoring that, going by your logic, I can claim there's life in on the surface of the sun. And that can also be a fact somehow. Or better, make the fact that there's no life on the surface of the sun not a fact anymore.
I'm not claiming 1 way or another, I'm saying your example of what a fact is was a bad example. I don't know nor do I care one way or another if there is life on Mars.
You missed the point as usual
@kingtito: that would be a bad argument. You’re asking someone to prove that something doesn’t exist. Fact is, there’s no life on Mars, because there’s no evidence of life on Mars and there’s no environment that can sustain life on mars. These are facts. There’s really no way around it without demonstrating a real life Martian life form.
No evidence =/= fact. It just means it hasn't been proven but it hasn't been disproved either. Your original example was bad so just admit it and move on.
That you know of. How much of mars have we explored? Almost none. Again it's a bad example since you can neither prove nor disprove either way.
Life doesn't have to == Martian life form. Like I said, it was a bad example.
Proof lies with the claimant. So if there is any advocacy for life on Mars, then evidence needs to be presented, until then, based on the limited information we know - There is no DISCOVERED life on Mars.
I don't have a big horse in this race, but I HATE it when Religious people say "You have no proof that god DOES NOT exist" .. yea that's not how this works... people claimed a God, they have to prove the God, if they can't, then it's made up until empirical evidence is available.
Otherwise, anyone can make up anything and hold onto those "fake facts" forever... e.g religion.
Well people said there wasn't water on mars either yetNVM
Still it's not a fact one way or another. Educated guess =/= fact and he didn't say "there is no discovered life" he said there is no life. Big difference there buddy
And until it was discovered, it was a fact. Someone did the work and proved there was indeed water. They didn't just claim water could exist and left it at that. You claim there's life on mars? Present evidence of life on mars, please.
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You can't make a positive claim without proof.
But ignoring that, going by your logic, I can claim there's life in on the surface of the sun. And that can also be a fact somehow. Or better, make the fact that there's no life on the surface of the sun not a fact anymore.
I'm not claiming 1 way or another, I'm saying your example of what a fact is was a bad example. I don't know nor do I care one way or another if there is life on Mars.
You missed the point as usual
"I'm claiming there is life,"
Was that a typo?
But we do have numbers stating this. What we don't have ANY proof of is Switch outselling the ps4 in the year of 2018. Now for the sake of this debate, I do believe that there's a very great chance that the switch did outsell the ps4 in 2018, but as of now, it's only a hunch. Proof that the ps4 having more units sold that the switch overall, can be researched.
No evidence =/= fact. It just means it hasn't been proven but it hasn't been disproved either. Your original example was bad so just admit it and move on.
That you know of. How much of mars have we explored? Almost none. Again it's a bad example since you can neither prove nor disprove either way.
Life doesn't have to == Martian life form. Like I said, it was a bad example.
Proof lies with the claimant. So if there is any advocacy for life on Mars, then evidence needs to be presented, until then, based on the limited information we know - There is no DISCOVERED life on Mars.
I don't have a big horse in this race, but I HATE it when Religious people say "You have no proof that god DOES NOT exist" .. yea that's not how this works... people claimed a God, they have to prove the God, if they can't, then it's made up until empirical evidence is available.
Otherwise, anyone can make up anything and hold onto those "fake facts" forever... e.g religion.
Well people said there wasn't water on mars either yetNVM
Still it's not a fact one way or another. Educated guess =/= fact and he didn't say "there is no discovered life" he said there is no life. Big difference there buddy
And until it was discovered, it was a fact. Someone did the work and proved there was indeed water. They didn't just claim water could exist and left it at that. You claim there's life on mars? Present evidence of life on mars, please.
Even after explaining it you still don't understand how facts work or even what they are. You're kinda slow.
Expanding on the cosmic examples, here is a fact:
"We have no evidence of life on other planets in the universe."
This, however, is not a fact:
"There is no life in the universe except on Earth."
If there's a chance that a statement is wrong, it's not a fact. In reality, "there is no life on Mars" is speculation in the way that you're using it. You're mixing up facts with statements assumed to be fact.
@kingtito: carbon dioxide atmosphere. No liquid water. Unstable temperatures which normally go down well below freezing at night. Those are facts. Combined with no evidence of any life.
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You can't make a positive claim without proof.
But ignoring that, going by your logic, I can claim there's life in on the surface of the sun. And that can also be a fact somehow. Or better, make the fact that there's no life on the surface of the sun not a fact anymore.
I'm not claiming 1 way or another, I'm saying your example of what a fact is was a bad example. I don't know nor do I care one way or another if there is life on Mars.
You missed the point as usual
"I'm claiming there is life,"
Was that a typo?
Obviously LOL. It happens from time to time
Still doesn't == no life as a fact. Sure you can speculate and you might be right BUT since we haven't explored it we can't call it a fact. I'm thinking you're having a hard time discerning what an actual fact is.
I'm claiming there is life, I'm pointing out we have no proof either way until we've actually explored the planet.
You can't make a positive claim without proof.
But ignoring that, going by your logic, I can claim there's life in on the surface of the sun. And that can also be a fact somehow. Or better, make the fact that there's no life on the surface of the sun not a fact anymore.
I'm not claiming 1 way or another, I'm saying your example of what a fact is was a bad example. I don't know nor do I care one way or another if there is life on Mars.
You missed the point as usual
"I'm claiming there is life,"
Was that a typo?
Obviously LOL. It happens from time to time
Well that led us to believe you were saying something you weren't. My point still stands though. It doesn't matter what you care about. Facts are facts until proven otherwise. That's how facts work.
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