Correct me if I'm wrong, but it took about 8 weeks just for Uncharted 2 to reach nearly 2 million in sales.
Also, I have to agree with gamecubepad on this one. It seems that about most of the 27 million PS3 owners have bought it just for the fabulous Blu-Ray player. Even most 1st/2nd/3rd party games sell a lot better on 360 than PS3.
Very true statement about the blu-ray player and also add in multi-media capabilities and that is why most of the casual gamers buy the PS3. The hardcore buy games on the PS3 but without any casual PS3 support unlike Microsoft which gets plenty of it games just don't sell as well on the playstation 3. I'm sure also there are more hardcore gamers on the 360 also though the System Wars doesn't really show it. I'm sure most of the 360 users that are younger than PS3 don't come on here but do play the games.
Thanks for agreeing with me. I mean, for the fact that there are now 27 million PS3 owners worldwide, you would think that many PS3 owners would go out & buy Uncharted 2 & make a lot of sales in far less time. Heck, Modern Warfare 2 managed to get at least 4,200,000 copies sold in far less time on the 360. PS3 owners wouldn't go out & buy Uncharted 2, yet, lots of them go out & buy MW 2 on the PS3 & managed to get about 1,900,000 copies sold it in far less time. Yet lots of them go out & buy other great games like MGS 4.
If UC2 was the greatest game for this year, then why won't many PS3 owners pick it up? Why not just back it up with greater sales in less time? Just goes to show that they don't care about such a great game like this.
I have 2 brothers who have a PS3 just for the blu-ray and some light gaming. Unfortunately unless ithas a diehard fanbase like GTA, Rock Band, COD and MGS4 and GOW good games don't sell. Unfortunately the casual users get it for the blu-ray and multi-media capabilities and don't want to take too much of a risk on games that don't have a big franchise name. UC2 is being missed by a lot of PS3 owners for this reason unfortunately. My best game this gen by far.
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